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Shame on you Georgia/HC Richt


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 61.19
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If you all want to see how to sub against the blur... Watch USC play Zona or Washington this season...

Ball is down they are shift changing like hockey. Sprinting on and off and they have plenty of time to do it.

Yall play UDuh TF12?


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May 4, 2013
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Just try to have a different opinion than certain posters and look out!!! Talk about people getting personal and not sticking to the subject! Wow!!! :nod:


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Just try to have a different opinion than certain posters and look out!!! Talk about people getting personal and not sticking to the subject! Wow!!! :nod:


Yeah, there's no bama fans on this board. :L


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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It is not an excuse. They do not condition their teams to play one individual team. They condition them for their entire schedule(the entire 12-14 games) is all I am saying. Most defenses rely on substitutions throughout the game(Clemson and Oregon included). In fact EVERY team substitutes on defense throughout the game to keep the 2 deep fresh as possible for the 4th quarter. There is not way on God's green earth to condition a defense like an offense. That would mean most teams would have to scale down their DL and so forth to do this. If that is not what they look for in those types of players why should they be forced to?

All I am saying is there is a happy medium to suffice both sides. So many first downs D gets to substitute. Or something else that is thought up. There can also be a penalty for intentionally faking an injury. Like a 10 yard penalty, sitting out x # of plays, and so on.

It is an excuse because all they need to do is condition their athletes better. If you're defense is conditioned well enough to keep up with a fast paced offense, then it's conditioned well enough to keep up with ANY offense!!

I understand about substitutions etc. What I find funny is the posters who talk about "real football" and "how the game is supposed to be played"!!

Guess what? Fast paced offenses are just a faster version of the way the game is "supposed to be played". There didn't used to be all of this specialization crap where defenses look like a Chinese fire drill getting people in and out for every single situation that comes up. Football, before all of this specialization, was "my best 11 vs. your best 11"!!


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May 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The only poster who talks as much shit as you is OD.

Yea I go around saying Alabama is the king in everyone of my threads. You might want to learn to read a little. This one started out as my opinion on nhhu offenses, nothing else. Now I will defend them or other SEC teams when idiots say stupid things about them but I don't initiate the Alabama stuff. Now OD is a whole nother Duck!!! Pardon the pun!


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
Hoopla Cash
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I see where you are coming from, but the whole point of the HUNH is to keep the defensive coaches from doing exactly what the sentence above says. In a sense it is your 11 vs our 11. Not your depth vs. our 11. Coaches have to anticipate in a way for those situations when they have a chance to sub rather than have premium conditions for their team all of the time. I think it improves the game for the little guy that can't recruit like the blue bloods, and parody is a good thing for any sport. In fact the HUNH almost makes it require more, better coaching(preparation, not in game play-calling) to prepare the players you trust on the field to deal with any situation rather than just have situational players.

I absolutely understand why the style of offense pisses off defensive minded coaches to no end, but I don't think that it should allow them to manipulate the rules in such a way that it takes away from the integrity of the game altogether.

I'm not sure where I come down on this, but I'll use your post to throw out some thoughts and ideas.

1. You state that the HUNH offense is designed to keep the other team from being able to do something they want to do. Why should the offense get to dictate that? Shouldn't we want the best offense to line up against the best defense? Instead, the HUNH offense uses the rules as they stand to dictate what the defense can do. Is that fair? Is it good for college football?

2. Why shouldn't D coaches be able to manipulate the rules? Aren't the O coaches manipulating the rules to their favor? Most of the teams run up to the line, not ready to run a play ... they then turn around and get the signal from the bench. The only reason they run up to the line is to keep the D from getting a sub in. Perhaps a rule that says you can't take signals from the bench after you get to the line ... that'd put an end to the HUNH offense in most instances.

3. I am not sure I buy the whole blue blood advantage thing. Sure, Bama is on a run right now, but they sucked for a long time, and may do so again when Saban leaves (or before then). All schools operate the under the same recruiting rules. Why emphasize offense over defense by giving them the ability to dictate the game.

4. Why should the refs have to hurry for the O? They should proceed at the pace that ensures the game is correctly officiated and if that slows down the O, so be it.

I'm still thinking this through, but I can't help but think we are better off with some rule that allows the O to move more quickly, but also gives the D some latitude to make substitutions.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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It is an excuse because all they need to do is condition their athletes better. If you're defense is conditioned well enough to keep up with a fast paced offense, then it's conditioned well enough to keep up with ANY offense!!

I understand about substitutions etc. What I find funny is the posters who talk about "real football" and "how the game is supposed to be played"!!

Guess what? Fast paced offenses are just a faster version of the way the game is "supposed to be played". There didn't used to be all of this specialization crap where defenses look like a Chinese fire drill getting people in and out for every single situation that comes up. Football, before all of this specialization was "my best 11 vs. your best 11"!!

The game didn't used to be played with a forward pass once upon a time either.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 61.19
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He is used to being catered and people listening to his bullshit. Ya see, if it isn't 40% of the entire board Bama and 85% SEC he gets scurred.

He came from cBS. Ya know... The SEC network.

Now that there is a PAC presence, ACC presence, B1G presence, Big 12 presence that equals SEC he doesn't know how to act and lashes out with...

Welllllll welllllll we won the Natty. You didn't. Ya, win b4 u speak type a thing.

Guy has got PWNED since he has been here with his fat mouth. He doesn't know how to act normal unless his ass is wiped for him and is catered to the max.

Well guess what BamaTee... Fuck that. Put yourn big boy pants on.


Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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There is far more danger in a fullback rammin your MLBer all game and 6or7 guise smashin the dline than there is a spread offense running more plays.

Next time you watch Oregon watch their O-line. It is all about spacing and getting positional blocks. Not knocking your opponents head off.

Play how ya want. Defenses deal with it.

Oregon and many others have defenses that are conditioned majority for spread teams. But the Ducks lines on both sides of the ball are as big as anyone n the country.

Oregon has the biggest front 4 dline starters in the nation.

Offensive line is top 5-15 in size at least and they run around all damn game.

To the bold not so fast. According to the Oregon website the average weight of your 4 starters on the DL comes out to 287.5 lb. The starting DL for FSU averages out at 292.5. Height wise you guys have an advantage, but not on weight. I can go through other teams to find more examples like this.

The key is the part where you state that your defense is conditioned for spread teams. OK that is my point. the PAC plays a lot of spread offenses. The SEC and other conferences do NOT play much spread at all. So why should a team like UGA or Clemson for that matter do something for 1 team on their schedule?


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May 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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This entire thread has been done before, not sure why the hell we're doing it again!!! :noidea: It's going to be the same shit it was before...:doh:


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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He is used to being catered and people listening to his bullshit. Ya see, if it isn't 40% of the entire board Bama and 85% SEC he gets scurred.

He came from cBS. Ya know... The SEC network.

Now that there is a PAC presence, ACC presence, B1G presence, Big 12 presence that equals SEC he doesn't know how to act and lashes out with...

Welllllll welllllll we won the Natty. You didn't. Ya, win b4 u speak type a thing.

Guy has got PWNED since he has been here with his fat mouth. He doesn't know how to act normal unless his ass is wiped for him and is catered to the max.

Well guess what BamaTee... Fuck that. Put yourn big boy pants on.

Yeah, not to impressed with this cat so far.


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May 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He is used to being catered and people listening to his bullshit. Ya see, if it isn't 40% of the entire board Bama and 85% SEC he gets scurred.

He came from cBS. Ya know... The SEC network.

Now that there is a PAC presence, ACC presence, B1G presence, Big 12 presence that equals SEC he doesn't know how to act and lashes out with...

Welllllll welllllll we won the Natty. You didn't. Ya, win b4 u speak type a thing.

Guy has got PWNED since he has been here with his fat mouth. He doesn't know how to act normal unless his ass is wiped for him and is catered to the max.

Well guess what BamaTee... Fuck that. Put yourn big boy pants on.

If I take your shit does that mean I have my big boy pants on. Funny how you can say the same shit but it's ok when you say it. You talk more Oregon crap than anyone , well never mind, everyone of y'all do. It's a tie!!! You brag on Oregon everything is cool. I brag on Bama and I'm an arrogant asshole. So then I slip in a pretty damn important fact that we've won 3 of the last 4 NC's while y'all have nada but you then make light of the very thing you hold so precious. Wonder what comments are next?


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
Hoopla Cash
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It is an excuse because all they need to do is condition their athletes better. If you're defense is conditioned well enough to keep up with a fast paced offense, then it's conditioned well enough to keep up with ANY offense!!

I understand about substitutions etc. What I find funny is the posters who talk about "real football" and "how the game is supposed to be played"!!

Guess what? Fast paced offenses are just a faster version of the way the game is "supposed to be played". There didn't used to be all of this specialization crap where defenses look like a Chinese fire drill getting people in and out for every single situation that comes up. Football, before all of this specialization, was "my best 11 vs. your best 11"!!

Don't you think that if teams could just "condition their athletes better" they would do it? There are rules about the number of hours kids can practice, work out, etc. I am pretty confident that Saban and other good coaches are doing about all they can do in the time allowed to condition their athletes.

I don't really know where I am on this issue, but I just posted a post asking some questions. One I meant to ask was whether it is more physically taxing to play D than play O. I don't know that I know that. If it is D, then that would be another reason to allow substitutions.

It has need decades since it has been my best 11 against your best 11. You really want to go back to the early 1900s? Defenses and offenses have been swapping players in and out due to the situation for as long as I can remember football being played and that goes back to the mid-60s.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 61.19
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This entire thread has been done before, not sure why the hell we're doing it again!!! :noidea: It's going to be the same shit it was before...:doh:

Hey buddy. Just showing an example of what you started a thread on.

Faking injuries is ok..... You believe teams should do it. ANd you call us west coast sissies yet not only do you condone this but believe everyone should start doing this vs fast paced teams.

Sorry LawDawg...
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Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 3,441.75
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If I take your shit does that mean I have my big boy pants on. Funny how you can say the same shit but it's ok when you say it. You talk more Oregon crap than anyone , well never mind, everyone of y'all do. It's a tie!!! You brag on Oregon everything is cool. I brag on Bama and I'm an arrogant asshole. So then I slip in a pretty damn important fact that we've won 3 of the last 4 NC's while y'all have nada but you then make light of the very thing you hold so precious. Wonder what comments are next?

Yeah, now I know you're completely full of shit. Mamba doesn't talk shit at all. You on the other hand can't shut your fat mouth.


Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It is an excuse because all they need to do is condition their athletes better. If you're defense is conditioned well enough to keep up with a fast paced offense, then it's conditioned well enough to keep up with ANY offense!!

I understand about substitutions etc. What I find funny is the posters who talk about "real football" and "how the game is supposed to be played"!!

Guess what? Fast paced offenses are just a faster version of the way the game is "supposed to be played". There didn't used to be all of this specialization crap where defenses look like a Chinese fire drill getting people in and out for every single situation that comes up. Football, before all of this specialization, was "my best 11 vs. your best 11"!!

The only problem with the bold is that usually means you must drop weight to be able to keep that conditioning up. In most conferences that will not fly because they play "old school" football so to speak. Not a lot of spread offense or hurry up either. SO when you condition many DL guys especially to that extent it removes the size that they are looking for. Most spread offenses do not run plays like Oregon or Clemson. It is the amount of time that is not given for the defense to substitute. Make a rule that suffices both sides, but will not slow down the up tempo offenses every down.


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May 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Mamba you the man.

Of course you're the man. Anyone who posts 7,000 times to my 700 in the same time period and finds it so important to be "the man" on the boards will get the support when someone is disagreeing with him. Make sure you tell everyone once how great there team is and me how much I've changed since CBS cause I see right through you! So surprising!!!!