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Game Thread: Seahawks vs Eagles: Wildcard Rd 1:40 PST


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Sep 2, 2014
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NFC East is a mess.


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Aug 18, 2014
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your head up so you can see. How are you going to catch something with your head down?

Your target is on the ground. Why would you be looking up?


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Jul 3, 2013
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Every tackle is a potential injury waiting to happen. Clowney was trying to tackle Wentz. He was probably also trying to jar the ball loose as all defensive players try to do. In doing so he was trying to get as much reach on his tackle he could. Keeping your head up will restrict your distance.

Think about it. Let's say you are standing and you see something on the ground you need to catch immediately. Do you dive at it with your head up or your head down?

It's possible that Clowney may get fined for the play. NFL fines tend to be results driven. But I was in a bar full of Eagle fans and no one really made a comment about that tackle until after it turned out that it knocked Wentz out.
The tackle was already made. He was on the way down. By the time the hit was made both knees were on the ground. Number 91 was running up to tag him just to be sure. Clowney was trying to get a cheap hit on the qb, which they are usually allowed to do if the qb is acting like a rusher. But he should not have led with his helmet.



Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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The tackle was already made. He was on the way down. By the time the hit was made both knees were on the ground. Number 91 was running up to tag him just to be sure. Clowney was trying to get a cheap hit on the qb, which they are usually allowed to do if the qb is acting like a rusher. But he should not have led with his helmet.

If this were a running back NO ONE would be complaining about it.

Football is a violent sport. Clowney was clearly making a typical football move and to expect him to realize that McDougald had him wrapped him and that he should pull away is pretty unreasonable. Clowney is behind him and running straight at Wentz. In the 1/10th of a second that he has to make a decision he decided to make sure Wentz stayed down. To suggest that Clowney was targeting Wentz's helmet is LOL ridiculous.

It sucks that Wentz got hurt. I never want to see a player get hurt but this is EXACTLY why QBs are told to ALWAYS slide feet first.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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FFS, it was a bad hit. It could have been flagged which wouldn't have changed the outcome. He could have held up, but that's not what any DE in the league does. I doubt he was trying to hit his head, but he was taking a shot.


Blame your freaking QB for not understanding the risks in this game and playing the way smart QBs do.

That is where 100% of the blame lies. Protect yourself from those violent hits. It's not hard. There's a reason running QBs don't last long in the NFL. Stop hurting your team. Slide you dipshit.


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Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If this were a running back NO ONE would be complaining about it.

Football is a violent sport. Clowney was clearly making a typical football move and to expect him to realize that McDougald had him wrapped him and that he should pull away is pretty unreasonable. Clowney is behind him and running straight at Wentz. In the 1/10th of a second that he has to make a decision he decided to make sure Wentz stayed down. To suggest that Clowney was targeting Wentz's helmet is LOL ridiculous.

It sucks that Wentz got hurt. I never want to see a player get hurt but this is EXACTLY why QBs are told to ALWAYS slide feet first.
If you watched the video I got nothing else for you. The guy clearly made the tackle from behind so there was no way he could have slid feet first without defying the laws of physics.


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Apr 28, 2016
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The tackle was already made. He was on the way down. By the time the hit was made both knees were on the ground. Number 91 was running up to tag him just to be sure. Clowney was trying to get a cheap hit on the qb, which they are usually allowed to do if the qb is acting like a rusher. But he should not have led with his helmet.

Spot on. He was almost completely down before Clowney started his spearing. Surprised no facepalms were added from morons who don’t understand the game


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If you watched the video I got nothing else for you. The guy clearly made the tackle from behind so there was no way he could have slid feet first without defying the laws of physics.
You slide before contact, not after. :L

It seems eagle fans are just in full blown homer excuse mode.

Russell Wilson slides. He's known as a scrambling QB that will run. How many games has he missed since 2012? ZERO.

Wentz isn't smart. That's a fact. Have a good off season and good luck next year.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Your target is on the ground. Why would you be looking up?
Because when you are wearing a helmet and looking down you can't see anything. Football 101. Keep your head up


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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You slide before contact, not after. :L

It seems eagle fans are just in full blown homer excuse mode.

Russell Wilson slides. He's known as a scrambling QB that will run. How many games has he missed since 2012? ZERO.

Wentz isn't smart. That's a fact. Have a good off season and good luck next year.

This is something Ryan Fitzpatrick never seemed to grasp. And he constantly got hurt throughout his career because he was always choose contact over sliding because the fans would always cheer it on. The greatest thing Pete Carroll ever did for the Seahawks was to drive it into Wilson's head that he has no value to the team if he is sitting on the sidelines. In Russ' rookie year we saw Griffin do all sorts of amazing things with his feet and go on and win the RoY award. Only to have his career effectively ended because he never learned to avoid contact.

Wentz will either learn to do this or he will have a short career. FTR, the same applies to Lamar Jackson.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Eagles scored 1 TD against the league's best bird team in 8 quarters at home (and even that 1 was in garbage time), so no crying about an iffy hit on your QB who decided not to give himself up and instead risk getting smacked. Plus, an even easier call was the blatant offside not flagged that would have given Seattle a 1st down deep in plus territory. Just not good enough to beat Russell Wilson, bottom line.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Eagles scored 1 TD against the league's best bird team in 8 quarters at home (and even that 1 was in garbage time), so no crying about an iffy hit on your QB who decided not to give himself up and instead risk getting smacked. Plus, an even easier call was the blatant offside not flagged that would have given Seattle a 1st down deep in plus territory. Just not good enough to beat Russell Wilson, bottom line.

Oh good sir you’ve done it now. These are EAGLES fans... logic doesn’t work on them. In fact... @Tapey ... you know what to do.

Welcome to the list!! :suds:


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Raped and in agony like a bitch.:wave:
If that's supposed to anger or bother someone it doesn't work.

You're still just a crying fan in denial.

Your team lost. They 100% were still going to lose even with Wentz just like they did earlier this year. Seattle owns them. And you can't handle that.

All this butt hurt by fans of a mediocre team that limped into the playoffs as a .500 team. They had no chance at a SB as it was. FFS deal with it. Hell, Seattle has no shot at a SB either, but when they get taken


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If that's supposed to anger or bother someone it doesn't work.

You're still just a crying fan in denial.

Your team lost. They 100% were still going to lose even with Wentz just like they did earlier this year. Seattle owns them. And you can't handle that.

All this butt hurt by fans of a mediocre team that limped into the playoffs as a .500 team. They had no chance at a SB as it was. FFS deal with it. Hell, Seattle has no shot at a SB either, but when they get taken

BOOM!! Truth bomb!!

would you mind reposting that on this thread...

Certain shit talkers Apology Thread



Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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If that's supposed to anger or bother someone it doesn't work.

You're still just a crying fan in denial.

Your team lost. They 100% were still going to lose even with Wentz just like they did earlier this year. Seattle owns them. And you can't handle that.

All this butt hurt by fans of a mediocre team that limped into the playoffs as a .500 team. They had no chance at a SB as it was. FFS deal with it. Hell, Seattle has no shot at a SB either, but when they get taken
Somehow the bottom of that post got left out.

It was supposed to say when Seattle does get knocked out our fans aren't going to throw fits and whine about stupid crap like this. Not when no one expected this team to be a SB contender this year as it was.

I guess it's obvious that Seattle fans >>>>>> Philadelphia fans.


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Hoopla Cash
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The tackle was already made. He was on the way down. By the time the hit was made both knees were on the ground. Number 91 was running up to tag him just to be sure. Clowney was trying to get a cheap hit on the qb, which they are usually allowed to do if the qb is acting like a rusher. But he should not have led with his helmet.

Your chasing someone down from behind and diving at them to make a tackle, how are you supposed to not "lead with your helmet"?

I guess this is the alternative.....?
