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Poll: Who Was the Greater Player of His Generation, Kobe Bryant or Tim Duncan?

Who was the greater player of his generation?

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Feb 5, 2016
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When the hell was I comparing either players willingness to take a pay cut to accommodate their teams flexibility?

I'll start again slowly for those (you) who haven't quite caught up with the rest of us:

I said: "When did Kobe demand to get paid".

That's all, nothing more, nothing less. I wasn't comparing commitment to team, selfishness, dick size etc, I just wanted to know when Kobe demanded a pay rise!

:clap: Well done to you for trying though!

WHEN DID PAY RAISES COME IN HERE???? YOU NEVER SAID THAT. If you stop changing your defense it might begin to make sense, but every post, you add in something new.

Bravo. Thanks for adding all these new things.. You posted disagreeing with the statement that Duncan didn't take the pay me route and instead took less.

Nowhere have i said anything about taking pay raises, or demanding more. I am just agreeing with his statement. And gave points to support that and where Kobe said he wouldn't take less money.

The two points of the post I am supporting.. If you have a problem with that, tell me how. I am not saying he asked for a raise, I am not saying he went in and physically demanded more. These are new things you are just making up on the fly now.

Lets start over.. Add in all the other little things you need to redefine what the previous poster meant to say but actually didn't that you want to interject here if you have a problem with that. If not, then what are you constantly revising that statement he made with your own new guidelines for?

So yes, thanks for playing. Everytime you use the change up your defense (haha can't nail me, because now I am switching over the defense to he didn't take a raise... haha nope, now it's he didn't use the word "demand", haha now it's


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Feb 5, 2016
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When the hell was I comparing either players willingness to take a pay cut to accommodate their teams flexibility?

Why the hell would you respond to the post SPECIFICALLY ABOUT THAT THEN???? :gaah:


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Really?!? Where?

lol.. Look, all I am doing is agreeing. Duncan took less at the end to make his team better. Kobe didn't. It's why Kobe made 70 million more over his last 4 years. That's all I am saying. Ok. Quit getting lost in the weeds here on this.
Dec 18, 2013
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lol.. Look, all I am doing is agreeing. Duncan took less at the end to make his team better. Kobe didn't. It's why Kobe made 70 million more over his last 4 years. That's all I am saying. Ok. Quit getting lost in the weeds here on this.

No no no, where did I say Duncan DIDN'T take less, like you claim.

If you're going to come up with utter bull crap at least have the balls to back it up.


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No no no, where did I say Duncan DIDN'T take less, like you claim.

If you're going to come up with utter bull crap at least have the balls to back it up.

Wow, this is like the 5th time you've changed your story here.

Post 71. I agree with his statement 100%. Kobe over the last 4 years of his career made more than any other player in that time. 70 million more than Duncan. I believe that is Kobe maximizing his income. His showing that he wasn't going to take any paycut but rather make as much as he could.

I see now you are down to 5th grade name calling here too.. I get it. That's what you really are. Look I didn't come here to argue with you. I just came to back up that other persons statement. If you have an issue with it... BRING FACTS... Quit the mushy mouth changing your topic, name calling crap. Leave that for your middle school ok.
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Wow, this is like the 5th time you've changed your story here.

Post 71. I agree with his statement 100%. Kobe over the last 4 years of his career made more than any other player in that time. 70 million more than Duncan. I believe that is Kobe maximizing his income. His showing that he wasn't going to take any paycut but rather make as much as he could.

I see now you are down to 5th grade name calling here too.. I get it. That's what you really are. Look I didn't come here to argue with you. I just came to back up that other persons statement. If you have an issue with it... BRING FACTS... Quit the mushy mouth changing your topic, name calling crap. Leave that for your middle school ok.

Again, WHERE? Where did I change topic and where did I call you any names?

A direct quote would be nice. Won't take long, you only have about 15 posts to go back to.


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Kobe in the last 4 years of his career made more than any NBA player ever has in a 4 year span. I'm not the one trying to defend that isn't the "pay me attitude".

That's all I am saying I agree with the other posters side on your rebuttal on post 71.

Jeez you seem to be getting really angry when all I am doing is giving you facts.. And your responses are just names and big girl language.. look. Whatever. Grow up.


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Again, WHERE? Where did I change topic and where did I call you any names?

A direct quote would be nice. Won't take long, you only have about 15 posts to go back to.

Post 71. The topic was Duncan didn't have a "pay me attitude" and took less money to help his team. That's
all I'm talking about.

Not how big of a raise Kobe took.
Not whether he used the word "demand" in his contract talks.
Not whether he wears boxers or briefs.

Not all these new topics you want to interject when I brought facts of why I agree with fordman. Look if you want a new topic, fine, move on. I am agreeing with his. I don't see why you are flipping out of this and pulling out your big girl language.

How the heck does anyone but Kobe, his agent, and Kupchack know if he "demanded" 25 mil or not??? Why are you asking an impossible question to answer? I showed where he said he was going to get max value publicly.

Find me a player who spoke more about increasing their own pay? One of them???? A single one??? or is Kobe publicly the most "pay me attitude" player that we can find?

Look, I don't see why you are so locked in on that one part of his career. If you want to defend your opposing position to fordman, have at it. Maybe don't counter it asking for a proof that maybe 3 people in the entire world could answer. That seems to me to be a poor counter, the kind a homer would make knowing the exact answer couldn't be found.
Dec 18, 2013
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Post 71. The topic was Duncan didn't have a "pay me attitude" and took less money to help his team. That's
all I'm talking about.

No, I simply asked when Kobe demanded to "get paid" because apparently according to fordman he had a "pay me" attitude. Nothing more nothing less. You just made a huge deal of it and started making shit up.

Find me a player who spoke more about increasing their own pay? One of them???? A single one??? or is Kobe publicly the most "pay me attitude" player that we can find?

Shaq. Look it up. That's one!
Wade. Two weeks ago. That's two.

Want more?


Mar 12, 2015
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Post 71. The topic was Duncan didn't have a "pay me attitude" and took less money to help his team. That's
all I'm talking about.

Not how big of a raise Kobe took.
Not whether he used the word "demand" in his contract talks.
Not whether he wears boxers or briefs.

Not all these new topics you want to interject when I brought facts of why I agree with fordman. Look if you want a new topic, fine, move on. I am agreeing with his. I don't see why you are flipping out of this and pulling out your big girl language.

How the heck does anyone but Kobe, his agent, and Kupchack know if he "demanded" 25 mil or not??? Why are you asking an impossible question to answer? I showed where he said he was going to get max value publicly.

Find me a player who spoke more about increasing their own pay? One of them???? A single one??? or is Kobe publicly the most "pay me attitude" player that we can find?

Look, I don't see why you are so locked in on that one part of his career. If you want to defend your opposing position to fordman, have at it. Maybe don't counter it asking for a proof that maybe 3 people in the entire world could answer. That seems to me to be a poor counter, the kind a homer would make knowing the exact answer couldn't be found.

Yes, yes and yes.....you are correct. Your side of the debate is the winner.

Kobe took way more money than he was worth the last two seasons, he knew it, and he didn't care that it crippled the team. That's just one of the reasons Duncan > Kobe


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No, I simply asked when Kobe demanded to "get paid" because apparently according to fordman he had a "pay me" attitude. Nothing more nothing less. You just made a huge deal of it and started making shit up.

Shaq. Look it up. That's one!

Tell me, how am I supposed to know if he demanded to get those top salaries from Kupchack???? How is anyone supposed to know that. What we have though is his quotes saying he's going to maximize his money. We have the fact that he did do that.

When the best "pay me attitude" guy over Kobe you can come up in the entire league is someone who's not been in the league for 5 years... I think that says all we need to know don't you?

And 5 years ago Shaq was playing on the veteran minimum trying to get one last ring. Kobe's last year... setting NBA records for most consecutive seasons as the highest paid player. Seriously... Your excuse that Kobe isn't the worst is a guy who 10 years ago was the highest paid NBA player?

Then you started making stuff up about it needing to include raises... and it couldn't be him saying he tries to get the highest pay possible, but now he has to be demanding it in those private meetings... lol Come on.

We have the guy who got the most money EVERY SINGLE YEAR. We have the guy who spoke out more about that in that time than ANYONE. But that's not a "pay me" player. lol. Come on.

Again, I have NO issue with him maximizing his value like he did. I don't think with that FO/Ownership/Roster/Coaching they would have been winning chips if he played for free. Not hating at all on him.

But you are trying to tell me that the guy who maximized his financial value more than any other player ever had in league history at the end there wasn't about the money.
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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When the best "pay me attitude" guy over Kobe you can come up in the entire league is someone who's not been in the league for 5 years... I think that says all we need to know don't you?

You asked for one, I gave you one. :L

Want another? Dwayne Wade.
Dec 18, 2013
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Then you started making stuff up about it needing to include raises... and it couldn't be him saying he tries to get the highest pay possible, but now he has to be demanding it in those private meetings... lol Come on.

:scratch: Really? Where?


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Feb 5, 2016
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You asked for one, I gave you one. :L

Want another? Dwayne Wade.

Ok, I've got 4 quotes in the past few years for Kobe directly about getting the most money he could. I've got 6 straight years as the highest paid player in the NBA. I've got him answering reporters asking about a little pay cut with heck no. What do we have with Wade in that time...

Oh yeah, that's right, opting out of a deal to take 11 million dollars less to get other players on that team.

Did you really just use that as your comparison. The guy who for 6 straight years fought to have the highest salary in the NBA, to the guy who in that time took less to add better players and try for championships??? :crazy:


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:scratch: Really? Where?

" I just wanted to know when Kobe demanded a pay rise!"

Hmmm, yeah, you didn't post that.. hmm, and that time you did was the FIRST TIME THAT PAY RAISE TOPIC CAME UP. :bullshit:
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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" I just wanted to know when Kobe demanded a pay rise!"

Hmmm, yeah, you didn't post that.. hmm, and that time you did was the FIRST TIME THAT PAY RAISE TOPIC CAME UP. :bullshit:

I think we can all assume "get paid" means "demand pay raise"

So, we're back to the beginning again. WHEN DID KOBE DEMAND TO GET PAID/ DEMAND A PAY RAISE?

Simple question really which has taken you over a dozen attempts to fail to answer.


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Feb 5, 2016
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I think we can all assume "get paid" means "demand pay raise"

So, we're back to the beginning again. WHEN DID KOBE DEMAND TO GET PAID/ DEMAND A PAY RAISE?

Simple question really which has taken you over a dozen attempts to fail to answer.

A pay raise over what??? I would say get paid means being in the top 5 or so in salary right??? Kobe's been:

Highest paid player in the entire NBA in 2015? Kobe Bryant
Highest paid player in the entire NBA in 2014? Kobe Bryant
Highest paid player in the entire NBA in 2013? Kobe Bryant
Highest paid player in the entire NBA in 2012? Kobe Bryant
Highest paid player in the entire NBA in 2011? Kobe Bryant
Highest paid player in the entire NBA in 2010? Kobe Bryant
Highest paid player in the entire NBA in 2009? Kobe Bryant

I think that's ensuring you are getting paid. I think that's a get paid mentality.

Are you arguing getting paid the most every. single. year. isn't enough. It has to be getting paid a SHITLOAD MORE THAN EVERYONE ELSE?

Seriously... Kobe 2 years ago made 8 million more than anyone else in the league. How is making 30% more than the next highest player not "getting paid"..

And you come back with Wade? The guy who took paycuts on multiple contracts. Come on. You have to be joking right?