Stance: Goofy

Thousands of people have raised more than $1 million for a man who served 43 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit
Thousands of people are raising money online for a Missouri man who served 43 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.
Okay, that's great and all that people are helping this guy live well after what he's been through.
But why isn't the law firm that paid the guy who wrongfully put him away paying a ton of money? The defense attorney who blew it? The original judge? The prison? The state themselves?
There is a link to a National Registry of exonerations in the article. Almost three thousand people exonerated after serving time. The longest is a guy who served FORTY SEVEN years. It's incomprehensible to me that there is no punishment for the people that got it wrong in the first place.