Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
I think will smith would have finished off a legit hat trick if he pushed liza minellis wheelchair off the stage
/too soon?

I think will smith would have finished off a legit hat trick if he pushed liza minellis wheelchair off the stage
So I guess the Oscars are on tonight…
Conspiracy theorist in me thinks the Will Smith/Chris Rock thing was staged.
Initially I thought it had to be, watching it more I do not think it was though I wouldn't be amazed. I don't see the point. It wasn't really funny and no one comes out of it looking good.Conspiracy theorist in me thinks the Will Smith/Chris Rock thing was staged.
Everybody’s marriage is their own business but man he puts in a lot of work for this woman who for all intents and purposes appears to be awful.
I think Jada was pissed and she forced Will to have to "defend her honor".
Initially I thought it had to be, watching it more I do not think it was though I wouldn't be amazed. I don't see the point. It wasn't really funny and no one comes out of it looking good.
Also for the people defending Smith - it was not a good joke but was not particularly mean spirited either. At least I don't think, especially with Jada being so open about it. And is there a less private couple in show business than Will and Jada? And while not exactly a comedian, Will is a quick witted funny guy. He knows what jokes are, I'm sure he's said things in his songs or appearances that others were not happy with.
Also - I blame Tom Cruise.