I am having a hard time caring about SW anymore. Will watch eventually, but without the anticipatory joy of my (now) faded youth. I would mansplain it further, but I need to put the porch chops on the grill.
is that Galaga?Imax poster:
I'm not particularly sensitive to political messages in movies, but Solo took it a bit too far and I didn't like that. The raiding of the train was pretty cool, but after that it was a forgettable movie that didn't add anything worthwhile to the universe, while putting us through some cringe-worthy political messages. Frankly, I was glad that it flopped.
I agree, Rogue One was amazing. My favorite SW movie since the first two (I like it better than Jedi).
Do you really think Solo was a “political movie” had Last Jedi not happened? I didn’t notice anything political about Solo.
It's very possible that "Last Jedi" made me a bit cynical and overly sensitive, but Solo still the sassy female justice warrior robot, with wide hips (I wonder what race she is supposed to be), and a "non-binary" Lando Carlisian, described as pansexual in articles, who was implied to be in a sexual relationship with the sassy robot.
"Rey doesn't win, as much as literally stomps a mudhole in The Emperor's a--," the Youtuber says. "When this happens, all the screeners burst into laughter."So apparently the first cut of this movie was god awful so they've been trying to edit it to not suck.
Some spoilers here FYI:
George Lucas Saving Star Wars; Test Screenings 'Disaster'
Solo had that overly woke droid and that was it, and even then it was so over the top it felt like a parody.Do you really think Solo was a “political movie” had Last Jedi not happened? I didn’t notice anything political about Solo.
Solo had that overly woke droid and that was it, and even then it was so over the top it felt like a parody.
I thought the last Star Wars was the worst of them all. I didn't have any interest in seeing the Hans Solo movie. My son wants to see the new one so I'll have to go watch it. Hopefully it is better than the last one.