Im not sure he knows about here Lady. So I'm going to let him know. Hes my hulka hulka freak~!LOL alright...i think he would brighten up this place even moreso than it already is.
Heat fans already burning jersey's.
Not sure, Cavs fan here. I'm biting my tongue over your avatar, loli have a stupid question but i honestly dont know. does he wear 23 or stay with 6? maybe he wants to leave the 23 jersey in the past with that era. kind of cool if he wore a totally different number all together and maybe for marketing reasons. like 13 for wilt of something since he wore the 23 for Jordan and 6 for Russell.
I'm emailing him now. We go waaay back!Please do let him know!
Now that is truly 1 of my buds that i miss...
Or the Thunder. Which would be the logicallylethal thing to root for. Class act team with 2 superstars, in the hunt for the title, derives from your city, etc....
No Seattle fan I know would ever root for the Thunder
I would root for the Lakers before I would root for the Thunder