Dead Wings 2.0
I hate that. Dumb, but just about every team in the league does something similar in that situation.
except Detroit

I hate that. Dumb, but just about every team in the league does something similar in that situation.
There's no way of knowing what Prust said to the ref during/after the altercation, but if it was just some simple "this is BS" type banter then the ref has no right on earth to verbally attack Prust the way it seems he did. I would have a hard time talking to Hitler like that.For all the abuse the officials take throughout the season I don't blame them one bit for giving it back. Especially to a moron like Prust. I hope the league 'looks into it' very lightly.
I got to think Prust is breaking some unwritten code that you don't talk about the chatter on the ice. Now it's going to be about the refs using the f-word against a player?
In the end, Prust looks like the whiner.
Don't read lips, kids.
The refs should not have to put up with any abuse, but in the playoffs there better be a good reason to give someone and extra two. At least on the NBCSports feed nothing really jumped out.
And while still not knowing exactly what was said I remember other times when refs followed players to the box continuing to engage the players and the refs were criticized for it.
Oh no, they'd have to be much, much dumber to be a cop.Refs. Not good enough to be an actual player.
Not big enough cojones to be a cop.....