Well-Known Member
“I guarantee Wentz will start, I got a feeling”
Been telling him ALL offseason it takes a full year for an ACL to fully heal. Gave him all the objective medical evidence. Did he listen? Nope... not even a little. Instead he said dumb things like “Wentz looks ahead of schedule!”. First, I seriously doubt he ever saw Wentz but second, and more to the point, you can’t have a liagament acclimate to a body “ahead of schedule”. There’s no workout, exercise, etc that does that. The rehab for ACL surgery is strengthening the muscles AROUND the ACL to protect it from reinjury during the acclamation process. Of course whenever we said this he cried that we were trolling him, being unreasonable, etc. He even called us liars!
Even right to the end he was in denial. Dude needs some serious self evaluation although I doubt he’s capable of it.