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Re-join the Heat Haters club NOW!!

Black Adam

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I'll pass.
Every time you refused to bet, I actually won the game.
but only because YOU say so. not quite how we sane people view it....:lol:

It was all about who was telling the truth vs lying with the bet being the determining factor.

Translation:"he won't accept my bet so i can get him off this site". :bawling: sorry, Turnip. "what this is about" is i'm NOT a fool.simple as that. the thing you've been trying to project to EVERYBODY from day one is that i'm some kind of idiot. seems THAT blew up in your face...:laugh3:

Common sense and logic would indicate the person wanting to bet is the one telling the truth and the person refusing the bet is the one lying.:clap:

common sense and logic ALSO dictate that you're a liar AND a fool considering everything that's been put out here since we arrived. i agree. much about you has been uncovered since we've arrived at the hoop. i hope you take your loss here and FINALLY learn from it...

so i'll accept the terms of your defeat. THINK the next time you decide to disrespect me...

Black Adam

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Sadly for you, the thread still exists:lol:

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August 31, 2012 3:11 pm

yep, that's right. i still come here to hate the Heat because i can lol...

anyways, i figured what the heck, how about some pre-season power rankings? and no need to get your panties in a bunch, Heat fans...

These power rankings are not a reflection of team strength. We'll have those for you the Tuesday before the season opener. These rankings reflect only the events since Game 5 of the NBA Finals. They do reflect whether the team needed to improve or not. The Thunder and Heat get points for already being at a point where they needed very little. From there, it's based off the draft, trades, and free agency. Here's how the offseasons of all 30 teams stack up.

1. [Los Angeles Lakers]: What, are you surprised? Look, only the Lakers could get two-time MVP, lead-the-league-in-assist-rate-for-
, legendary point guard [Steve Nash]... and it wasn't the best offseason move they made. They landed one of the league's best passers and an elite shooter, then turned around and acquired the league's best defensive force and center. It's the Lakers' world, we're all just living in it. And if these rankings were based on overall roster? The Lakers might still be here.

2. [Brooklyn Nets]: Re-signed [Deron Williams]. Found him a running mate. The money doesn't matter because the owner is loaded. They brought back [Brook Lopez] and kept [Gerald Wallace], so the trade of their lottery pick wasn't worthless. They added to the bench and moved into the offices in Brooklyn. So yeah, they did allright. The Nets may not win a championship, but they moved way up the ladder in a single offseason.

3. [Philadelphia 76ers]: The Sixers are like that friend who was living a safe, comfortable life as an accountant, nice two-bedroom townhouse in the burbs, driving a Volvo. Then one day he ups and starts his own business. Maybe he'll fail, but at least he tried. That's the Sixers, who swung for [Andrew Bynum]. Their other moves weren't even really good overall. But Bynum was a gamechanger and a bold move. They get points for that.

4. [Denver Nuggets]: Took a player who struggled last season in a bigger role, especially defensively, and a good role player with a lot of money left, and moved him for an All-Star that's one of the best complimentary players in the league. Nabbed a versatile wing in [Evan Fournier] and retained [JaVale McGee] for a good but not outrageous contract. Huge summer for the Nuggets who didn't put their future on the table.

5. [Miami Heat]: Being already awesome is a bonus, but really this is how the Heat managed to make one big move and get that much better. [Ray Allen] is such a phenomenal fit for what they do and what they need. The Heat needed every three-pointer [Shane Battier] made in the playoffs, but that's not something they can rely on. Allen givs them just such a weapon and for a good price, too. Sticking it to their rivals in Beantown warrants extra points as well.

6. [Boston Celtics]: It wasn't the remodel we expected, and it wasn't a total win-now summer either. It was somewhere in-between. Boston replaced Allen with [Jason Terry], upping their trash talk quotient if nothing else. They ensured [Kevin Garnett] would retire a Celtic, and made a gamble on [Jeff Green]. Even if that doesn't work out, they snagged [Courtney Lee] and drafted two promising rookies who each have problems, but also huge upside. Boston walked a delicate wire this offseason and seem primed for another strong season.

7. [New Orleans Hornets]: They could have signed Stephon Marbury and it would have been fine after they drafted [Anthony Davis]. Luckily for them, they didn't, they drafted [Austin Rivers], who may love to shoot like Marbury but is... you know, not... that. (Though Marbury was fantastic at Rivers' age, too.) The Hornets would have had a great offseason with just the draft. Instead they brought in [Ryan Anderson] on a solid deal and snagged [Robin Lopez]. They didn't get a point guard, but it was still a phenomenal summer for the Hornets.

8. [Los Angeles Clippers] : Well, they didn't lose [Blake Griffin], which is a nice start. They added [Jamal Crawford] as the veteran shooter/four-point scoring machine, and retained Billups. Snagging [Grant Hill] is a nice pickup that's great for karma if nothing else, and [Ronny Turiaf] can play the [Reggie Evans] roll well enough and actually defend. Good offseason for the Clippers, taken down mostly by how much better their roommates got.

9. [Oklahoma City Thunder] : Re-signed [Serge Ibaka] on a bargain. [Kevin Durant] and [Russell Westbrook] got better. Drafted [Perry Jones] III on a steal late in the first-round. What else do you want? The NBA title? Well, that's going to have to wait.


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STILL doesn't say that i said these were the TRUE rankings, does it? LMAO give up, Turnip. you LOST. now DO crawl back under your rock...

apparently STILL has a major issue reading and comprehending considering it's right there in black and white in front of his face...
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August 31, 2012 6:27 pm

"how about some pre-season power rankings? and no need to get your panties in a bunch, Heat fans...

CL, I don't think you comprehended what his list is.
It isn't power rankings as in who are the best teams.
The list was formulated on who he thought had the best off season as far as additions.

You think the defending champion being #5 on the list is a GOOD thing for other teams?

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August 31, 2012 9:46 pm

anyways, i figured what the heck, how about some pre-season power rankings? and no need to get your panties in a bunch, Heat fans...
Clearly you did not read this part:

These power rankings are not a reflection of team strength.​
In other words these power rankings are not about ranking the best teams

We'll have those for you the Tuesday before the season opener.​
In other words the actual power rankings will be revealed tuesday before the opener.

These rankings reflect only the events since Game 5 of the NBA Finals.​
LOL CL did you really think this would bother Heat fans? I am convinced you had no idea that his rankings has to do with offseason transactions.

The Spurs are last on his list because they made zero moves.

They do reflect whether the team needed to improve or not. The Thunder and Heat get points for already being at a point where they needed very little. From there, it's based off the draft, trades, and free agency. Here's how the offseasons of all 30 teams stack up.​

You should read what the rankings were about before you come in here popping off at the mouth.

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August 31, 2012 9:49 pm

CL, I don't think you comprehended what his list is.​
Clearly he did not.

It isn't power rankings as in who are the best teams.
The list was formulated on who he thought had the best off season as far as additions.​
The fact that Brooklyn and Philly was 2nd and 3rd on the list while Miami was ranked 5th, OKC ranked 9th, and SAS 30th should have gave it away to CL that this had nothing to do with who are the best teams in the league.

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September 1, 2012 11:14 am

I think CL knows that it's not the real power ranking. He probably was just bragging about the best offseason moves that the LA Lakers made

Uh, no he didn't. He saw Lakers no.1 and went with it w/o actually reading the article.
well, not so much "bragging", but yes, i knew that even though the article listed this as "power rankings", i knew this wasn't the real deal
Riiiiiiiiiight, sure ya did. The article listed it as "off-season" power rankings. I give ya credit though for actually saying something about basketball though, instead of "I hate James because of what he posts on twitter".

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in the "Heat Haters" club now!September 2, 2012 12:07 pm

it's VERY apparent you doofuses have your collective heads up your asses​
Says the guy who thought he was posting 'preseason' power rankings and now can't admit he was wrong.

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Do we need more:suds:

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
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Sadly for you, the thread still exists:lol:

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August 31, 2012 3:11 pm

yep, that's right. i still come here to hate the Heat because i can lol...

anyways, i figured what the heck, how about some pre-season power rankings? and no need to get your panties in a bunch, Heat fans...

These power rankings are not a reflection of team strength. We'll have those for you the Tuesday before the season opener. These rankings reflect only the events since Game 5 of the NBA Finals. They do reflect whether the team needed to improve or not. The Thunder and Heat get points for already being at a point where they needed very little. From there, it's based off the draft, trades, and free agency. Here's how the offseasons of all 30 teams stack up.

1. [Los Angeles Lakers]: What, are you surprised? Look, only the Lakers could get two-time MVP, lead-the-league-in-assist-rate-for-
, legendary point guard [Steve Nash]... and it wasn't the best offseason move they made. They landed one of the league's best passers and an elite shooter, then turned around and acquired the league's best defensive force and center. It's the Lakers' world, we're all just living in it. And if these rankings were based on overall roster? The Lakers might still be here.

2. [Brooklyn Nets]: Re-signed [Deron Williams]. Found him a running mate. The money doesn't matter because the owner is loaded. They brought back [Brook Lopez] and kept [Gerald Wallace], so the trade of their lottery pick wasn't worthless. They added to the bench and moved into the offices in Brooklyn. So yeah, they did allright. The Nets may not win a championship, but they moved way up the ladder in a single offseason.

3. [Philadelphia 76ers]: The Sixers are like that friend who was living a safe, comfortable life as an accountant, nice two-bedroom townhouse in the burbs, driving a Volvo. Then one day he ups and starts his own business. Maybe he'll fail, but at least he tried. That's the Sixers, who swung for [Andrew Bynum]. Their other moves weren't even really good overall. But Bynum was a gamechanger and a bold move. They get points for that.

4. [Denver Nuggets]: Took a player who struggled last season in a bigger role, especially defensively, and a good role player with a lot of money left, and moved him for an All-Star that's one of the best complimentary players in the league. Nabbed a versatile wing in [Evan Fournier] and retained [JaVale McGee] for a good but not outrageous contract. Huge summer for the Nuggets who didn't put their future on the table.

5. [Miami Heat]: Being already awesome is a bonus, but really this is how the Heat managed to make one big move and get that much better. [Ray Allen] is such a phenomenal fit for what they do and what they need. The Heat needed every three-pointer [Shane Battier] made in the playoffs, but that's not something they can rely on. Allen givs them just such a weapon and for a good price, too. Sticking it to their rivals in Beantown warrants extra points as well.

6. [Boston Celtics]: It wasn't the remodel we expected, and it wasn't a total win-now summer either. It was somewhere in-between. Boston replaced Allen with [Jason Terry], upping their trash talk quotient if nothing else. They ensured [Kevin Garnett] would retire a Celtic, and made a gamble on [Jeff Green]. Even if that doesn't work out, they snagged [Courtney Lee] and drafted two promising rookies who each have problems, but also huge upside. Boston walked a delicate wire this offseason and seem primed for another strong season.

7. [New Orleans Hornets]: They could have signed Stephon Marbury and it would have been fine after they drafted [Anthony Davis]. Luckily for them, they didn't, they drafted [Austin Rivers], who may love to shoot like Marbury but is... you know, not... that. (Though Marbury was fantastic at Rivers' age, too.) The Hornets would have had a great offseason with just the draft. Instead they brought in [Ryan Anderson] on a solid deal and snagged [Robin Lopez]. They didn't get a point guard, but it was still a phenomenal summer for the Hornets.

8. [Los Angeles Clippers] : Well, they didn't lose [Blake Griffin], which is a nice start. They added [Jamal Crawford] as the veteran shooter/four-point scoring machine, and retained Billups. Snagging [Grant Hill] is a nice pickup that's great for karma if nothing else, and [Ronny Turiaf] can play the [Reggie Evans] roll well enough and actually defend. Good offseason for the Clippers, taken down mostly by how much better their roommates got.

9. [Oklahoma City Thunder] : Re-signed [Serge Ibaka] on a bargain. [Kevin Durant] and [Russell Westbrook] got better. Drafted [Perry Jones] III on a steal late in the first-round. What else do you want? The NBA title? Well, that's going to have to wait.


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you bolded the wrong part, dumbass. glad i could help you out...:laugh3:

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
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so long story short, all you did was prove my case. thanks, Turnip. knew you'd come around...

and obtw, dope. you and door prizes dumb assessment doesn't count. only the article. nice try, fool...


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you bolded the wrong part, dumbass. glad i could help you out...:laugh3:

You are soooo fucking stupid.

I bolded out what YOU wrote.

The other part is what the author wrote, you know , the part you didn't comprehned which lead you to post the article in the first place!!:laugh3:

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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You are soooo fucking stupid.
nope, that'd be YOU, asswipe...

I bolded out what YOU wrote.

yep. but where did it say that I said "these are TRUE POWER RANKINGS? wow, are you truly that thick? you keep TRYING, but the only idiot here is YOU. see what I bolded? sorry, but i'm SMARTER than you. it simply CAN'T be helped...:lol:

The other part is what the author wrote, you know , the part you didn't comprehned which lead you to post the article in the first place!!:laugh3:

didn't the author ALSO write these aren't true rankings and the REAL ones would "come out Tuesday"? sorry, Turnip, but I WON, and YOU WELCHED. not my problem. it only further uncovered what kind of a "man" you are. lol, i'm REALLY glad we had this convo, tiny...:laugh3:

Black Adam

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so in review, you lose bets, back out, use multiple handles, lie at the drop of a dime, and are overly sensitive AND obsessed. well, i must say that the true picture of you in everybody's mind is becomming a whole lot clearer. thanks for your work around here on the Heat haters thread...

Black Adam

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same with the dolphins. patriots look ripe for a fall.. although truthfully, i think it's still a year or two away.. but hey it's july and i can hope. we got mike wallace. you want a fantasy pick if you play fantasy football.. lamar miller of the dolphins should be available late. worth a look then.

never tried fantasy football, but have always wanted to give it a whirl. i might just give it a try and see how i like it this season...


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didn't the author ALSO write these aren't true rankings and the REAL ones would "come out Tuesday"?

sorry, Turnip, but I WON, and YOU WELCHED. not my problem. it only further uncovered what kind of a "man" you are. lol, i'm REALLY glad we had this convo, tiny...:laugh3:

Of course he did. That's the part you couldn't read and comprehend. Thats why YOU posted the thread and wrote they were actual power rankings.

Enjoy your pathetic day:lol:

Black Adam

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Of course he did. That's the part you couldn't read and comprehend. Thats why YOU posted the thread and wrote they were actual power rankings.:L

Enjoy your pathetic day:lol:

Translation" you're right, and i look like a FOOL". funny, but by what you just RE-posted i didn't say anything about these being true rankings. hm, seems your "proof" is a tad lacking. in other words i was right, and YOU were...well, WRONG. but damn, don't cry about it, little fella. you win some and(in YOUR case) you lose A LOT. it is what it is...

hehehe, spanking this knucklehead has become child's play...:laugh3::laugh3:


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Seek some help Turnip loser.

Really, all you are doing is a one up game and losing idiota.


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so long story short, all you did was prove my case. thanks, Turnip. knew you'd come around...

and obtw, dope. you and door prizes dumb assessment doesn't count. only the article. nice try, fool...
It doesn't count to you, because you're not man enough to admit you were wrong. So instead, you make yourself look like a bigger fool by keep denying the facts "THAT YOU WROTE" that are AGAIN right in front of your face a year later!!!

You can call me dumb all you want, but at least I know I'm a man and admit when I'm wrong. You on the other hand are at that age where your denial ways are set and cannot be changed.

You're a fucking coward.

Black Adam

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It doesn't count to you, because you're not man enough to admit you were wrong. So instead, you make yourself look like a bigger fool by keep denying the facts "THAT YOU WROTE" that are AGAIN right in front of your face a year later!!!
so, since "i was wrong" DO show everyone where i actually stated these were true power rankings, chump. i'll wait...

You can call me dumb all you want,

thanks for your permission. btw, if you follow your butt buddy Turnip's line of thinking that fact TRULY speaks for itself...

but at least I know I'm a man and admit when I'm wrong. You on the other hand are at that age where your denial ways are set and cannot be changed.

in OTHER words, you and Turnip simply wanted to try and discredit me and simply assumed the worse, when the black and white evidence is right in front of BOTH your ugly mugs. well, all I can say is...SUCK IT FOOLS. LMAO...!!!

You're a fucking coward.

ooooo, MORE words you'd never say to my face. such a MANLY move to say it from behind the safety of your computer screen. face it, Jimmybob. the article did what i INTENDED it to do. your idiot hick ass can suck dick all day and like it...along WITH your punching bag, Turnip. DO keep trying to discredit though, kids...:lol:

Black Adam

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i just don't understand why guys like Turnip and Jimmybob door prize don't like me and waste all this time trolling my way. is it something i said...?:lol:


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the article did what i INTENDED it to do

If you posted it intending to make yourself look foolish, then yes you get an A+. Nobody bought into the article because all one had to do was.....you know....actually READ the damn thing to clearly see that you didn't. Once it was pointed out what the article was actually about, you tried (and still do) make it look like those pointing out the FACTS to you are dumb and are the ones that are wrong, not you.

When you first posted the article you even said "this will get the Heat fans panties in a bunch" Then when it didn't and the obvious was pointed out by those who read it, you tried to twist shit around.

One question:

You say the article did what you intended it to do.

What were your intentions by posting it?

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
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If you posted it intending to make yourself look foolish, then yes you get an A+.
not even close, girl child. but then who're the ones who actually believe that bullshit? hm, looks like you...and Turnip. wonder why that is? speaking of foolish, who were the 2 dopes that were kicked off this site because of their penchant to be trolls? can you be a gem and remind us...?

Nobody bought into the article because all one had to do was.....you know....actually READ the damn thing to clearly see that you didn't. Once it was pointed out what the article was actually about, you tried (and still do) make it look like those pointing out the FACTS to you are dumb and are the ones that are wrong, not you.

well, considering it's just YOU 2 dorks making suppositions i'd say your case is extremely weak. but then you already knew that, didn't ya? sorry, Jimmybob...

you STILL haven't proven that i SAID these were the genuine article, churl. i'm guessing i could wait all day and that'll STILL be the case...:lol:

When you first posted the article you even said "this will get the Heat fans panties in a bunch"

which it DID. i AM good at what i do...

Then when it didn't and the obvious was pointed out by those who read it, you tried to twist shit around.

i smell ANOTHER assumption...AND a lie...

One question:

You say the article did what you intended it to do.

What were your intentions by posting it?

pretty obvious by now, but since you want me to repeat myself it got YOU LeClown loving prick's panties in a bunch. lol you wrote it, then asked me this question? damn, son. what the hell are you smoking...?

sorry, knucklehead. you and your lover Turnip can keep saying it 'til the cows come home. but my reading and comprehension skills aren't NEARLY as questionable as your trolling and casting aspersion ones. tell you what, though, clown. you both can continue to keep at it, and I'LL keep on laughing at BOTH you jackasses. fair...?:laugh3::laugh3: