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ahhh ...

86 not 96

that adds up & makes more sense, lol

Once again.. my typing sux, which is why I was a Marine, a mechanic, and now a Tech Support engineer again. I dont have to be able to type to tell people they are doing it wrong. LOL


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ahhh ...

86 not 96

that adds up & makes more sense, lol

now i can picture you with the leather jacket & the flat top

Cap Center 1989 Kid N Play, Doug E Fresh, The Fresh Prince, Run DMC and NWA... that.. was a a concert.


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So you believe he should have ignored North Korea and signed a bullshit deal with Iran, after drawing a red line on Syria and doing nothing about it when it is crossed, after lying to the American people about Benghazi? All of this after leaving Iraq vulnerable to ISIS expansion?

Is it possible that part of the disrespect Obama got was because of the disrespect given to Bush?

You see that's what makes this so difficult. Trump figured it out early on that you can fool a lot of the people ALL of the time. Can't blame the dude, he clearly found enough of the kind of people that he couldn't in places where they knew what he was......The Gullible. You're still using Benghazi.....fuckin' Benghazi? Shit's been disproved a thousand times already. OK, fuck it, maybe you'll believe guys with R's behind their names.

Kevin McCarthy lets GOP’s Benghazi mask slip: It’s all ...

Oh and this:

Second Republican Congressman Admits Benghazi Committee ...

Bro....you been conned!!

BTW: Who disrupted the middle east by attacking Iraq after 9-11 instead of going after Saudi Arabia where most of the perpetuators ACTUALLY came from and opened the flood gates for ISIS? WHO? (rhetorical question, it was war criminals in search of oil and money)

Here's a reminder: ISIS, actually ISIL,Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad, began in 1999 after pledging it's faith to Al-Qaeda. They subsequently were involved in the Iraqi Insurgency after the 2003 invasion of Iraq by western forces.

So let's see, you blame Obama /Clinton who were NOT in power until 2008, for something that started in 1999 and expanded in 2003.

I'm definitely not saying that this applies to you, but it seemed appropriate for the moment, call it comic relief!


· 1/11/2017
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Dave's Music & Stupidity


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i'm just going to pretend that didnt happen

i got this going in the background

Great lines from the genius of Mel Brooks......"What Knockers!"............."What hump?"......"Frau Blücher." [horses whinny]

“Where you going? Oh, you men are all alike. Seven or eight quick ones and then you’re out with the boys to boast and brag.”......and the whole thing with the monster in company of the blind monk ( Gene Hackman)

Timeless stuff, thanks for the reminder @Krush :thumb:


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Jul 18, 2013
somewhere over the rainbow
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1. We are entirely to involved in other countries affairs. And more often than not it has jack shit to do with our desire to spread democracy, and everything to do with making money.

2. Odds are Isis and Iraq wouldnt be half the problem they are if we again were not so concerned with the oil we get from the middle east.

3. The disrespect Obama got in this country had jack shit to do with foreign policy considering that before he even took office, there were people burning Obama dolls and saying shit like #NotmyPresident or calling him the #NwordsPresident.

At the end of the day, I think the same folks giving Trump a blank check, are the ones who were against Obama not for what he did, but for what he was.. namely black.

1- I do agree we are involved in other countries affairs all too much. True democracy is a joke and spreading it is foolish.

2- Except we have unbelievable reserves here. The Middle East was a problem long before ISIS and Al Qaida. The chants death to the infidels have been going on forever.

3- True to an extent. There are many people, such as myself, that didn't want him as POTUS because of his political beliefs but was hopeful because of his unique place in history. All he did was stoke the divide.

Actually, I agree with your last statement. Very few give Trump a blank check but agree with his policies.


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Turns out the current Secretary of State, most of congress, all of the inspectors, and several verifying nations all publicly said that they were and are following the agreement. The only person claiming otherwise is, he who envies Obama so much that he's obsessed with his legacy. BTW: making a fool of himself by overturning as many Obama accomplishments as possible doesn't erase Obama's legacy, it merely tells the horrible story that will be his own.

Iran was in violation of the resolution that led to the Iran deal, so in my opinion it is the same as violating the deal with regards to weapon's testing. I can also see they surpassed the heavy water portion at least twice.

My biggest issue is the deal itself. We basically paid an extortion fee to get a push back on the inevitable.


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Cap Center 1989 Kid N Play, Doug E Fresh, The Fresh Prince, Run DMC and NWA... that.. was a a concert.

The Fresh Prince, Kid N Play & NWA on the same bill? That just doesn't seem rt - I guess it was fine at the time. I just don't see the same audience for NWA & those other groups.


warPAINt nation
Jul 3, 2013
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To be fair, I could find articles to support the other side to Benghazi... and we could go on and on in circles. I find it amazing that people believe without conviction what they only want to believe. In other words.. heres an article the truth is written within. However my article states otherwise. Why is mine wrong and yours right? This is just hypothetically speaking but my point is simply people believe what fits their mindset. You were happy Obama was in office so he couldnt do wrong.. and vice-versa with Trump... or perhaps with any republican. The truth is that we the public will never know the truth.. about really anything. We have become such a devided nation from the help of network bias news stations and social media that will never agree on anything. A bill, act or law by one side or the other that would be helpful to the citizens of the USA will be opposed by the other side simply because of the mindset that nobody but “us” can be right, and nobody but “us” has any common sense. Im not trying to preach to anybody its just that we will always be caught between a rock and a hard place, and that bodes trouble to us.. americans.

In case anyone hasnt notice NK is on the brink of starting a nuclear war. Iran is now on their own way of becoming a nuclear power. A terrible war is coming. It’s inevitable. Only a fool believes otherwise. Trump may seem aggressive to you but as Gkek pointed out... you cant just keep drawing lines then backing off when crossed. We all want peace but that isnt possible in this world. I think perhaps thats the one thing both sides and all races can agree on... so wouldnt it behoove us to unite and stand together instead of tearing each other down.

I encourage everyone to stop watching these news networks such as MSNBC, CNN, FOX etc.. because tey do nothing but manipulate you with their editing and lies along with their fanatical guest. Go watch Andy Griffith, Good Times or whatever show takes you back to simpler times.


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You see that's what makes this so difficult. Trump figured it out early on that you can fool a lot of the people ALL of the time. Can't blame the dude, he clearly found enough of the kind of people that he couldn't in places where they knew what he was......The Gullible. You're still using Benghazi.....fuckin' Benghazi? Shit's been disproved a thousand times already. OK, fuck it, maybe you'll believe guys with R's behind their names.

Kevin McCarthy lets GOP’s Benghazi mask slip: It’s all ...

Oh and this:

Second Republican Congressman Admits Benghazi Committee ...

Bro....you been conned!!

BTW: Who disrupted the middle east by attacking Iraq after 9-11 instead of going after Saudi Arabia where most of the perpetuators ACTUALLY came from and opened the flood gates for ISIS? WHO? (rhetorical question, it was war criminals in search of oil and money)

Here's a reminder: ISIS, actually ISIL,Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad, began in 1999 after pledging it's faith to Al-Qaeda. They subsequently were involved in the Iraqi Insurgency after the 2003 invasion of Iraq by western forces.

So let's see, you blame Obama /Clinton who were NOT in power until 2008, for something that started in 1999 and expanded in 2003.

I'm definitely not saying that this applies to you, but it seemed appropriate for the moment, call it comic relief!


· 1/11/2017
· by
Dave's Music & Stupidity

I don't read Salon because I have found it wrong on numerous occasions with flat out liberal lies. As usual, you do not even ask me what bothers me about Benghazi. Benghazi itself didn't bother me, the cover and the lies did. It was never a spontaneous uprising as was the claim for weeks after the event. I have also seen far too many military sources state that help could have got there. I am not upset that the help wasn't sent though. I don't like the lies that follow.

The criminals must include every member of Congress at the time because they all voted to go.

Actually, a Clinton was in charge in 1999.


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The Fresh Prince, Kid N Play & NWA on the same bill? That just doesn't seem rt - I guess it was fine at the time. I just don't see the same audience for NWA & those other groups.

Got to think back... 1988-91 was when Will Smith and Kid N Play were just getting real big, Run DMC was a head liner, and NWA was in that weird we are a group, but not really phase. I agree with you, now a days getting two head liner groups would be hard, getting what would turn out to be four groups together nie impossible.


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@reptec101, @gkekoa and @HTTR08......I have a question for you guys. What are your thought and feelings on the Opioid overdose situation in this country? ( we can talk about the political side of this as we go on)


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@reptec101, @gkekoa and @HTTR08......I have a question for you guys. What are your thought and feelings on the Opioid overdose situation in this country? ( we can talk about the political side of this as we go on)

Interesting question... I will reserve comment until others have had a chance to chime in.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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the situation stinks and we have to look at our drug laws (aka canabis ) to help . as i understand it most opiad addictions now are coming from legal , over the counter drugs that are abused by good people becoming addicted


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@reptec101, @gkekoa and @HTTR08......I have a question for you guys. What are your thought and feelings on the Opioid overdose situation in this country? ( we can talk about the political side of this as we go on)

It is a tough call for me.

On the one hand, people are free and there are consequences to freedom.

On the other hand, if it was prescribed, and they followed the dosage but got hooked, you have to feel for them.

As usual, I see both sides but this one is tougher for me to take a stance on. Ultimately, I do not feel the tax payer should be giving to them though.


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Interesting question... I will reserve comment until others have had a chance to chime in.

I'm honestly interested in their thoughts on this.


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Well, I'll say first of all its a tragedy and secondly I like to think legalizing marijuana would help, but I don't think it will. I also think our Doctors are to quick to prescribe medicine these days and the wall couldn't hurt.


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IM going to throw one out there on Addiction that I didnt actually know until last week when I decided to stop smoking.

Cigarette companies for the last 10-15 years have been adding bronchodilators into cigarettes in order to shorten the time it takes to become addicted to nicotine buy making it easier for your body to process.

If they are knowingly doing this, does any one doubt that the producers of opioids are not creating formula that do basically the same thing. There is no money is cures, but addiction/maintenance pays very well.


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IM going to throw one out there on Addiction that I didnt actually know until last week when I decided to stop smoking.

have you tried vaping ?

i do zero nicotine and it helped me knock the habit

i'm cigarette free for 16 months

nicotine free for 10 months

... just here to brag



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have you tried vaping ?

i do zero nicotine and it helped me knock the habit

i'm cigarette free for 16 months

nicotine free for 10 months

... just here to brag


Seven days, 3mg nic in my vape. And I have not told a customer, coworker, my boss, my wife or any one on here that they really really need to fuck the fuck off.

I think Im doing good. :D
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