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Nope. I do not believe all 32 owners got on a conference call and said, let’s not sign these two guys.

Hell, Baltimore was going to bring Kap in until his girl opened her mouth.

It is likely all 32 owners realize these two players are hurting their bottom line. For Reid in particular, there could just be no market for overpaid safeties.

Thats the beauty of black listing some one. In today's world it does not require a conference call or an email. Word of mouth is good enough.

Sportster 72

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So am I to understand the immigrants the US want is Europeans (minus Spain and Portugal) and Australia and New Zealand minus the indigenous tribes? If I remember my countries right I guess everyone else can be called a person of color. White people really suck or that is a dim view of our country. I don't oppose illegal immigration and I have Mexican, Asian and African American family members. :noidea:


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So am I to understand the immigrants the US want is Europeans (minus Spain and Portugal) and Australia and New Zealand minus the indigenous tribes? If I remember my countries right I guess everyone else can be called a person of color. White people really suck or that is a dim view of our country. I don't oppose illegal immigration and I have Mexican, Asian and African American family members. :noidea:

Well I will simply say this...

I dont see Trump or any of his hard line supporters protesting illegal Russian sex workers, or people of European heritage that have over stayed student or travel Visa's. We are spending millions to figure out if Juan is an illegal immigrant, yet Svetlana married the President to be and got her citizenship.


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The beauty about is. The owners can hire who they damn well please, and it just so happens they don’t wont to hire those fools


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The beauty about is. The owners can hire who they damn well please, and it just so happens they don’t wont to hire those fools

And again I will ask, why are they fools?? Because they attempted to bring attention to something that makes the majority in this country uncomfortable?? Because they didnt want to know their place and be thankful that because they are skilled enough to play a game, they MIGHT not end up in the situation that some others who are NOT NFL players are subject to every day??


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We’ve done been over this time and time again. Regardless if you think they’re fools or not. The talent just isn’t there


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We’ve done been over this time and time again. Regardless if you think they’re fools or not. The talent just isn’t there

There are FAR LESS talented players currently on rosters at this moment. Some where this season, a far less talented QB will start an NFL game this year. And a far less talented Safety is going to make some ones roster and likely start this season.


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There are FAR LESS talented players currently on rosters at this moment. Some where this season, a far less talented QB will start an NFL game this year. And a far less talented Safety is going to make some ones roster and likely start this season.

But their talents are not worth the head aches. There is more to being an employee than talent. Football is a business and those two are bad for business.


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It isn’t collusion if they don’t get together and make a deal.

Definition of collusion
secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose
  • acting in collusion with the enemy


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But their talents are not worth the head aches. There is more to being an employee than talent. Football is a business and those two are bad for business.

Really?? So if the Redskins signed and started both these players, would you boycott the team?? Answer... no. They are no more bad for business than the Redskins name is. But what they were trying to bring light to does make a certain portion of the population uncomfortable. Funny part is, the person MOST affronted about the disrespect Kaep was showing towards our veterans, was a service dodger who has repeatedly shown his disdain for our veterans.

Sportster 72

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…. and there is the rub. It just depends on your view of the world. Mine is not so one sided or simplified. BTW I never mentioned Trump.


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…. and there is the rub. It just depends on your view of the world. Mine is not so one sided or simplified. BTW I never mentioned Trump.

True, you never mentioned him. But he was the main mouthpiece behind the view of Kaepernicks actions being turned from a non-violent statement against police brutality and how people of color are still considered less than worthy by some in this country. Into a statement of disrespect and/or hate for our country and veterans.


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anyone , no matter where you come from , if you are here illegally you need to go . most people feel that way . most people dont want our police to be brutal .. police brutality showed up long before Trump was on the seen by a few jerks in different forces

my issue with kaep and others have been stated above . my feeling is if you allow politics into the game when does the line get drawn ? abortion ? anti abortion ? war or no war ? gun control , no gun control . religion , no religion . ?

and who decides what protests are ok and what are not? the cowboys were not allowed to where decals supporting policeman after 5 were murdered so which debating side gets to "tell their story " and who does not ?

hence i believe politics should be left at the door of a sporting or entertainment event no matter what its merits may or may not be .

i am willing to let kaep and reid back in the NFL as long as the protests stop and there should be no protests at all about anything for any reason by any nfl players


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True, you never mentioned him. But he was the main mouthpiece behind the view of Kaepernicks actions being turned from a non-violent statement against police brutality and how people of color are still considered less than worthy by some in this country. Into a statement of disrespect and/or hate for our country and veterans.

hmm maybe I should clarify my Kaep stance....

Reid will have a job in the NFL because hes still very young and has talent and has been productive recently. The safety market is really slow moving. He should probably shut the fuck up because if he had any self awareness he'd see other safeties not getting contracts yet.

Kaepernick should not. He sucks. Like hes really really bad, getting benched for Blaine Gabbert bad. People who cherry pick his TD/INT ratio are either cherry picking race baiters or are clueless and did not watch him take a single snap his final year in the league.

Sure, Kaep is better then some 3rd stringers and 2nd stringers. However, those 3rd and 2nd stringers have something in common that Kaep doesnt share.... youth, leadership, and the unknown. Stephen Morris may have a job in the NFL because hes young and no one really knows if he sucks or not cause he hasnt played. Kaep is going on 31, is a known commodity who SUCKS, no one runs a system tailored for him, and who wants a distraction as a 2nd stringer.... with race hustlers like Jemele Hill still somehow someway having a platform he will be a distraction.

Shark something that I assume you will take exception to but I got to get it out. Kaepernick is fake as fuck. He was adopted by 2 white parents, lived in an affluent area, went to the University of Nevada, and scored one of the highest wonderlic scores ever. The guy is very very very intelligent but talks like hes from the streets without any formal education and grew up in housing projects of Compton. Dont give me culture bs because thats not how he was brought up.


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And again I will ask, why are they fools?? Because they attempted to bring attention to something that makes the majority in this country uncomfortable?? Because they didnt want to know their place and be thankful that because they are skilled enough to play a game, they MIGHT not end up in the situation that some others who are NOT NFL players are subject to every day??

i work in healthcare.... uncomfortable is being a white guy walking into hospital/LTC break room in west baltimore or north philly... uncomfortable is being called all sorts of racial derogatory terms when you are handing out discipline, uncomfortable is being super friendly with staff in 1on1 settings and that friendliness completely flips in group settings/meetings/conferences/educations. Uncomfortable is sitting at a union delegation and having people completely lie to your face to protect another employee because of race... ive seen a ton of racism in healthcare setting

I'm not from the south, midwest, deep south so I'm not going to pretend racism doesnt exist. Being from northeast Jersey/Philly I've seen plenty of racism though when I got into the field and 99% of the time it is directed one way.

Its a 2-way street.... Candace Owens or Kanye being called uncle toms for going against a status quo doesnt help. Jemele Hill, Shun King, other race hustlers fanning the flames while having a single perspective also doesnt help...

Theres a long way to go but I dont think its just 1 side that needs some self awareness as so many proclaim.


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Really?? So if the Redskins signed and started both these players, would you boycott the team?? Answer... no. They are no more bad for business than the Redskins name is. But what they were trying to bring light to does make a certain portion of the population uncomfortable. Funny part is, the person MOST affronted about the disrespect Kaep was showing towards our veterans, was a service dodger who has repeatedly shown his disdain for our veterans.

If Vick or Michael Bennett joined the Skins I would have strongly considered boycotting the team... shit I was not happy at all with Portis supporting Vick. Never felt the same way about Portis after that..

and yes Michael Bennett on the Eagles is killing me


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Solid response. So basically you feel the same way I do about people who say the Trump wall is about protecting Americans and not about excluding non whites.

Terror and the Mexico border: How big a threat?

"From November 2013 to July 2014, officials apprehended 143 individuals listed on the US terror watch list trying to cross the Mexico border and enter the US illegally, according to a confidential Texas Department of Public Safety report obtained by the Houston Chronicle."

Yeah... it kind of is about national security... not to mention MS13, drug cartels, and criminals literally seeking refuge in the US from home country. Also government dependency.

I love how the narrative constantly shifts to fit worldviews..... United States doesnt want dark skinned immigrants.... except people from Asia, particularly India.

Obama tried and failed, well tried too late to promote HIGH SKILLED immigration, essentially the same thing Trump wants. Except Trump is racist and Obama isnt.

The President’s Actions to Promote High-Skill Immigration

Also PC bullshit aside some cultural values directly conflict with western values, so yeah I have no problem when we turn away deeply rooted middle eastern/northern african immigrants. Unless of course we want social unrest like in many parts of Europe where people try to revert back to the stone age and kill off homosexuals and diminish the rights of women to mere property/cattle. Its not racist its common sense.


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Shark something that I assume you will take exception to but I got to get it out. Kaepernick is fake as fuck. He was adopted by 2 white parents, lived in an affluent area, went to the University of Nevada, and scored one of the highest wonderlic scores ever. The guy is very very very intelligent but talks like hes from the streets without any formal education and grew up in housing projects of Compton. Dont give me culture bs because thats not how he was brought up.

And something that is missed is, it dont matter where he was brought up or how he was raised to some folks in this country. At the end of the day he is still a person of color. In the eyes of some, he will always be considered less than for this fact alone.


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And something that is missed is, it dont matter where he was brought up or how he was raised to some folks in this country. At the end of the day he is still a person of color. In the eyes of some, he will always be considered less than for this fact alone.

yeah also in the eyes of some Kirk Cousins the white QB sucks because he took the job from RG3 the black QB

For record out of college I wanted Kaep. He could throw the ball a mile, was athletic, extremely productive at Nevada with our training camp hero Marko Mitchell, and most importantly to me he killed the wonderlic. Everyone has the right to change their opinion. At first Kaep looked awesome and my opinion was justified. Now with NFL defenses catching up he looked like the worst starting QB in the NFL by a lot his last season playing and my opinion has changed.
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