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Rangers vs KC in march to #1 draft Pick


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Jul 3, 2013
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Oh, I know. I hope I didn't imply you did. I'm not sure if I have ever even seen you attack anyone... your posts are civil and informative from what I can recall. In fact there really are not many on here that resort to personal attacks (well at least on the Ranger page).

What I actually respect about Nightcrawler is when people attack him, he doesn't feel the need to attack back. He just lets it go and moves on. That's something I personally could be better at.

Anyway, I have deviated from the topic of baseball. Anyone think they might call up Gallo in September just to see what he can do or is it too early?

Normally I'm all for calling guys up but not with Gallo. I don't want us to rush him and screw with his confidence. He will struggle mightily if called up. I would like to see Rua and Telis among others. They deserve it.


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
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Murph, you can always set up a fake facebook account the way Rev did. I use a facebook account that I had set up for a business I used to have.

I thought about it but then I would be tempted to respond to some of the people who post nonsense. I wouldn't likely have much self control in not calling someone out for being just an idiot. I just choose to post here only instead. The game boards are fun with the folks here


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Jul 19, 2013
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Don't bring up Moreland anymore and most of the attacks people dish out to you would stop.

I'm willing to admit that I talked about him too much during the season. I won't mention him anymore, until the offseason starts and he is hopefully jettisoned to a different team.

What I actually respect about Nightcrawler is when people attack him, he doesn't feel the need to attack back. He just lets it go and moves on. That's something I personally could be better at.

I've always believed in the phrase " choose your battles" and most things on the internet aren't worth fighting over.

Doubt you see Joey in Arlington in Sept. He has struggled a bit lately at Frisco, though I think he hit his 41st HR the other night.

I have high hopes for Gallo........ I hope he turns out to be a beast. We haven't had a good first basemen since Mark Teixera. ( Fielder is included in this category for this year only..... Because he sucked this year, I think he will have a great year next season tho.)


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Jul 2, 2013
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Thank you Rev. I appreciate that and accept your apology. No hard feelings whatsoever.

Yes, Dan can be a lot to handle at times. I really do think he really is a fan and has been one for a long time. I just think the disappointments over time have made him overly cynical and critical. I kind of suspect he wasn't always that way. There have been a whole lot of Wash fans on that board so I did enjoy having Dan around to help combat some of those at times, but most of the Wash apologists have left for now.

Larry is a different guy altogether from Dan. Larry seems like a very likable guy. He also has cancer and doesn't expect to live beyond next season. I can understand him being more impatient for a good team than most of us. He really argued with me for awhile about the team's ability to be competitive next season and then he admitted to me that the reason he was hoping so badly that they would be competitive was because he probably won't live to see another season after next year.

Thanks again Rev.

I use to joke with my sons about how they will say when the Rangers win a WS that too bad dad was not around to see it. To be honest I did not ever think I would see us win a playoff series let alone be in a WS. In fact I ended up in a stand alone ER on Oct 12, 2010 (in case you do not know that date it was the night we beat Tampa to win our 1st series ever). To top it off it was my birthday. I had an A-Fib after the game was over and had no idea what was going on as I never had anything happen to me before like that. So I got to go to ER, ride and ambulance from the stand alone ER to the hospital to spend the night in ICU. But most importantly we won. What a birthday! I was so uptight about that game. So I know where Larry is coming from and I am really sorry to hear about his situation. Baseball pales in comparison to what he and possibly his family is going through. If I never see the Rangers win a WS I still have been blessed in many other ways. And I can say that in spite of having a special needs daughter. I hope Larry is able to feel the same.


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Jul 2, 2013
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My heart goes out to Larry. We will have a good 2015 team, I believe. Definitely worth following. I pray Larry stays on this planet long enough to envision a World Series here. As far as the planet, not much worth missing here.

Good to hear from you here, Bennie

Amen darryl and Rev I appreciated your apology to Bennie. Very cool of you.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't think they will. If he had continued what he was doing the first 2-3 weeks that he was in Frisco then maybe they would have, but he has hit a rough patch. He will be here soon enough though. Joey is going to be very special.

Doubt you see Joey in Arlington in Sept. He has struggled a bit lately at Frisco, though I think he hit his 41st HR the other night.

Normally I'm all for calling guys up but not with Gallo. I don't want us to rush him and screw with his confidence. He will struggle mightily if called up. I would like to see Rua and Telis among others. They deserve it.

Yeah, you guys are right, it probably a bit to soon especially if he is struggling some in AA right now. Really could use the power next year but not at the expense of damaging his development. I honestly think this might be the most power starved Ranger team I have seen in my lifetime.


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
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Normally I'm all for calling guys up but not with Gallo. I don't want us to rush him and screw with his confidence. He will struggle mightily if called up. I would like to see Rua and Telis among others. They deserve it.

I was disappointed Telis didn't play the other night, I was looking forward to seeing him. I really wanted to see Rua have a good game, he went 1-3 with a walk and made one routine catch in LF. Nicholas had a good game and Sardinas made an error but hit an oppo double that plated 3 runs in a a big bases loaded 2 out spot. We will see most of these guys in ST


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Its real hard to say how things will turn out in 2015. I mean we sure did not see this coming in 2014. A lot depends on health and any moves made. I still feel we can be very competitive but at the same time we need to keep developing up into the higher levels of our minor league system.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Its real hard to say how things will turn out in 2015. I mean we sure did not see this coming in 2014. A lot depends on health and any moves made. I still feel we can be very competitive but at the same time we need to keep developing up into the higher levels of our minor league system.

Yeah, I'm not too sure how realistic it is to even expect a playoff birth next season. It won't stop me from hoping for one though. We are just going to have a lot of people coming off of either a serious injury or a disappointing season. Just staying healthy next season would be a huge moral victory.


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
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I use to joke with my sons about how they will say when the Rangers win a WS that too bad dad was not around to see it. To be honest I did not ever think I would see us win a playoff series let alone be in a WS. In fact I ended up in a stand alone ER on Oct 12, 2010 (in case you do not know that date it was the night we beat Tampa to win our 1st series ever). To top it off it was my birthday. I had an A-Fib after the game was over and had no idea what was going on as I never had anything happen to me before like that. So I got to go to ER, ride and ambulance from the stand alone ER to the hospital to spend the night in ICU. But most importantly we won. What a birthday! I was so uptight about that game. So I know where Larry is coming from and I am really sorry to hear about his situation. Baseball pales in comparison to what he and possibly his family is going through. If I never see the Rangers win a WS I still have been blessed in many other ways. And I can say that in spite of having a special needs daughter. I hope Larry is able to feel the same.

When you put life in perspective it is nice to have your favorite teams succeed and be able to witness them doing so. However it is most important to look at the things you have accomplished and the things your children have as well and be so proud for them. I have had a headache for 3 weeks now and the doctors can't seem to figure it out. I had a CT scan on my brain and am waiting on the results today. I am sure I will be fine but when you hear about things like what happened to Richard Durrett, you can't help but be a bit concerned and think about what you would leave behind if you were to go suddenly.

I wish Larry the best in his fight with cancer and hope that he might recover to see what will likely be a WS win a few years down the road for the Rangers.

Wastin I am glad to hear you have been blessed and hope that you have many more blessings in your future.


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Happy Anniversary

Rangers score 30 runs in one game

On this date in 2007, the Texas Rangers scored 30 runs on 29 hits in a nine-inning game.

This game was unbelievable, watched the whole thing. Fun game to watch, we could use a few fun games to watch about now. This is a good one to reminisce on.


In Beltre we trust.
Apr 27, 2013
Houston, Texas
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Happy Anniversary

Rangers score 30 runs in one game

On this date in 2007, the Texas Rangers scored 30 runs on 29 hits in a nine-inning game.

This game was unbelievable, watched the whole thing. Fun game to watch, we could use a few fun games to watch about now. This is a good one to reminisce on.

Wes Littleton got a 3 inning save....if that game doesn't prove how silly saves are I don't know what does.

I enjoyed the hell out of that one. TAG and Lewin had a blast that night.

Also HOLY SHIT where did the last 7 years of my life GO?!?!?!


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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Doubt you see Joey in Arlington in Sept. He has struggled a bit lately at Frisco, though I think he hit his 41st HR the other night.

According to JD, he's not coming up in Sept, no matter what he does for the reason of this minor league season.


In Beltre we trust.
Apr 27, 2013
Houston, Texas
Hoopla Cash
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According to JD, he's not coming up in Sept, no matter what he does for the reason of this minor league season.

Nor should he. Why mess his head up? Next September should be the soonest if at all.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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When you put life in perspective it is nice to have your favorite teams succeed and be able to witness them doing so. However it is most important to look at the things you have accomplished and the things your children have as well and be so proud for them. I have had a headache for 3 weeks now and the doctors can't seem to figure it out. I had a CT scan on my brain and am waiting on the results today. I am sure I will be fine but when you hear about things like what happened to Richard Durrett, you can't help but be a bit concerned and think about what you would leave behind if you were to go suddenly.

I wish Larry the best in his fight with cancer and hope that he might recover to see what will likely be a WS win a few years down the road for the Rangers.

Wastin I am glad to hear you have been blessed and hope that you have many more blessings in your future.

Wow.....I will keep my fingers crossed for ya this afternoon.

Please let us know the results whenever you feel comfortable discussing it.

God Speed young man!


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Happy Anniversary

Rangers score 30 runs in one game

On this date in 2007, the Texas Rangers scored 30 runs on 29 hits in a nine-inning game.

This game was unbelievable, watched the whole thing. Fun game to watch, we could use a few fun games to watch about now. This is a good one to reminisce on.

I remember watching that game. That was crazy.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
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When you put life in perspective it is nice to have your favorite teams succeed and be able to witness them doing so. However it is most important to look at the things you have accomplished and the things your children have as well and be so proud for them. I have had a headache for 3 weeks now and the doctors can't seem to figure it out. I had a CT scan on my brain and am waiting on the results today. I am sure I will be fine but when you hear about things like what happened to Richard Durrett, you can't help but be a bit concerned and think about what you would leave behind if you were to go suddenly.

I wish Larry the best in his fight with cancer and hope that he might recover to see what will likely be a WS win a few years down the road for the Rangers.

Wastin I am glad to hear you have been blessed and hope that you have many more blessings in your future.

Let us know what you find out bmurph.


In Beltre we trust.
Apr 27, 2013
Houston, Texas
Hoopla Cash
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I have absolutely had it with the character assassination of Yu Darvish by ESPN and other Dallas area media. It's completely unprofessional and unacceptable for them to shit all over Darvish to stir up controversy.

Also I want Wash fired immediately for his comments on Darvish today. No more shit from him...Just done.
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