Is that a question? A statement? Or is it just an exclamation? I'll answer as if you were posing a question.Five munching popcorns!
Is that a question? A statement? Or is it just an exclamation? I'll answer as if you were posing a question.
It all depends on what time this boring comedy show of SonnyCID and chf ends?
I didn't realize waffle house was open tonight?Oh I am highly entertained by your 'I meant to do that' gyrations. Plus, I've got another four and a half hours before I'm done at work, so please, keep going!
Damn I had you pegged for assistant night shift manager.I'm trying for deep fryer technician.
Well if the fryer thing doesn't work out you could always try being a greeter at Wally World. The downside is no free grease to keep that skin soft during those harsh Canadien winters. Good luck. If they knock you down, you just get back up and dust yourself off of those waffle crumbs.Know your limits. Plus, I like the way the extra grease keeps my skin soft.
Oh no you got me you crazy spelling NaziCanadien?
And you call yourself a Les Habs fan.
Oh no you got me you crazy spelling NaziI heard the host of the national spelling bee is retiring. Quick get an application in. Forget that Waffle House crap. U da man
Godwinning...Fry machines in 2 official languages.
Good job on Godwinning a football thread though.
And you call yourself a Les Habs fan.
I'm always bored when I'm dealing with you. It's just the level that changes. Unlike you I come here to talk sports routinely.Wait, I thought you were bored.