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The Seattle Seahawks have traded for Jamaal Adams

Lake Shore Drive

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Mar 24, 2018
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The window of opportunity is closing for Russell Wilson. I don't see how this trade makes that team much better.
I think it makes them better, but again at what cost. That's a lot of draft capital to surrender for a safety, even one as talented and still young as Adams is.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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I think it makes them better, but again at what cost. That's a lot of draft capital to surrender for a safety, even one as talented and still young as Adams is.
Safeties aren't as important in modern defenses.


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Dec 15, 2016
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Coming to this late, but here's my grades:

B for Seattle,
D for NYJ,
(IN THE NEXT 3 years)

D for Seattle
A for NY
(AFTER the NEXT 3 years)

Seattle is in a bit of a limited window.. Despite how young Russell Wilson is to improve their team and take over a Super Bowl spot the team needs help... Adams is one of the best safeties in the league and combined with Diggs, Dungar (if he plays) and Griffen is going to create an ELECTRIC secondary. LOB2 has to be in the making..

I have my reservations about giving this much up for a secondary... history shows us that OL/DL and QB wins Championships before all other positions.

That said, Pete Carroll is getting old... and the grade I gave is specifically to finish of Pete and Russell's tenure with multiple Super bowls under their team. I'm giving this two grades... One for Carroll/Wilson, and one for the sorry SOB that is going to be the next head coach for Seattle in 3 years.

RIP Sam Darnold... seriously... RIP.

There you have it folks, it’s final. B for Seattle D for NYJ next 3, and then D for Seattle A for NYJ. Oh, and RIP Darnold... seriously. Always respect your grades @Sharkonabicycle. :suds:

The Oldtimer

Older than dirt!!
Jun 30, 2014
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The window of opportunity is closing for Russell Wilson. I don't see how this trade makes that team much better.
LOL, Wilson is still in his prime and the Hawks have a chance to win the West this season. Their offense (if Carson and Penny come back strong) is solid. Now they just improved their defense.


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Oct 24, 2014
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Justifying giving up that much for a safety saying "we just don't draft well in the first" is shortsighted.

That is way too much to give up, especially given that the guy was forcing his way out by ripping the owner and the head coach within the last week. He was going full Terrell Owens and he would have had to have been traded before the season just to keep him from further breaking that locker room.

Was he wrong about what he said about Woody Johnson and Adam Gase? Hell no. But he shouldn't publicity say it, but for the express purpose of going scorched earth on the organization.

Not to mention that you're going to have to pay him huge money sooner or later. Otherwise he's going to pull the same thing in Seattle.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Stupid trade by the Seahawks.

No safety is worth two 1sts and a 3rd, especially one they might not be able to resign.

Generally agree with you, but say that to two safeties that carried them to a Super Bowl victory. It was only when they got injured that things started falling apart (which I will agree which is going to happen because of most safety size/weight, but getting 3 or so productive years out of a fantastic one changes your entire defensive scheme).

As a Seahawks fan I'm thrilled for a legit chance to win the SBOWL next year. Seattle (it you didn't know) had one of the worst defenses in the league. Obviously this team is LIKELY (unless draft slot machines) is going to be absolute GARBAGE and in turmoil around 2023. My liver will have likely killed me anyway by then, so fuck it.


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Seems like a big over pay. Should help in the short term though, if there is a football season. If they can sign Clowney and or Griiffin could turn the defense around, but that's a big if.

Ricky Roma

The Catch
Aug 30, 2014
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Seattle pretty desperate to try and keep up to SF on this trade. A shit ton to give up when you got no pass rush....and they STILL need to sign this guy to his 'highest contract eva' demands. From a Niners fan....no problems at all for this deal.....heh


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
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I’d rather have shutdown Ramsey at CB than a safety for all those picks


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Seattle pretty desperate to try and keep up to SF on this trade. A shit ton to give up when you got no pass rush....and they STILL need to sign this guy to his 'highest contract eva' demands. From a Niners fan....no problems at all for this deal.....heh

Think I'd use typical instead of desperate. This kind of move is what they have done in the past. I think the move is made more so to make another SB run rather then keeping up with any one team.
At this point I'm not a fan of the move, unless they have more moves happening to bolster the pass rush and such.


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
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LOL, 20 million dollar safety when the cap is going down. They might get away with it for this year but long term this is going to be crushing financially.

There is a better chance 2021 is uncapped than the cap will go down. The players have the owners over the barrel for the moment for that non sense

Ricky Roma

The Catch
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Think I'd use typical instead of desperate. This kind of move is what they have done in the past. I think the move is made more so to make another SB run rather then keeping up with any one team.
At this point I'm not a fan of the move, unless they have more moves happening to bolster the pass rush and such.

Sea probably won't be making a SB run based on adding a box Safety. As for 'other moves to make to bolster the pass rush'.....Sea just pissed away some 1st rounders for this 'leader.'

SF was apparently in on this guy......I am glad he is yours.


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Think I'd use typical instead of desperate. This kind of move is what they have done in the past. I think the move is made more so to make another SB run rather then keeping up with any one team.
At this point I'm not a fan of the move, unless they have more moves happening to bolster the pass rush and such.
dunno if its been posted......i didnt read the whole thread.......walter likes the trade!

"Seahawks acquire S Jamal Adams and 2022 4th-round pick from Jets for 2021 1st- and 3rd-round picks, 2022 1st-round pick, S Bradley McDougald
It's hard to believe the Jets actually traded Jamal Adams. I know it's been a rumor that has circulated for quite some time, but I thought that the Jets would either find a way for Adams and beleaguered head coach Adam Gase to reconcile, or just outright fire Gase for not being able to generate any sort of enthusiasm from his players.

The Jets have obtained two first-round picks for Adams, but I can't say they won this deal. They'll be drafting in the 20s because the Seahawks always find a way to reach the playoffs with Russell Wilson, and that was before Adams. It's likely their two choices will be in the 25-32 range, so that's not enough for Adams, who is arguably the best player at his position in the entire league. It's disappointing that the Jets didn't fire Gase instead. Barely anyone on the Jets' roster likes Gase, and now the players will have even less respect for their coach. Gase will probably be axed after the 2020 season, so why not just get rid of him now and retain Adams?

I've seen the argument that the Jets won this trade because they acquired two first-round picks. I'd ordinarily agree, but two things must be considered: First, both choices, as mentioned, will be toward the end of the opening round. Second, the Jets have a small window to win during Sam Darnold's tiny rookie contract. Trading Adams away will negate that.

The Seahawks, meanwhile, have given themselves a much better chance of winning the Super Bowl. With Adams joining Quandre Diggs, Shaq Griffin and potentially Quinton Dunbar, they may just have assembled the Legion of Boom 2.0. If Dunbar can get past his legal issues, it'll be extremely difficult to throw on the Seahawks.

Grade for Seahawks - A
Grade for Jets - D"


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
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The thing is, it is Pete Carroll’s defense and Safeties are more important than most defenses. With Earl and Kam in the back, it made guys like Clemons, Avril, Bennett. Irvin etc. the pass rusher worth a nickel that has done anything is Frank Clark. It’s a gamble but I think the Seahawks are looking at it as Adams> Clowney and has been sad in this thread. Seattle should petition the NFL to not have a 1st round draft pick until Schneider and Carroll are gone.


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Nov 19, 2014
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Let's put this in context here...

It's not like Seattle would be hitting on those firsts anyways. So let's just use them on a Talented Safety who brings something that we have been Dearly missing since BAM BAM KAM retired.

Ahhhhhh, yeah

Stay positive


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Nov 19, 2014
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This is what happens when you defund the police.

r*pe in broad day light.

Seattle got fleeced. Yes Adams in a Carroll D will do very well. But come on guys, for a safety:doh:


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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I’m fine with the trade tbh, I mean I’d much rather have Adams then whoever the Seahawks were going to draft in the first round anyways
Tapey, TWO firsts, a third and that salary.

Come on man.

Had NE made this deal the interwebs would've crashed