Senile Forum Poster
The only common thing we all seem to agree on is ..... no Doyers!
The only common thing we all seem to agree on is ..... no Doyers!
well, my world series is already fucked up.
Stl vs Cle now.
Going for Pitt in the NL.
In the AL, call me a bad fan but I'll be keeping my eye on the A's and pulling for them. That way, if they do happen to win the W.S., the Giants can say "See, you don't need the SJ territory to have a championship team"
Other teams I wouldn't mind seeing, I guess Cincy in the NL, but I don't really like any of the teams. And anyone except the Red Sox in the AL, but pulling mostly for Cleveland and Oakland. I would also like to see Tampa do it so we can see some other teams win championships in that division outside of the top 2.
Gotta root against the Cardinals, man....we want to be the only NL dynasty going right now. If they get their 3rd ring in 7 years...
I'm with you, I don't really understand the A's hate from some Giants fan. I get it that as Giants fans we want as much attention and $ heading to our team, and a good A's team cuts into that a bit, but to me that's more than counterbalanced by having a Bay Area team doing well, as well as seeing a no-budget team win.
Tigers over Braves in 7.
i'd love the braves to sweep the dodgers but i feel like you kind of have to spot the doyers a 1-0 lead.