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The NFL is lying


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Nov 1, 2014
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Actually the investigation is headed by NFL Executive Vice President Jeff Pash,Ted Wells of the law firm Paul, Weiss is working with the league. And I'm sorry but I think that the fact that the balls were underinflated is an accepted fact at this point.

Underinflated? Yes. Do to nefarious reasons? Unknown at this time.

Yes Jeff is in charge overall but the investigation is being done by a seperate entity. He is merely who they will report to.

For example,

When I do an investigation the Dept head I work for is in charge, but he has little to no input on my work till it's completed.

R.J. MacReady

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This has to be one of the most idiotic things I have ever heard. The blame lies with the person who did the deed/told someone to do the deed. Not with the refs. Sure they have culpability to a degree but they are not to blame.

Yes, whatever you do. Don't blame the people who did all the testing. That would be crazy.

Anyone without an agenda will keep the cloud of suspicion over everyone from Rodger Goodell to the janitor in the locker room until all the evidence comes out.


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Aug 15, 2014
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I think that everyone will agree that somebody deflated the balls,

Not people who recall (or more likely have been reminded of) high school science.

Mr Steeler

Jul 19, 2014
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Underinflated? Yes. Do to nefarious reasons? Unknown at this time.

Yes Jeff is in charge overall but the investigation is being done by a seperate entity. He is merely who they will report to.

For example,

When I do an investigation the Dept head I work for is in charge, but he has little to no input on my work till it's completed.

BUt in the case of the NFL it is they and they alone who are going to declare the results, so we are back to the same situation. The NFL have the choice of blaming either the Patriots, the league officials or circumstances unknown. I leave you to decide which of the three outcomes is the most likely. So as I say is there any chance that this will be resolved to the satisfaction of the NFL fanbase, and the general public?


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Nov 1, 2014
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BUt in the case of the NFL it is they and they alone who are going to declare the results, so we are back to the same situation. The NFL have the choice of blaming either the Patriots, the league officials or circumstances unknown. I leave you to decide which of the three outcomes is the most likely. So as I say is there any chance that this will be resolved to the satisfaction of the NFL fanbase, and the general public?

Fans are going to believe what they want to believe.

But I actually happen to believe the independent firm will conduct it's work fairly and accurately. They have worked for the league in the past and have a solid reputation.

What it seems like to me at this point is the NFL has a dumb rule in place for pressure, but no real engineering controls in place, and what will be found in the end is the lack of engineering controls is the main cause of the problem, not shady game play.

These sorts of things happen all the time in the real world where we realize we don't have the proper engineering controls in place and we don't realize it till something goes wrong.

It's one of the top things I find as the mode of failure when I investigate for my employer.

R.J. MacReady

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That is basically the whole problem. I mean I think that everyone will agree that somebody deflated the balls, and logically it had to be either a member of the Patriots staff or the NFL staff. The NFL are doing the investigation, so what are the odds that they are going decide that it was the incompetence of their staff? I mean it hasn't been a stellar year for NFL officiating has it? So you got to figure that unless they are going to fall back on the Catholic church mantra of "It's a mystery" they are going to find a goat within the Patriots. Is that going to satisfy anyone? Doubt it.

What proof is there that this was not just a royal screw up by the refs and that they completely messed up the initial test of those balls.

There is no evidence presented so far that can rule anyone or anything out.


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What proof is there that this was not just a royal screw up by the refs and that they completely messed up the initial test of those balls.

There is no evidence presented so far that can rule anyone or anything out.

I agree RJ. If I were the one looking into this one of the very first things I would look into after being briefed is the chain of custody of the balls and the methodology.

Mr Steeler

Jul 19, 2014
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What proof is there that this was not just a royal screw up by the refs and that they completely messed up the initial test of those balls.

There is no evidence presented so far that can rule anyone or anything out

Absolutely agree, my only point is that the NFL has not exactly had a banner year with regards to refs or the comish, and therefore the chance of them ending up saying that the fault lies with the league officials is pretty slim

DJ Fieri

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Actually the investigation is headed by NFL Executive Vice President Jeff Pash,Ted Wells of the law firm Paul, Weiss is working with the league. And I'm sorry but I think that the fact that the balls were underinflated is an accepted fact at this point.

It should be by any person with a brain that works.


Bruins homer
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Really? Because when Seattle players kept getting popped for PED's I was fucking pissed and called them out on it EVERY TIME. Including Sherman. Not ALL fans have to be blind fucking homers making shit up in a desperate sort of denial.

Scream payoff? Maybe some will, but that's no worse than speculating it was the refs causing it. I haven't made any claims. I have said I doubt the refs have anything to do with it and I'm not buying the temperature thing until someone more credible proves it, but that's about it. You guys are all over the map in these wild defensive positions, some of which are purely ludicrous.

I do not think that you will find much in the way of excuses listed in here from me. If the NFL does nothing which is likely since I do not think there is anyway to 100% prove that TB, BB or the Pat's organization had anything to do with it some people in here will refer to Kraft paying the league off.

Good for you for calling out PED heads. I have said it before in one of the 20 or so threads about this subject that if the NFL proves it than by all means heavy penalties should be applied.


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most NE fans are handling it better, and not attacking people for laughing at how ludicrous some of the explanations are.

some idiot: "It was because of rubbing balls vigorously and magical weather."
b4fl: "Wow, I never thought of that. Sound totally plausible!"

Actually please go back and read. You attacked me. Sunshine.


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And does anyone know if it was an ANSI/ASME rated gauge that was used? It wouldn't surprise me if the NFL officials used a non rated one not realizing that if it's non rated it's for reference only not accuracy.

For example,

Well if it turns out that the gauge used was an ANSI/ASME rated one the next line of defense for the Pats will be to ask if the refs are trained properly to use them, then it would move on to when was the last time they were calibrated? I don't believe the NFL has to conform to the highly rigorous standards that would be used in a murder trial. If I remember correctly Goodell can suspend anyone he likes if, in his opinion, they have done something to embarrass the league or tarnish the NFL's name. I don't think Goodell is going to get into stacks of forensic evidence to make his decision. He'll rely on interviews, refs testimony and league protocols for testing balls.


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What proof is there that this was not just a royal screw up by the refs and that they completely messed up the initial test of those balls.

There is no evidence presented so far that can rule anyone or anything out.

RJ tha'ts what I am thinking. They probably were to Brady's liking and under inflated a little, but refs never caught it. A week ago, biatch Harbaugh calls ex asst, Pagano and tell hims that he thinks pats use under inflated balls,and look for it. Unfortunately Jim was talking about the kicking balls uses, that refs have in possession whole game, or he would have brought it to ref's attention in their playoff game. Nobody in the game notices it, they take the ball that was intercepted and have it checked out. They come back 2 psi under legal and inflate with proper air. Brady goes 9-9 in 3rd quarter, no drops or fumbles and no pics.

Did they do it intentionally, I dont know. If they are found to be guilty, then they have to be accountable, When Zolak used to be backup QB for Pats, he said he never heard about air pressure in footballs. His job was to rub the shit out of the balls, to get them worn in, before a game


Dec 11, 2014
Springfield, MI
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It's pretty funny how all the haters are quick to rule the officials out, yet some are the same people who were complaining about the shitty officiating at some point this season :pound:


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You don't have to like a person to know when they are innocent. There are even innocent men on deathrow, Thank God some of these posters aren't part of a jury. Jaywalking - guilty in first degree, fry em

The NFL is not a court of law. The balls were in the possession of the Cheatriots and someone let the air out of them. Their ignorance, or reluctance, to say or admit who did it, does nothing to remove their responsibility for the infraction.

Either Roger lowers the boom on the Cheatriots or a lot of other owners are going to be very angry about his favoritism. The Saints were slammed over their illegal practice. It was their first. This is the Cheatriots second.

Roger might have to ignore Kraft's calls for a while, huh?


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The NFL is not a court of law. The balls were in the possession of the Cheatriots and someone let the air out of them. Their ignorance, or reluctance, to say or admit who did it, does nothing to remove their responsibility for the infraction.

Either Roger lowers the boom on the Cheatriots or a lot of other owners are going to be very angry about his favoritism. The Saints were slammed over their illegal practice. It was their first. This is the Cheatriots second.

Roger might have to ignore Kraft's calls for a while, huh?

You meant to say that if they are found guilty correct?


Apr 28, 2013
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The NFL is not a court of law. The balls were in the possession of the Cheatriots and someone let the air out of them. Their ignorance, or reluctance, to say or admit who did it, does nothing to remove their responsibility for the infraction.

Either Roger lowers the boom on the Cheatriots or a lot of other owners are going to be very angry about his favoritism. The Saints were slammed over their illegal practice. It was their first. This is the Cheatriots second.

Roger might have to ignore Kraft's calls for a while, huh?

Unhealthy imagination.


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And you post is full of ignorance. One of the possible scenarios, of which there are several, is that the refs never actually checked them like they are supposed, which there is information out that that is not an uncommon thing with offiicials. Some apparently only do a squeeze test of the ball and not a gauge test.

Even if the offiicials did a gauge test and the balls were set to 12.5 per Patriots request, because the refs often will take air out or put air in if they are out of compliance, at 12.5 the balls will drop below the compliant amount through no fault of the Patriots, nor the officials.

So your thoughts are it is the refs fault for not checking, not the person who did the deed? The refs screwed up so it is ok to cheat in your world, gotcha. And I don't believe that the refs who put their stamp of approval on the balls did so without actually checking. But that is MO. I mean I get paid a ton less than they do and work many more hours than they do but I NEVER EVER put my name on something with checking first, just doesn't happen. You know why, because it can bite me in the ass as it is MY name on it.


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It's pretty funny how all the haters are quick to rule the officials out, yet some are the same people who were complaining about the shitty officiating at some point this season :pound:

Things going on at the speed of the NFL vs. 12 balls sitting in a bag waiting to be tested at least 2 1/4 hours before game..........same thing. WTF kind of analogy is that?
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Dec 11, 2014
Springfield, MI
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Things going on at the speed of the NFL vs. 12 balls sitting in a bag waiting to be tested at least 2 1/2 your before game..........same thing. WTF kind of analogy is that?

Incompetence, Human Error, they're human, anything else?