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Series Thread: Rangers vs. Astros 5/12-5/14


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
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You're going to get roasted by some here for making this case. And I'm going to be scorned for agreeing with ya.

I just don't get how a guy with these kinds of stats - as well as his "demeanor" - seems to be such a throw away, like, "oh well, we'll just put Michael Choice out there and count him to duplicate this effort. Those are some damn good numbers, and in spite of me feeling strongly about MC, I don't think I'd count on him for this next season.

Now, this is all based on 13 May stats. A lot can change. But it's today.

I think Choice can get most of those type of numbers next year except stolen bases, i think he could do similar damage this year if he got more consistent playing time

This is something teams have to do, whether you agree that Texas has a spending limit or not, the fact is they DO and its been stated repeatedly

Rios will cost 14 million next year, Choice less than a million, thats 13+ million dollars that can go towards the upgrade at another spot(s) on the field

Its up to the front office to make that tough decision, but I know what I would do


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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At some point tough decisions must be made and Rios might be one of those tough decisions, and I'm not convinced he would be worth the 14 million dollar price tag next year, especially if they feel Choice can adequately replace him at a fraction of the cost, you then use that money and sign someone that fills another hole

The option/Choice question isn't even one that can be answered til after this season is concluded anyway, so I wouldn't be making too many declarative statements about who we need yet.

I was simply offering my 2 cents about what I would do

:agree:......after all it's 13 May. So much can happen between now, Oct and next season.

And the more I see of MC the bigger fan I become. His ''demeanor" and discipline seems rock solid.


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
Hoopla Cash
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:agree:......after all it's 13 May. So much can happen between now, Oct and next season.

And the more I see of MC the bigger fan I become. His ''demeanor" and discipline seems rock solid.

I think he has too much plate discipline to not eventually be a good hitter IMO

Just wish the bat showed a bit more extra base pop, he seems too much like a singles hitter right now, which is a problem I had with him before the season started


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2013
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You really are the most short sighted fan on here.

I just want a good lineup...... Something our team hasn't had since their last trip to the World Series. I was on record this summer, saying the team needed either Morales or Cruz. I think one or both of those guys would be nice to have right now. Our power numbers are dismal.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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I think he has too much plate discipline to not eventually be a good hitter IMO

Just wish the bat showed a bit more extra base pop, he seems too much like a singles hitter right now, which is a problem I had with him before the season started

Which is a huge part of the reason I wanted him in AAA this season.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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I just want a good lineup...... Something our team hasn't had since their last trip to the World Series. I was on record this summer, saying the team needed either Morales or Cruz. I think one or both of those guys would be nice to have right now. Our power numbers are dismal.

You're just standing in the slap-me-now line aren't ya? And damn-it, you're taking me there with ya.

I'm gonna spend many a year not being able to figure out how Cruz "escaped" from MLB FO guys for a lousy $ 8 mil and one year. He's averaging 32 HR and 100 RBI per 162 games played. I just don't understand.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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He would've been called up anyways after the injuries to Adduci and Beltre.

Agree and understand. But if we're just wishing, he needed a season in AAA to let him play CF/RF and work on his power.


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Jul 3, 2013
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I just want a good lineup...... Something our team hasn't had since their last trip to the World Series. I was on record this summer, saying the team needed either Morales or Cruz. I think one or both of those guys would be nice to have right now. Our power numbers are dismal.

I wanted Cruz or Morales also, but I realized when it was time to let Cruz go. When we signed Choo that idea was over. Morales could still be a good fit as the DH, but I doubt that's going to happen. They're already misusing MM and Choice.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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Agree and understand. But if we're just wishing, he needed a season in AAA to let him play CF/RF and work on his power.

You're probably right. I don't think we are able to see what MM is capable of when he's taken out every other day. Same goes for MC.


Vietnam Veteran
Jul 2, 2013
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I just want a good lineup...... Something our team hasn't had since their last trip to the World Series. I was on record this summer, saying the team needed either Morales or Cruz. I think one or both of those guys would be nice to have right now. Our power numbers are dismal.
The 3 4 5 guys are power hitters. All three have produced in the past. So has Choo. The team is plagued with injuries and are struggling right now. Under the same conditions I doubt Cruz or Morales would be any different. You never know when people will slump i.e. Fielder and Beltre.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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You're probably right. I don't think we are able to see what MM is capable of when he's taken out every other day. Same goes for MC.

I think you're on to this. MM is "kind-of" a wild card. His biggest problem has being staying prone on the field. When healthy, he can do a lot - other than play LF of course - and it would be nice to see him play often and put together a complete season. Take the results and deal with them. I'm a little befuddled on why he's getting any time at 1st, even if it'sjust late in games as a defensive replacement.

At the end of this season, we might have a bunch of interesting parts.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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Crap....fucked up that post......I meant to say about MM....."Not getting time at 1st."


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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The 3 4 5 guys are power hitters. All three have produced in the past. So has Choo. The team is plagued with injuries and are struggling right now. Under the same conditions I doubt Cruz or Morales would be any different. You never know when people will slump i.e. Fielder and Beltre.

My 2 concerns are this: (1) Fielder is in a one year slump. Bothers me a lot. (2) Beltre is just getting older and Father Time is/has taken it's toll. Love him, don't want to discard him, but his days are so numbered as our everyday 3rd baseman IMO......It pains me to say such.


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
Hoopla Cash
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I just want a good lineup...... Something our team hasn't had since their last trip to the World Series. I was on record this summer, saying the team needed either Morales or Cruz. I think one or both of those guys would be nice to have right now. Our power numbers are dismal.

You seem to forget that neither would have a place to play

Cruz wanted to play the OF or that's the excuse he used to justify leaving, but he would've been an upgrade at least, but he CHOSE to leave, nothing we can do about that, we offered him more money than he ended up getting in Baltimore, he thought he was worth more, oh well

Morales' production probably wouldn't have been much better than we've been getting out of the DH spot


Vietnam Veteran
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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My 2 concerns are this: (1) Fielder is in a one year slump. Bothers me a lot. (2) Beltre is just getting older and Father Time is/has taken it's toll. Love him, don't want to discard him, but his days are so numbered as our everyday 3rd baseman IMO......It pains me to say such.
My point to Crawler is this: Cruz or anyone could be in a slump same as Fielder. Never a guarantee. With you on Cruz but did not expect such a sudden slow down.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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You're probably right. I don't think we are able to see what MM is capable of when he's taken out every other day. Same goes for MC.

If Sir Prince turns out to be a failed experiment; this could be a catastrophe.

Think about it: We already had someone who is a much better 1st baseman then he, and cheap.....I've at least thought, maybe AB would be a nice transitional move to 1st in his later years.....how about for 2015-17 having MM and AB being our 1st baseman?

All this is some hindsight/some horseshit....granted.


Grumpy Cat
Aug 9, 2011
College Station, TX
Hoopla Cash
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My 2 concerns are this: (1) Fielder is in a one year slump. Bothers me a lot. (2) Beltre is just getting older and Father Time is/has taken it's toll. Love him, don't want to discard him, but his days are so numbered as our everyday 3rd baseman IMO......It pains me to say such.

Whats even more concerning about Fielder is he didn't have a great year last year either, better than our 1B but that isn't saying much

I think Fielder and Beltre are finally starting to get it going, just a question of when and how they break out


Vietnam Veteran
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If Sir Prince turns out to be a failed experiment; this could be a catastrophe.

Think about it: We already had someone who is a much better 1st baseman then he, and cheap.....I've at least thought, maybe AB would be a nice transitional move to 1st in his later years.....how about for 2015-17 having MM and AB being our 1st baseman?

All this is some hindsight/some horseshit....granted.
LOL!" Horseshit" You can be so genuinely honest.


Crabcakes and ACL tears
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I dont get it nightcrawler man... i keep trying to stick up for you but you just dont listen to me. You need to let Cruz go. We wanted him, and we most probably sent a very fair offer to him, but he wanted to play the outfield. So, if you're JD, do you sit here and bitch and moan over how he's having a good start? No. You trust the lineup you have. Which, our lineup is fine. Its best asset hasn't done a damn thing. Prince Fielder is more of a lineup changer then Nelson Cruz. Fielder affects a whole lineup. He's gonna get hot, its pretty much inevitable with how his career has gone. So just freakin let it go man. I can't help you if you don't listen to me. Just please shut up about Cruz. We all see how hes doing. I can also, AND YOU CAN PUT ME ON RECORD, say that Cruz will cool down majorly within then next month. I'm talking cold. I've always said the same thing. This lineup has been fine. Once we got our leadoff man, we were fine. Injuries and Prince Fielder sucking has taken a toll. Both of those things will come back to fruition. The one thing we've needed is one more established top 2 in the rotation pitcher. I've said that since like October. I was pleading for a Gallardo, a Price, an Ervin Santana, anybody. I still hold that to be true. This team, even if Prince heats up and we knock the piss out of the ball, will not succeed in the postseason without one more starting pitcher. You guys can knock that opinion all you want, but do me a favor and remember I said that. I've just been watching the postseason with close attention the past 15-20 years, and I don't think Matt Harrison or Martin Perez are good enough #2's right now. Maybe in a couple of years, but not now. I'm sorry. Perez has shown flashes of excellence, but I'd still take Scherzer, Greinke, Wacha,or most of the other playoff rotations over ours. You need 2 aces (or guys pitching like aces) to win a ring. I think we need one more pitcher, and I'm almost positive that, when the deadline comes, we'll be getting a starting pitcher, and not a hitter. Just wait