Finally saw the Revenant. Really good gut-wrenching film.
As I said before somewhere, I have a friend who actually got mauled by a mother grizzly, and it went down exactly like it did in this film.
And he lived huh? Wow. Intense to say the least. All the action scenes from beginning to end had that intensity but that was amazing.
Is that your friend? Holy crap!
It's amazing the presence of mind some people have in such circumstances. The whole movie "The Martian" is about keeping your head when the s**t has really, really hit the fan
That's him. I know him well.
Well I'm impressed. I don't know if he's married but I think the "I got attacked by a Grizzly" story would get him laid a lot.. A high testosterone story..![]()
Requiem For a Dream
If you're a reader, the book is even better...and I'd probably give the film a 9/10.
The "Last Exit To Brooklyn" book and movie are also worth checking out.
I read "The Room" after those two and, while it had a payoff, it is an extremely difficult book to get through. I decided to give Selby Jr. a break after that and have been reading Cormac McCarthy (No Country For Old Men, Blood Meridian, etc.)
Speaking of NCFOM, I just figured out that the man who hired Chigurh and Wells was also the stapler-loving Milton in Office Space...
A real fun time that is. It's not all depressing though, in that at least you get to see JJL's great tits. Unfortunately the context you see them in is of course tragic/depressing like the rest of it.
I'm kinda convinced Pixar is out of ideas. About half of their movies lately have been duds imo which is much different than their earlier track record.Took my daughter to go see Finding Dory. It was pretty good.
What is Disney's fascination with kids losing their parents? Kinda creepy/weird en sech??
I'm kinda convinced Pixar is out of ideas. About half of their movies lately have been duds imo which is much different than their earlier track record.
I haven't seen Inside Out yet but Zootopia, Cars 2 and the Good Dinosaur all sucked.I generally like their movies, but you may be right. However, I actually think Inside Out may have been the best movie of 2015. It was brilliant. Finding Dory was worth the price of admission, had plenty of laughs and a good story, I just noticed that Disney (even before Pixar) seems a little obsessed with the absent parents story arc.
I just googled it. I guess they claim Walt did it originally as homage/guilt about his own Mom, but the majority of their films fall into this category.
Why are so many Disney parents missing or dead?
Kinda weird and is actually traumatic shit for children's movies, IMO.