Well-Known Member
That would be the right solution if there was a reasonable alternative, but we both know there isn't. Votto at 70% blows away anyone else who could play first right now. I was alright with Votto sitting out the rest of the season and getting better since this already in April appeared to be a lost season. Now, I'm not so sure it is lost, so Votto should play as much as he can at whatever level he is capable.
The wise thing to do is to have games that precede an off-day and give him that day off and use Pena at 1B. It's the best way to keep him as fresh as possible. That gives him 2 days off to rest.
Other than that, just the occasional day off is going to have to be the plan. Price is going to have to bite the bullet once every week and a half and sit him regardless...
The leg makes him look silly at the plate. It's all upper body right now. He'll get some hits because he's that good, but his gap-to-gap and HR power is nearly zero.