Go Gators!
This. Might as well get a matching tramp stamp to go with it........
Hey now.. aint nothing wrong with a tramp stamp..

This. Might as well get a matching tramp stamp to go with it........
no truck is the same and I don't care if they're the same make and model. I hear all sorts of stories just like these all the time, so let me add mine: My friend has a 2000 F150 that we have used for a work truck since day 1 and the thing has 365k miles on it. We still drive it everyday and it runs fine. He hasn't had any major issues, just little things here and there along the way, but I would say that's to be expected when you put those kind of miles on it and work out of it for 13 years. I own a Ford F150 too and wouldn't have anything else. It's just a matter of opinion or preference.
Car and driver and a shitload of other vehicle mags disagree with you.
Toyota beats the shit out of ford and chevy every time.
Sure you might have an isolated win on occasion with ford and chevy,but overall toyota kicks that ass.
He's talking about working a truck, not driving around in a truck that might as well be a car.
Toyota has no track record of a work truck.
I don't care what some magazine says, until you use these trucks yourself, its just some ass clowns opinion.
If you want to put the occasional 2x4 in it or some mulch once in a while, great, go at it.
But that's not working a truck like he was talking about.
Toyota has been making offroad vehicles that kick the shit out of ford and chevy for a long time.
I've used all three in punishing conditions. In fact I've had my toyota on the front page of off road mags and calendars. This ain't my first rodeo when it comes to abusing trucks.
How about you look around in the off road community and see what people drive.I promise you it ain't chevy or ford. Unless of course you count off roading as putting 60 in. mudders on a truck and driving through mud puddles that is.
Ford and chevy aint worth shit when it comes to real world use. And there aint a more real world then the Camel off road series....go ahead and see if you can find a ford or chevy that even bothers entering the toughest off road race in the world.
Try again.....
resale value? Why not lease then? Am I the only one that drives their vehicle till the damn wheels fall off? Oh yea, welcome back, again, cock.
I'll run my truck into the ground before I get rid of it
granted it's an 07 with like 74k miles on it, so it's not like it's old
Look man...I'm all about America,but I'm also a realist. The japs build a better vehicle and thats not even debatable. When America can build a truck that can do what my Toyota can do I'll scream it from the mountain tops. And I hope to God they do it. Bu until then I call em as I see em. And how I use and abuse em.
Attached to above.
Toyota has been making offroad vehicles that kick the shit out of ford and chevy for a long time.
I've used all three in punishing conditions. In fact I've had my toyota on the front page of off road mags and calendars. This ain't my first rodeo when it comes to abusing trucks.
How about you look around in the off road community and see what people drive.I promise you it ain't chevy or ford. Unless of course you count off roading as putting 60 in. mudders on a truck and driving through mud puddles that is.
Ford and chevy aint worth shit when it comes to real world use. And there aint a more real world then the Camel off road series....go ahead and see if you can find a ford or chevy that even bothers entering the toughest off road race in the world.
Try again.....
This is complete nonsense... Your bias for Toyota has clouded your ability to have any rational thought about American trucks. You might have made a point in the early or mid 90's with this statement but it no longer holds any truth. Honestly I don't think this it has ever been truth as far as pickup trucks go.
Not trying to instigate but I don't believe Toyota has ever won a Camel Trophy, but it looks like Ford has one in the trophy case. In truth Land Rover which was a Ford product for many years looks to have dominated this race for many years. A lot of them while under the F-O-R-D ownership.
There is no denying that the Tacoma is a little interesting truck that has its place, but I wouldn't say it is the most capable off roader. That has got to go to the Jeep. Anyways the OP seems to be making a good choice for his needs even though a Ford F150 would be the best choice. lol
Camel Trophy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
BTW: Best small truck ever made was the Jeep J10 or Honcho. Now that would make for a sweet little truck today.
Obviously you have a problem with reading comprehension. I've owned fords and chevys and put all of them through some serious shit. I'm not talking about putting a few tools in the back and going to work.
I'm talking about going through the desert for over 300 miles...one way, and having to haul extra gas or you aint making it home. I'm talking about abusing trucks until they break. And Toyota's break....well almost never.
We run Padre Island National Seashore which is about a 150 miles of deep sand. We pull fords and chevys out on a regular basis along the way.
Like I said. I wish to God America could make a truck as good,but they dont. Not saying they cant,but they dont.
I would love to be able to prove you wrong,so if you happen to be in Texas? Bring your truck and we can make some wagers. I'm good with title bets if your up to it.
Land cruiser.
Land Rover
I have a problem with douche nozzles like yourself, but like everything here at SportsHoopla it will work itself out in due time.
Ok, I get it you are an expert and Toyota's don't break down ever. Just how much customization are we taking about it. I would think the Ford Raptor could do this. Shit the Army has thousands of ragged out Humvee's that did this going into Iraq.
BTW: I would love to bet my old POS 1994 Ford F150 any day against your title. I would have nothing to lose.![]()
Yea I am pretty much an expert on trucks and their use. You want to talk about apples and oranges we can do that to.
You bring any damn chevy or ford you want to bring and I'll leave you stuck. And thats a fact.
And If you can show me a single reliability study where any American truck beats toyota I'll eat my hat.
And if you think for one second you can use the old "I am the king of SportsHoopla" bullshit you can kiss my ass.