Bloody Brian Burke
#1 CFL Fan!
So Hulk Hogan's a pretty racist guy, it appears.
So Hulk Hogan's a pretty racist guy, it appears.
Hopefully? Kill himself.Whatcha gonna do brother when your hate-filled crap that you spew runs wild on you?
Colin Cowherd is also being extra-special racist this week.
Jose Bautista Would Like To Rip Colin Cowherd A New OneHe's an extra special blowhard - What is he saying this week?
I can't wait to see how he handles this one. One of his "sorry if you misinterpreted" isn't going to cut it. 30% of MLB is Hispanic and the majority of those are from DR. Fox is MLB's biggest broadcast partner both at the national level and in terms of RSN's. If the PA makes a huge deal about this, MLB will have their back and if MLB tells Fox to kick Cowherd to the curb I don't think it'll be a tough decision.Colin Cowherd will do well at Fox![]()
WWE (in addition to firing the Hulkster) is wiping clean all Hulk Hogan merchandise, videos, and references. In summary, the guy messed up big time.
Hey Jake, did you see Liriano on the mound for the Pirates yesterday, who needs fielders?
/He either struck guys out or fielded comebackers and/or dribblers in front of home plate for the first four innings (lol)
Oh. My. Fuck.Maybe Colin Cowherd is the love child of Al Campanis
Cocaine, other illicit drugs found in Ontario water, McGill study says | Toronto Star
If anyone needs me, I'll be mainlining tap water.
And today of all days I chose to wear my Hulkamania shirt to work for casual Friday.