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So, I work with a die hard Chiefs fans...


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I would put a Titans win somewhere between probable and likely. But even then one cannot ignore how god the Chiefs defense has been. This will be a good game.

The Chiefs are fortunate that it appears Locker will miss the game, that makes it much more winnable for them.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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that the new kid btw 6482...?

That is indeed my new daughter, Kara Jayne. 7 weeks old today.

Funny story about yesterday, but I'll have to back up a bit. So my wife is from the Philly area, and her 16 year old sister came out to visit a couple of weeks ago and had purchased an Eagles cheerleader outfit for Kara. Well at first I was like, no way in the world is a kid of mine wearing that. After some negotiation, I agreed with my wife on a compromise; Kara could wear the outfit as long as I never saw it. Not in person, not on facebook, not a picture, nothing. Basically a don't ask, don't tell policy.

Well yesterday I'm sitting in the living room watching the Chiefs game. My wife was back in the bedroom with Kara. Kara just starts crying and crying, really throwing a fit, which is pretty unusual for her. So I head back to see if my wife needs help. She sees me coming and says, "Don't come back here!" I ask her what's going on, and she says, "Nothing, just don't come back here!" So I put 2 and 2 together and I'm like, no way, not today, not when we're playing the Eagles, get that outfit off of her. And meantime Kara is just pitching a fit. So my wife says, "I'm just taking a picture to send to my sister." But I insist, nope, not today. So she says fine I'll change her, so I go back to the living room.

Within seconds, Kara calms down and stops crying. My wife brings her back out to me, in appropriate orange and blue clothing, and she's just as happy as can be. As far as I'm concerned, Kara decided then and there that she wanted nothing to do with the Eagles, and she even warned her father when her mother was up to no good.

tl:dr: My 7 week old daughter is a Broncos fan.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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ok, while i MAY question her taste i'll agree the story's a good one.:lol: btw at least YOUR kid'll never grow up to be a Raiders fan. my son did. trust me, we STILL go back and forth over it...

my daughter at least is neutral because she doesn't get behind professional sports at all...

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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Keeping the offense off the field though is easier said than done, and even when it works it might not be that much help. Take a look at yesterday's game, for example. The Eagles had the ball for just over 18 minutes in the first half, and still trailed 21-13 at halftime.

But good point about beating a tough team twice, and that's especially true in this series. Whenever I look at the schedule, I always chalk up the game in KC as a loss. Even last year we barely won at Arrowhead. So I'd say the most likely scenario is a split, with each team winning at home.

Avery can be a deep threat, but the Chiefs aren't really using him that way. In fact, they've barely thrown the ball deep all season. I think it's a combination of suspect pass protection, Andy Reid's West Coast offensive philosophy, and Alex Smith's risk aversion style. Frankly, the Chiefs just don't scare defenses down the field.

can't disagree with all that. last game Alex Smith DID 1 "deep ball" to Dwayne Bowe, but it was pretty much in garbage time. but wth, Rich Gannon was successful with this approach. no reason to believe Smith can't have continued good fortune with this too. that said, i'd feel MUCH better about that statement if the Chiefs had the receiving weapons to help him out...


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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key would be keeping Manning and the offense off the field as much as possible. then i could see us having a chance. imo this series will be a split or the Donks may sweep us. i can't see taking 2 from a team this loaded(as much as it positively pains me to say it)...

oh, and what's Donnie Avery if he isn't a deep threat...?

Part of the problem for the Chiefs isn't that they don't have some speed to push it down the field it really seems like Alex Smith does not want to push the ball down the field at least at this point in the season. I think they said he had a game a couple weeks back where he didn't throw it further than 10 yards in the air. Throw in the OL especially on the right side has had some protection problems that have limited the ability to have the time to throw down the field. Not saying they can't just saying so far the opportunities have not been available or at least taken.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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Part of the problem for the Chiefs isn't that they don't have some speed to push it down the field it really seems like Alex Smith does not want to push the ball down the field at least at this point in the season. I think they said he had a game a couple weeks back where he didn't throw it further than 10 yards in the air. Throw in the OL especially on the right side has had some protection problems that have limited the ability to have the time to throw down the field. Not saying they can't just saying so far the opportunities have not been available or at least taken.

i don't know. i DO agree that Alex Smith seems much more comfortable with the typical WCO "long handoffs", but i hear too many folks say he's "scared" to throw it downfield. i'm just not sure at this point if that's accurate. still, i DO see where you're coming from...


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That is indeed my new daughter, Kara Jayne. 7 weeks old today.

Funny story about yesterday, but I'll have to back up a bit. So my wife is from the Philly area, and her 16 year old sister came out to visit a couple of weeks ago and had purchased an Eagles cheerleader outfit for Kara. Well at first I was like, no way in the world is a kid of mine wearing that. After some negotiation, I agreed with my wife on a compromise; Kara could wear the outfit as long as I never saw it. Not in person, not on facebook, not a picture, nothing. Basically a don't ask, don't tell policy.

Well yesterday I'm sitting in the living room watching the Chiefs game. My wife was back in the bedroom with Kara. Kara just starts crying and crying, really throwing a fit, which is pretty unusual for her. So I head back to see if my wife needs help. She sees me coming and says, "Don't come back here!" I ask her what's going on, and she says, "Nothing, just don't come back here!" So I put 2 and 2 together and I'm like, no way, not today, not when we're playing the Eagles, get that outfit off of her. And meantime Kara is just pitching a fit. So my wife says, "I'm just taking a picture to send to my sister." But I insist, nope, not today. So she says fine I'll change her, so I go back to the living room.

Within seconds, Kara calms down and stops crying. My wife brings her back out to me, in appropriate orange and blue clothing, and she's just as happy as can be. As far as I'm concerned, Kara decided then and there that she wanted nothing to do with the Eagles, and she even warned her father when her mother was up to no good.

tl:dr: My 7 week old daughter is a Broncos fan.

7 weeks old and the girl has already knows what she likes :10:

Good story my man....
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Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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and btw, i AM hoping that the O-Line at some point DOES become more consistent and finally gets it's act together. injuries there to TE and RT didn't help, either. not using that as an excuse, just is what it is...

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
7 weeks old and girl has already knows what she likes :10:

Good story my man....

LOL, trust me when i say i was the happiest man on the planet when my girl Cathy Mae was born...for all of 5 minutes. then my train of thought went like this...

"i have a girl. DAMMIT!!! i'm gonna have to protect her from knucklehead guys for the rest of my life...!"


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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LOL, trust me when i say i was the happiest man on the planet when my girl Cathy Mae was born...for all of 5 minutes. then my train of thought went like this...

"i have a girl. DAMMIT!!! i'm gonna have to protect her from knucklehead guys for the rest of my life...!"[/QUOTE]

I'm sure most Dads think like that :clap:

I don't have any girls of my own, but my niece is about to turn 14 and I always notice how all of her guy "friends" rarely look her in the face when they're talking to her. I throw idle threats at them every now and again to keep them in check. Keep your eyes peeled dude


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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i don't know. i DO agree that Alex Smith seems much more comfortable with the typical WCO "long handoffs", but i hear too many folks say he's "scared" to throw it downfield. i'm just not sure at this point if that's accurate. still, i DO see where you're coming from...

I don't think he is scared he just seems like the type of guy that is very calculated in his decision making. He seems like the type that if he sees a guy going deep that has a 50% chance of catching it and a guy running a short route that has a 90% chance of catching his pass he almost always picks the shorter of the two routes. Doesn't make it the wrong decision and for the most part Alex Smith has made a pretty darn good career out of this type of technique. Some could argue that the best quarterbacks in the business do this as well as I know Tom Brady and Peyton Manning consistently take the shorter throw over the deep one. I just think at some point this season Alex Smith is going to have to really test some defenses with the deep throw and we shall see how that works out. My guess is the Broncos game will be one that he is going to have to take a few more chances to keep up with the Bronco offense. I do think the Chiefs defense can contain Peyton for the most part but by contain I mean keep him around that 30 point mark and Alex Smith is going to be asked to match that. We shall see. Should make for a couple of great games in a 3 week period!


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
That is indeed my new daughter, Kara Jayne. 7 weeks old today.

Funny story about yesterday, but I'll have to back up a bit. So my wife is from the Philly area, and her 16 year old sister came out to visit a couple of weeks ago and had purchased an Eagles cheerleader outfit for Kara. Well at first I was like, no way in the world is a kid of mine wearing that. After some negotiation, I agreed with my wife on a compromise; Kara could wear the outfit as long as I never saw it. Not in person, not on facebook, not a picture, nothing. Basically a don't ask, don't tell policy.

Well yesterday I'm sitting in the living room watching the Chiefs game. My wife was back in the bedroom with Kara. Kara just starts crying and crying, really throwing a fit, which is pretty unusual for her. So I head back to see if my wife needs help. She sees me coming and says, "Don't come back here!" I ask her what's going on, and she says, "Nothing, just don't come back here!" So I put 2 and 2 together and I'm like, no way, not today, not when we're playing the Eagles, get that outfit off of her. And meantime Kara is just pitching a fit. So my wife says, "I'm just taking a picture to send to my sister." But I insist, nope, not today. So she says fine I'll change her, so I go back to the living room.

Within seconds, Kara calms down and stops crying. My wife brings her back out to me, in appropriate orange and blue clothing, and she's just as happy as can be. As far as I'm concerned, Kara decided then and there that she wanted nothing to do with the Eagles, and she even warned her father when her mother was up to no good.

tl:dr: My 7 week old daughter is a Broncos fan.

And that is how it is supposed to be.



May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
key would be keeping Manning and the offense off the field as much as possible. then i could see us having a chance. imo this series will be a split or the Donks may sweep us. i can't see taking 2 from a team this loaded(as much as it positively pains me to say it)...

oh, and what's Donnie Avery if he isn't a deep threat...?

Donnie Avery may be a deep threat, but Alex Smith is not a threat to deliver the deep ball consistently.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And that is how it is supposed to be.


My sister just had a baby a couple of weeks ago and the Father is a big Chiefs fan. He refuses to allow the child to watch Bronco games or wear the Bronco outfits that I have bought her. Don't worry Bronco fans I will find a way to make sure this little one grows up properly and doesn't go down the dark dark path of being a Chiefs fan.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
$ 100.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
My sister just had a baby a couple of weeks ago and the Father is a big Chiefs fan. He refuses to allow the child to watch Bronco games or wear the Bronco outfits that I have bought her. Don't worry Bronco fans I will find a way to make sure this little one grows up properly and doesn't go down the dark dark path of being a Chiefs fan.

LMAO!! you leave that little girl alone. there are laws about against making minors delinquent...


New Member
Jul 27, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That is indeed my new daughter, Kara Jayne. 7 weeks old today.

Funny story about yesterday, but I'll have to back up a bit. So my wife is from the Philly area, and her 16 year old sister came out to visit a couple of weeks ago and had purchased an Eagles cheerleader outfit for Kara. Well at first I was like, no way in the world is a kid of mine wearing that. After some negotiation, I agreed with my wife on a compromise; Kara could wear the outfit as long as I never saw it. Not in person, not on facebook, not a picture, nothing. Basically a don't ask, don't tell policy.

Well yesterday I'm sitting in the living room watching the Chiefs game. My wife was back in the bedroom with Kara. Kara just starts crying and crying, really throwing a fit, which is pretty unusual for her. So I head back to see if my wife needs help. She sees me coming and says, "Don't come back here!" I ask her what's going on, and she says, "Nothing, just don't come back here!" So I put 2 and 2 together and I'm like, no way, not today, not when we're playing the Eagles, get that outfit off of her. And meantime Kara is just pitching a fit. So my wife says, "I'm just taking a picture to send to my sister." But I insist, nope, not today. So she says fine I'll change her, so I go back to the living room.

Within seconds, Kara calms down and stops crying. My wife brings her back out to me, in appropriate orange and blue clothing, and she's just as happy as can be. As far as I'm concerned, Kara decided then and there that she wanted nothing to do with the Eagles, and she even warned her father when her mother was up to no good.

tl:dr: My 7 week old daughter is a Broncos fan.

LMAO..that part cracked me up