Newly appointed fentanyl czar
You can't make this up go check the authors name of this article.
lol - That was unexpected.
/I was hoping for Seymour Butts.
You can't make this up go check the authors name of this article.
Right to the point.I still found the article a titillating read.
Based on the title, it is a Whopper of a story."Bored Scientists Swab Taco-Bell Kitchen" was the original headline.
Scientists Just Discovered a Whopping 12,000 New Species of Microbes
Growing microbes in a petri dish is pretty simple – swab basically anything, wipe it on an agar plate, let it sit for a few days in a warm room and presto! You've grown some new furry friends.www.sciencealert.com
I read Dave Barry's account of this glorious event. This is the first video I ever downloaded from the Internet. 1993. Took 8 hours.50 years ago...
That was really interesting, great photos tooAlso could have gone in the remembrance day thread ... cenotaph in the ghost town named Phoenix,BC
/Phoenix could have had their name on the Stanley Cup!!!
In 1911, the Phoenix Hockey Club won the McBride Cup, given to B.C.’s top hockey team. They challenged the Ottawa Hockey Club for the Stanley Cup – but the team declined, saying it was too late in the year.
OMG - first rule of fight club, people.FTR McGill barely competes with Queen's in terms of academic excellency, let alone being in the same stratosphere of U of T. Cornell of the North, maybe.