Sometimes good things happen. If you say your prayers and eat your vitamins sometimes good things happen.
in college some JW's knocked on the door one morning while i was very, very hungover, most likely still drunk.
I was taking philosophy courses at the time, so figured what the fuck. I invited them in to chat.
cracked a morning beer while we sat around the table and I had them try to explain to me why their bible is correct out of all the options.
why are there so may bibles even within one sector of religion?
Do you think it's god's will that people die and kill over interpretation of those differences? that's pretty fucked up.
why their god was true, negating India's thousands of gods.
wasn't god just a social construct so could be anything that you wanted?
I had a quite enjoyable time, and they never came to that house again.
in college some JW's knocked on the door one morning while i was very, very hungover, most likely still drunk.
I was taking philosophy courses at the time, so figured what the fuck. I invited them in to chat.
cracked a morning beer while we sat around the table and I had them try to explain to me why their bible is correct out of all the options.
why are there so may bibles even within one sector of religion?
Do you think it's god's will that people die and kill over interpretation of those differences? that's pretty fucked up.
why their god was true, negating India's thousands of gods.
wasn't god just a social construct so could be anything that you wanted?
I had a quite enjoyable time, and they never came to that house again.
I had the Jesus Christ of the Latter day saints show up at the door. I naturally had to engage them because it is fun.
As they completed their dissertation asked if I believe if Jesus is real and still here?
My response to them was "Yeah he cuts my grass every Thursday".
At the point when I made that comment, they actually said thanks and walked away.
One item of understanding the setting, I had this conversation with them while drinking a bottle of beer. This was during the afternoon on a weekday, yeah I did this on purpose since they came to my door.
NOTE: I wasn't rude and did offer them a beer, but they declined.
The judges also would have accepted crack house.
Its a prequel so maybe Junior High Dropout?
Alone At The Silent Movie?
I think I already saw a clip from "Rise of the Pink Ladies" late at night a few months back online.Sometimes good things happen. If you say your prayers and eat your vitamins sometimes good things happen.
Fucking Jack, screwed me again with his dead-eyed look. His eyes were supposed to be alert, hungry with the knowledge of card hustling I was giving him.I had a job interview the other day. Another web interview. Being interviewed via video makes it hard to stand out so I tried a different tactic this time.
First I logged in about a minute late and looked kind of rushed. I apologized for being late and explained that I mentor inner city kids, showing them there are ways to avoid crime and drugs. I also teach them valuable real world skills. After I said this I panned out showing them my mentee Carlos (actually Jack, a neighborhood kid from down the street) sitting in front of a milk crate with three playing cards on it. This makes it obvious I have been teaching him 3 Card Monte. Then I apologized again but said I feel compelled to give back. After that we talked about the job I was applying for for a few minutes. I think it went well. Hopefully I will hear something this week. If I get the job Jack gets $20.
By the way, this post was originally about how the childhood mortality rate was going down. Someone changed the link, probably a Mod, to make me look trite and portray me as a musical lover.Sometimes good things happen. If you say your prayers and eat your vitamins sometimes good things happen.
Hold up… I thought the worst case scenario was blindness
I would watch his infomercials and always be tempted to buy his products. I’m sure I did but can’t remember any in particularthe Ronco rotisserie oven is really quite good.
it's like an easy-bake oven on steroids, but works like a charm.