Sarcastic F-wad
Snakes @ Giants?
Snakes @ Giants?
We getting Masters odds this year?
Unlikely because frankly there are just WAY too many competitors in it and would be a nightmare to set up.
Already answered it but here it is again
cant pick a dozen or so and then the field?
No. There are no odds for that and it messes the odds up.
Standing request for all Giants games, please. I like to post the link in the GDT.
Will do some Giants games but with 162 games in season and 30 different teams, need to spread it around and involve all the teams for vBookie events.
Understandable, but given how active the Giants board is, it would be great if there were more Giants games to bet on. Give us more to talk about.
4/13 MLB A's at M's please!