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The sky STILL isn't falling...


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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After we heard late this week that Chancellor was banged up and might not play, Unger was out and we had a backup with no experience starting, we still didn't have any of our corners coming back, Miller is still out, etc there was some reason to have worry for this game.

Those complaining about the play calling are entirely acting as though the full playbook was in play with a full compliment of players to run it. They didn't. Our center was being blown up all day. You don't just replace Unger and still run draw plays all day. That guy takes on two players most downs and we saw what not having him did. With Miller still out and Britt having another sort of down day is anyone that surprised that Seattle couldn't run it effectively? Dallas won the battle on the line and it's not an indictment of that unit. The injuries are having their impact and Dallas took full advantage of it. Just tip your cap. They were also very effective on blitzes today because of that bad line play. Wilson wasn't able to get as many down field looks.

Wagner going out was HUGE. Cam being dinged up wasn't good. Having Maxwell go down was the deathnail of that unit. Already super thin in the secondary and now your 3rd CB goes down and a guy that didn't have a team to open the season was your right corner. And he got burned a few times.

The team isn't in shambles, it's dinged up and most of the injuries aren't serious or at least not super long term. And they won't face a team playing at the level of the cowboys for some time to come.

The team needs some good news and a return of some of those guys sooner than later. That secondary in particular is a real point of worry going forward.


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Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yes we have some guy's banged up... No question... But Lynch getting 2 carries in the first half is pretty piss poor play calling... Wasn't happy about that... But yes I agree we are dinged up and it's taking it's toll overall... Important these guy's get back as the season roll's on...


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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It was a combination of not playing at their best and Dallas playing better. Part of why they weren't at their best is the mounting injuries. Unger not playing worried me more than anything this week as he is the centerpiece of that running game and it showed like crazy how much today. They won't run anywhere near as effectively until he returns and is at full strength. Losing both our star LB and our backup to the backup CB was just too much for that defense to absorb.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It was a combination of not playing at their best and Dallas playing better. Part of why they weren't at their best is the mounting injuries. Unger not playing worried me more than anything this week as he is the centerpiece of that running game and it showed like crazy how much today. They won't run anywhere near as effectively until he returns and is at full strength. Losing both our star LB and our backup to the backup CB was just too much for that defense to absorb.

I hear ya...


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I usually dont bitch about the play calling, but I am today. They are going with from their offensive identity by not staying staying between the tackles and going deep.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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I usually dont bitch about the play calling, but I am today. They are going with from their offensive identity by not staying staying between the tackles and going deep.

Were you watching that line? Unger being out really killed their zone blocking scheme. The backup was clearly not ready for Dallas and they blew him up because of it. There was no way they were going to run between the tackles without their star center. Just wasn't going to happen. So while they still should have found other ways to get Lynch involved (wheel route anyone?), it wasn't going to be business as usual. Seattle tried to do things to stay with the strengths they had left and the cowboys did a great job of taking them away.

It's just that simple guys.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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No its not that simple. Bevell has been a horrible play caller for years now and he has shown zero signs of learning anything. We know where our weaknesses are, a good coach game plans around those things. This idiot doesnt.

He ran the trick garbage right away and when none of it work he had NO fucking clue what to do.

We fired an oc that put up 41 points with matt hasselbeck, 35(?) years old, and mike williams. For this guy?

If bevell doesnt go, i will start calling for carrolls head. I dont want to be that guy, but if bevell cant be replaced then the whole staff should go so we can bring in coaches that can build a team around a talented qb.


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Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
Hoopla Cash
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I agree Wizard, no need to panic. The Seahawks will regroup and make adjustments. The injuries are the biggest concerns, I'm not sure the Seahawks have enough depth to compensate for them.
Any idea when Lane will be back? When he does come back, that will be a plus.


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Sep 1, 2011
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No its not that simple. Bevell has been a horrible play caller for years now and he has shown zero signs of learning anything. We know where our weaknesses are, a good coach game plans around those things. This idiot doesnt.

He ran the trick garbage right away and when none of it work he had NO fucking clue what to do.

We fired an oc that put up 41 points with matt hasselbeck, 35(?) years old, and mike williams. For this guy?

If bevell doesnt go, i will start calling for carrolls head. I dont want to be that guy, but if bevell cant be replaced then the whole staff should go so we can bring in coaches that can build a team around a talented qb.

Didn't we win the SuperBowl last year? How bad could he be? This has been a pet peeve of yours forever, I thought after winning it all last year, you would give it a rest.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Have you guys looked at the schedule? 10am against the rams and panthers, not liking our chances there.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Didn't we win the SuperBowl last year? How bad could he be? This has been a pet peeve of yours forever, I thought after winning it all last year, you would give it a rest.

We won despite bevell, not because of him. Any half assed oc could put together a better game plan than this pathetic joke.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Were you watching that line? Unger being out really killed their zone blocking scheme. The backup was clearly not ready for Dallas and they blew him up because of it. There was no way they were going to run between the tackles without their star center. Just wasn't going to happen. So while they still should have found other ways to get Lynch involved (wheel route anyone?), it wasn't going to be business as usual. Seattle tried to do things to stay with the strengths they had left and the cowboys did a great job of taking them away.

It's just that simple guys.

They weren't able to run the ball as effectively last year with injuries mounting on the line but they stuck with it because Lynch is that good. IMO, Lynch isnt getting enough shots between the tackles (or at all for that matter) to know if it can't be effective.

As long as he is on the field I dont understand going away from your tried and true identity.


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Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
Hoopla Cash
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We won despite bevell, not because of him. Any half assed oc could put together a better game plan than this pathetic joke.

I'm not a Bevell fan, but I don't think he's that bad. Folks get fixated on coordinators and head Coaches and see the bad. I hope the guy gets a head coaching job some where, not because he's that bad, but the Seahawks could do better IMO, but for now I am not going to sweat all that much. The Seahawks already showed they could win a SB with him.


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Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
Hoopla Cash
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We won despite bevell, not because of him. Any half assed oc could put together a better game plan than this pathetic joke.

I got another thing to say. A good OL makes OC look like geniuses. For what ever reason the Seahawks have not had a good OL for the longest time. Personally I blame Cable ( my pet peeve) he's just not good at judging personnal, yet he gets a lot of input. I like him as a OL coach but for god sakes let some one else judge the talent to be drafted on the OL. That being said Britt might end up being decent...maybe.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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They weren't able to run the ball as effectively last year with injuries mounting on the line but they stuck with it because Lynch is that good. IMO, Lynch isnt getting enough shots between the tackles (or at all for that matter) to know if it can't be effective.

As long as he is on the field I dont understand going away from your tried and true identity.

there is a big difference between the team this year and last: Depth. There is a lot more drop off on this team this year after the starters go down. And remember they barely beat a few really really bad teams and had to have big comebacks last year. Dallas isn't last years Rams or Texans.

The bottom line is Dallas played well enough to win and Seattle didn't. Bevell can't get the energy up to where it should be. He can't block for Wilson or Lynch. All he can do is call plays that leverage the things they can do and go away from the things they can't. Today that offense wasn't doing much of anything consistently. Blaming the OC is typical, but incomplete. Receivers need to get open and actually catch the passes that go their way. How many times did Wilson hold the ball over 5 seconds and still not have anyone to throw to?


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Hoopla Cash
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The Maxwell miss on the interception in the second quarter was as big of a play as Dallas converting that 3-20 play. If he doesn't wiff on that pick there is a very real chance that Seattle is up 17-0 instead of it being 10-7.

The one glaring difference between this years defense and last years is the lack of turnovers. Especially picks. I really think teams are being uber careful throwing against us and we've been snake bit so far when the opportunities do arise. Hopefully they'll get that figured out. Maxwell's gonna see that dropped INT in his sleep all week.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Good lord man, we are a run first team and it was at the point that people around me in the stadium were literally laughing when we would play action.

I dont care if you average 3 yards a carry, run it. They completely abandoned the run and that is on bevell.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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The Maxwell miss on the interception in the second quarter was as big of a play as Dallas converting that 3-20 play. If he doesn't wiff on that pick there is a very real chance that Seattle is up 17-0 instead of it being 10-7.

The one glaring difference between this years defense and last years is the lack of turnovers. Especially picks. I really think teams are being uber careful throwing against us and we've been snake bit so far when the opportunities do arise. Hopefully they'll get that figured out. Maxwell's gonna see that dropped INT in his sleep all week.
Most games whatever team that loses can point to one or two plays that would have changed the outcome. The maxwell miss was a lost opportunity. Willson had a drop or two that cost them. Baldwin had at least one missed opportunity. Those exist in most games.

They also had fortune on two special teams gaffs by the Cowboys that directly gave them 14 points.

Dallas played less than a perfect game and still won. They executed better on both sides and that made the difference.

The team will regroup and we can hope they get some of those players back and all refocus on cleaning up particularly the pre snap penalties and other totally fixable things. The line between dominating and losing a close game at home comes down to those smaller things.

They will be OK.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The team will regroup and we can hope they get some of those players back and all refocus on cleaning up particularly the pre snap penalties and other totally fixable things. The line between dominating and losing a close game at home comes down to those smaller things.

They will be OK.

I am not panicking but they do need to play better on both sides of the ball. I am not going to blame the play calling because I feel like thats a cop out. That 1st screen to Harvin after the long pass to Kearse would have been a TD if Kearse didnt whiff on his block. You can overcome lack of execution against a bad team like the Redskins but not against the Chargers and Cowboys who are both 5-1. Everyone needs to be better and I have confidence they will and hopefully it starts next week.

Banned 10x

aka Raindrop
Apr 26, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Were you watching that line? Unger being out really killed their zone blocking scheme. The backup was clearly not ready for Dallas and they blew him up because of it. There was no way they were going to run between the tackles without their star center. Just wasn't going to happen. So while they still should have found other ways to get Lynch involved (wheel route anyone?), it wasn't going to be business as usual. Seattle tried to do things to stay with the strengths they had left and the cowboys did a great job of taking them away.

It's just that simple guys.

Correct me If I'm wrong but they gave the ball to Lynch on the opening play for something like 5 or 6 yds and gave it to him again 1 more time in the half.... that is my biggest complaint. Dallas, I believe, had the worst run defense yet we give the ball to Lynch 10 times? That has nothing to do with injuries.

Also, it was evident pretty early on those damn trick plays weren't going to work yet they were continued to be called, that play in the 4th quarter with Wilson throwing it behind the line to the WR, don't remember who it was, was an atrocious play and play call, imo.