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OK so Baalke and Harbaugh wants Alex to Throw to our new and remaining targets?


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most of what we read here are opinions, but sometimes WE take opinions - our own - way too seriously.

whether you call it "politically correct" or "brutally honest", its still opinion.


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most of what we read here are opinions, but sometimes WE take opinions - our own - way too seriously.

whether you call it "politically correct" or "brutally honest", its still opinion.

I cant recall saying that the point of view i share with THOUSANDS of others was Factual? It is very clear to me that WE all can perceive things differently and have that right.

If majority of the opinions conclude to point in the same direction, there has to be FACTS that lies within those conclusions. I highly doubt all of US has poor observation skills. If Alex Smith was more than a mediocre QB he would have received a franchise tag and would be pursued by more than the niners at this point.


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I cant recall saying that the point of view i share with THOUSANDS of others was Factual? It is very clear to me that WE all can perceive things differently and have that right.

If majority of the opinions conclude to point in the same direction, there has to be FACTS that lies within those conclusions. I highly doubt all of US has poor observation skills. If Alex Smith was more than a mediocre QB he would have received a franchise tag and would be pursued by more than the niners at this point.

so there's no level between "mediocre QB" and "franchise"?

your opinion is he's mediocre and fine really, cause its your opinion. but saying you're just being "brutally honest", doesn't change its your opinion. there are others who think he's better than "mediocre" but not "franchise".


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Aug 14, 2011
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Give me a break. Your hyperbole is making it sound as if he's the consensus #1 QB in the league right now. No one in their right mind has him #1. No one is taking Eli over Brees, Rodgers, Brady, or even a healthy Peyton. And really, you'd only give a 2nd round pick for Eli? You'd be laughed right off the negotiating table. Kevin Kolb got two 2nd rounders. Carson Palmer got one 1st and one 2nd. You're sitting here telling me Eli is only worth a 2nd? In that case Alex is not worth more than a 5th.

How can you even say that Eli isn't that much better than Alex with a straight face? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not even a fan of Eli and I find that beyond comical. Eli made throws in the NFCCG that Alex wouldn't even dream about attempting. Regardless of who won, Eli is clearly the more skilled passer without question.

And let's not make Alex something he's not. There's no question he improved his decision making, and thus he's improved as a QB, but let's not act if he was setting the world on fire last season. The only QB in the NFL that was asked to pass the ball less than Alex was Tebow. Tim freakin' Tebow. Alex's yards AND TDs per game actually DECREASED in 2011.

I don't know what's up with some people on this board and their distorted view of Alex. I've never seen such blind and reckless loyalty towards a player that has been largely disappointing. No one has ever bothered with Alex in FA. Even guys like Chad Henne and David Garrard have gotten ear play before Alex, what the fuck does that tell you?

slow down a bit clyde. i don't see why you need to get as vehement with your rhetoric as you have. my original question, which no one has answered, was: 'why does no one say 'eli had plenty of chances to win the game [with better weapons and none of the limations - system, coaching, TC - that alex had/has'?' that is my question. feel free to answer at any time.

nowhere in my posts was i hyperbolic and 'made it sound like eli is the no 1 qb in the league.' what i have said is that his 2 SBs have put him in that conversation, despite my [rather low] opinion of him, i recognize that people are discussing that very question. his age, SBs, and ability to come through in big moments has put him in that category. but again, he's by no means the consensus no 1 nor do i think most people [outside of nyc] would take him over rodgers, brees, or brady.

on my list, i have alex smith in the 12-13 range of league qbs. is that something you also disagree with? if so, where would you put him? i never once claimed he set the world on fire; my assertion, as far as you can find one, is that i expect a big improvement from him next season, especially if we get another quality wide receiver ala lloyd, royal, or the draft.

eli had nicks, cruz, and manningham [who we're actively pursuing, it seems like] last season. name 1 [ONE] WR alex smith had in his 7 seasons that is even near that level. in our 3 regular season losses last year we gave up 6,9, and 5 sacks, respectively. why is that never mentioned?

yes, alex was asked to throw very few times last year. you say it is because of his ability.. i say its because of a lack of TC, no weapons at WR, and the overall structure of the team [D and ST being dominant enough to win ballgames]. we can agree to disagree on that. i also pointed out that when asked to, he has made big plays and led his team from behind [more 4th quarter comebacks than any qb in the L last season, i believe]. the eagles, giants [regular season], detroit and saints [playoff] games are my evidence from 2011. there were games where he struggled, no doubt. i do not expect perfection.

as far as eli goes. i was being hyperbolic when i said i'd only trade a 2nd rounder for him. would i trade this year's low first? most likely.. would i trade two of them? probably not. considering the money necessary, the talent at WR, and the way this team is built, i do not consider eli a significant upgrade. he makes more throws than AS but he also gambles far more often and has the receivers to make plays [read: bail him out] that AS just does not have. is eli a better pure passer? yes. is it night/day? no.

the mental toughness thing is laughable to me. AS came back to the stadium of 'we want carr' chants. 20 sacks in 3 losses. 20! he plays hurt, never shits on his teammates [and if i want to take a steamy dump on crabtree, i can only imagine how AS feels], and has been a standup guy for an organization that did not always treat him the same way [nolan, anyone?].

you can call me blind, a homer, a fanboy or whatever. i'd much rather enjoy a civil discussion where you break down my points 1 by 1 and change my opinion. that can happen. alex smith is not a dogma to me. the first thing you should point out, and i have no reply to this, is that alex smith has thrown for 300 yds in a game only TWICE in his entire career.


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Feb 24, 2012
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adj \ˌmē-dē-ˈō-kər\

Definition of MEDIOCRE

: of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance : ordinary, so-so

See mediocre defined for English-language learners »

See mediocre defined for kids »

Examples of MEDIOCRE

The dinner was delicious, but the dessert was mediocre.
The carpenter did a mediocre job.
The critics dismissed him as a mediocre actor.
They sensed that mediocre students like Roosevelt really did possess a set of virtues that needed to be protected and cherished. —David Brooks, New York Times Book Review, 6 Nov. 2005

I'm pretty sure Alex Smith fits the definition of 'mediocre'...


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so there's no level between "mediocre QB" and "franchise"?

your opinion is he's mediocre and fine really, cause its your opinion. but saying you're just being "brutally honest", doesn't change its your opinion. there are others who think he's better than "mediocre" but not "franchise".

Yes there is a level in between the two... Is there an "average" or "above average" Tag that can be applied to a player???

Actually when i stated being "brutally honest", i was referring to the comments made by others in this discussion that shed a negative light on Alex. I dont feel the "opinions" i have stated had any substance of brutality?

I attend the Niners games and its a Fact Smith does not throw receivers open on a consistent basis. Its a fact that he does not make the anticipation throws, or hit receivers in stride on simple slant routes to give them the chance for yac. I have watched Alex at every game i have attended, wait for eye contact with the receiver before he was comfortable firing the rock, more times than not.
If a QB is at least Average, he should have the abilities to do the things mentioned. I guess this is just my "opinion"? The beauty of it all is the FACT that we can agree to disagree...


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Aug 14, 2011
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one thing thats disgusting about our american society, the individuals who rather be politically correct instead of brutally honest. guys like vvoland Probably thinks talking alex smith up to be better than he is says, im not a hater or im the biggest die hard fan. we all root for alex to have success while he wears the uni but doesnt mean we have to wear blinders when it comes to his short comings. He is a mediocre QB and limits what our offense can accomplish in the passing game and how coaches can game plan. You can blame different OC for his progression if you like but you cant say he shouldnt have improved mentally or the way he throws those wobbly ducks out of bounds

so i'm what's disgusting about american society? the fact that you take my opinion and justify it as pandering or posturing seems noble to you? your inference that i'm 'talking alex smith up to be better than he is' is conjecture, at best. i've stated my opinion, you can disagree with it [generally by bringing up relevant examples and those messy things people call 'facts'] but by painting me with the brush of 'politically correct instead of brutally honest' you do yourself no favors.

your blinders comment is a bit hypocritical when followed by the sentence 'shouldn't have improved mentally.' REALLY? you saw no improvement in alex smith's mentality and approach to the game last season yet i'm the one with blinders on?

as far as the wobbly ducks go.. i'll give you that one. his one glaring weakness, to this point, is his ability to hit the long sideline route. i've debated this a number of times, but to summarize: i believe his trouble in that area is not due to accuracy or arm strength. i think it has a lot to do with confidence in the guys that run that route [though when VD runs it out of the backfield, AS has hit him in stride on multiple occassions]. i see him cheating [to the sideline/out of bounds] quite a bit when he throws to ginn or crabs but he also hits people [in this case, only vernon davis and delanie walker] in stride and in very small windows in virtually every other area of the field [and sometimes even down the sidelines].

with moss [and possibly lloyd or manningham] i expect smith [and the OC/HC] to focus on that route far more during this year's TC and if there's no improvement next season i'll admit he simply CAN'T make that throw. until then, i'll contend that he simply WON'T. the risks were amply demonstrated by braylon i-can't-outfight-a-midget-corner-for-a-jump-ball edwards.
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Mar 6, 2012
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so i'm what's disgusting about american society? the fact that you take my opinion and justify it as pandering or posturing seems noble to you? your inference that i'm 'talking alex smith up to be better than he is' is conjecture, at best. i've stated my opinion, you can disagree with it [generally by bringing up relevant examples and those messy things people call 'facts'] but by painting me with the brush of 'politically correct instead of brutally honest' you do yourself no favors.

your blinders comment is a bit hypocritical when followed by the sentence 'shouldn't have improved mentally.' REALLY? you saw no improvement in alex smith's mentality and approach to the game last season yet i'm the one with blinders on?

as far as the wobbly ducks go.. i'll give you that one. his one glaring weakness, to this point, is his ability to hit the long sideline route. i've debated this a number of times, but to summarize: i believe his trouble in that area is not due to accuracy or arm strength. i think it has a lot to do with confidence in the guys that run that route [though when VD runs it out of the backfield, AS has hit him in stride on multiple occassions]. i see him cheating [to the sideline/out of bounds] quite a bit when he throws to ginn or crabs but he also hits people [in this case, only vernon davis and delanie walker] in stride and in very small windows in virtually every other area of the field [and sometimes even down the sidelines].

with moss [and possibly lloyd or manningham] i expect smith [and the OC/HC] to focus on that route far more during this year's TC and if there's no improvement next season i'll admit he simply CAN'T make that throw. until then, i'll contend that he simply WON'T. the risks were amply demonstrated by braylon i-can't-outfight-a-midget-corner-for-a-jump-ball edwards.

Watching that INT made me furious at Edwards - at least defend the damn pass - Grr!

Nevermind - Carry on


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Aug 14, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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I cant recall saying that the point of view i share with THOUSANDS of others was Factual? It is very clear to me that WE all can perceive things differently and have that right.

If majority of the opinions conclude to point in the same direction, there has to be FACTS that lies within those conclusions. I highly doubt all of US has poor observation skills. If Alex Smith was more than a mediocre QB he would have received a franchise tag and would be pursued by more than the niners at this point.

the majority opinion last season was 'we want carr.' then it was 'trade for kolb;' subsequently, it was 'sign hasselbeck.' since you brought up what was wrong in america [me] i'll bring up one of my pet peeves about this country: the herd mentality. the respect we give to the majority implies a certain level of awareness, due diligence, and critical thinking that the majority has certainly not shown to possess.

for instance, let me point to your assertion that alex smith almost never hits receivers in stride. that's actually half correct, if you put the emphasis on the word 'receiver.' he seems to have little trouble hitting our TEs in stride but not our WRs.. i wonder if its because alex smith has a phobia of WR or if its because our primary WR has never been to camp/preseason and moreover, our WR are FUCKING TERRIBLE. name me a playoff team with a worse corps? again, hitting VD in stride and throwing him open seems to be no problem, why is that. could it be a level of trust and a rapport he just can't seem to find w/ michael i'm-a-little-bitch crabtree and the rest of our arena league level talent at the position. or is it simply because he 'can't?' i'll argue that its the former.

not to be redundant but i put alex smith in the 12-13 range in terms of league QBs. that puts his slightly above average. just slightly. where would you rank him?


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Feb 24, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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slow down a bit clyde. i don't see why you need to get as vehement with your rhetoric as you have. my original question, which no one has answered, was: 'why does no one say 'eli had plenty of chances to win the game [with better weapons and none of the limations - system, coaching, TC - that alex had/has'?' that is my question. feel free to answer at any time. QUOTE]

I think you failed to mention that Manning was on the road playing against the 4th ranked defense in the league and the second stingiest (14.3 points a game). So Eli goes for 316 with 2 TD's and leads the offense to 20 total points (higher than our 14.3 in the reg season)...

Alex on the other hand played at home against the 26th ranked defense and produced 196 yards with 2 TD's...

Eli was also under more pressure, being sacked 6 times compared to Alex who was sacked only 3 times. The Niners D absolutly beat the hell out of Eli, yet he still out performed Alex in just about every way possible...

So Alex wasn't loaded with weapons? He had both the better defense and special teams at his back, not to mention a better run game and TE. So Eli had better WR's, but I wouldn't say he had better overall talent surrounding him...
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Aug 14, 2011
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slow down a bit clyde. i don't see why you need to get as vehement with your rhetoric as you have. my original question, which no one has answered, was: 'why does no one say 'eli had plenty of chances to win the game [with better weapons and none of the limations - system, coaching, TC - that alex had/has'?' that is my question. feel free to answer at any time. QUOTE]

I think you failed to mention that Manning was on the road playing against the 4th ranked defense in the league and the second stingiest (14.3 points a game). So Eli goes for 316 with 2 TD's and leads the offense to 20 total points (higher than our 14.3 in the reg season)...

Alex on the other hand played at home against the 26th ranked defense and produced 196 yards with 2 TD's...

Eli was also under more pressure, being sacked 6 times compared to Alex who was sacked only 3 times. The Niners D absolutly beat the hell out of Eli, yet he still out performed Alex in just about every way possible...

So Alex wasn't loaded with weapons? He had both the better defense and special teams at his back, not to mention a better run game and TE. So Eli had better WR's, but I wouldn't say he had better overall talent surrounding him...

10 of those points were gifted by kyle williams. D and ST are not weapons for a QB. i'll take cruz, nicks, manningham, beckum, & bradshaw/jacobs over gore, walker, davis, and our WR poo-poo platter in a fucking heartbeat. in a fucking cocaine/adderoll heartbeat.

you're kidding yourself if you think the giants had the 26th ranked defense coming into that NFCCG. they held atl [also at home] to 2 points. they held GB [also at home] to 20. NE got 17, the cowboys [week 17] - 14. the previous game we gave up 30+ to new orleans. we did have the better defense but the difference wasn't as much as 4th to 26th would suggest. and while we got more pressure the giants DBs played a tremendous game and our WRs managed a total of 3 yards all game. i never said eli had better overall talent but he did have better weapons to throw to. with that, he still needed a very short field to tie the game and another one to win it.

eli also threw the ball 58 times that game. 58! FIFTY-EIGHT! to smith's 26. how is yards even a conversation? you can point to a better comp% but that's about it. both had 2tds and no picks. one of the biggest differences is that smith didn't start inside the giants 30 twice in the final 15 minutes of the game.


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vvoland, of course i dont think you are whats disgusting about our society!

it appeared that you had a biased point of view and the rest of us had no validity in our points? i stand corrected if im wrong, it wont be the first or last.


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you stated "our WR are Fucking Terrible", is that a fact or opinion also? can the same not be made about alex?

I was at the Giants game with very good seats in the endzone, and i can tell you the receivers were doing there job getting separation and Alex did not wait for plays to develop when he had time! Also having the chance to watch him compete with Eli LIVE, I would have to be mentally challenged to say that they belong in the same sentence. Eli made ridiculous throws in that game to receivers that were NOT open. After throwing INTs he still did not lose the confidence to try and fit balls into tight windows or on double coverages. "IMO", Alex plays the game like a rookie still worried about making mistakes instead of making plays. I dont have enough fingers to put up how many times receivers have gone back to the huddle shaking their heads because Alex has waited too late to pull the trigger. This is what i mean by not making progressions mentally. He seems to be out there thinking to much, second guessing his reads, and simply not allowing himself to play ball


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Feb 24, 2012
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10 of those points were gifted by kyle williams. D and ST are not weapons for a QB. i'll take cruz, nicks, manningham, beckum, & bradshaw/jacobs over gore, walker, davis, and our WR poo-poo platter in a fucking heartbeat. in a fucking cocaine/adderoll heartbeat.

you're kidding yourself if you think the giants had the 26th ranked defense coming into that NFCCG. they held atl [also at home] to 2 points. they held GB [also at home] to 20. NE got 17, the cowboys [week 17] - 14. the previous game we gave up 30+ to new orleans. we did have the better defense but the difference wasn't as much as 4th to 26th would suggest. and while we got more pressure the giants DBs played a tremendous game and our WRs managed a total of 3 yards all game. i never said eli had better overall talent but he did have better weapons to throw to. with that, he still needed a very short field to tie the game and another one to win it.

eli also threw the ball 58 times that game. 58! FIFTY-EIGHT! to smith's 26. how is yards even a conversation? you can point to a better comp% but that's about it. both had 2tds and no picks. one of the biggest differences is that smith didn't start inside the giants 30 twice in the final 15 minutes of the game.

Eli also completed 32, THIRTY TWO! Compared to Alex's 12...

Sure the Giants D was playing better, but they were not as good as the Niner D by any means...

You can say the points were gift wrapped or whatever, but the fact is points were capatilized on. While the Giants were 2-4 in the redzone, the Niners were 0-1...

Third down conversions? 7-21 for the Giants, Niners 1-13...

You can say what you want about the 'talent' difference, but the Niners still had the better D, a better run game and TE. The D helped to give Alex plenty of chances, in which he didn't capitalize enough. And the running game is a direct link to helping the QB. And the Giants D was clearly more interested in stopping the Niners run game and content to let Alex beat them with his arm. And we know the results there...

I'm not even sure why I'm debating this anymore. I'm not an Alex hater, I just realize that his ceiling isn't much higher then what he acheived last season. You can make your argument for Smith and his play verses Eli, but the fact is Eli won the game made better throws under pressure and now has 2 rings...

There is a reason Alex is'nt getting action as a free agent. And I would be willing to bet that if Eli was a FA he would have been tagged or there would be plenty of teams lining up to make offers...


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Aug 14, 2011
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vvoland, of course i dont think you are whats disgusting about our society!

it appeared that you had a biased point of view and the rest of us had no validity in our points? i stand corrected if im wrong, it wont be the first or last.

thank you, i appreciate that. and certainly i do not mean to imply that no one else has any validity. my opinion is a lot like my asshole in that everyone has theirs and it smells... unique.

i'm simply trying to find out the why behind those opinions and in the few times i post, i'm hoping to keep a discussing going long enough to do so.


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Aug 14, 2011
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you stated "our WR are Fucking Terrible", is that a fact or opinion also? can the same not be made about alex?

I was at the Giants game with very good seats in the endzone, and i can tell you the receivers were doing there job getting separation and Alex did not wait for plays to develop when he had time! Also having the chance to watch him compete with Eli LIVE, I would have to be mentally challenged to say that they belong in the same sentence. Eli made ridiculous throws in that game to receivers that were NOT open. After throwing INTs he still did not lose the confidence to try and fit balls into tight windows or on double coverages. "IMO", Alex plays the game like a rookie still worried about making mistakes instead of making plays. I dont have enough fingers to put up how many times receivers have gone back to the huddle shaking their heads because Alex has waited too late to pull the trigger. This is what i mean by not making progressions mentally. He seems to be out there thinking to much, second guessing his reads, and simply not allowing himself to play ball

sure, that's certainly opinion. but its one i'd put a lot of money on. most everyone has one about alex smith; its rather low and they pretty much all consider it a fact [some level of 'suck' and at his ceiling]. your later points make a lot of sense but while i've seen all but 2 games this season, its been via tv, red zone, highlights and everything else i can find and i don't get that 'live' look. i've felt like i've seen a lot less of this in 2011 than in years prior and i do believe with playcalling and another year in the system he can improve and has the ability, running and throwing, to elevate his game. i believe he's the type of quarterback that needs a lot of help at the WR position [a lot like eli, in that regard. again, just my opinion] and if he gets it.. he can be a 4200/32/14 type of qb. that, is where i think his ceiling is. i am hopeful its next year.


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Aug 14, 2011
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Eli also completed 32, THIRTY TWO! Compared to Alex's 12...

Sure the Giants D was playing better, but they were not as good as the Niner D by any means...

You can say the points were gift wrapped or whatever, but the fact is points were capatilized on. While the Giants were 2-4 in the redzone, the Niners were 0-1...

Third down conversions? 7-21 for the Giants, Niners 1-13...

You can say what you want about the 'talent' difference, but the Niners still had the better D, a better run game and TE. The D helped to give Alex plenty of chances, in which he didn't capitalize enough. And the running game is a direct link to helping the QB. And the Giants D was clearly more interested in stopping the Niners run game and content to let Alex beat them with his arm. And we know the results there...

I'm not even sure why I'm debating this anymore. I'm not an Alex hater, I just realize that his ceiling isn't much higher then what he acheived last season. You can make your argument for Smith and his play verses Eli, but the fact is Eli won the game made better throws under pressure and now has 2 rings...

There is a reason Alex is'nt getting action as a free agent. And I would be willing to bet that if Eli was a FA he would have been tagged or there would be plenty of teams lining up to make offers...

so let me ask you, would you take the G's weapons or ours?

as for the d, they certainly weren't 'content to let alex beat them.' they didn't overload the box, didn't focus on gore and that's why we ran and passed at a 50% clip. in fact smith was our 2nd best rusher that game.

0-1 from the red zone? true. but that makes 73 and 28 yd touchdown passes look like mistakes. i disagree.
2-4 for the g's. also, true. but one of those scores was on that back breaking ST fumble in the 4th. 6 plays for 29 yds. impressive.

and again, the passing numbers are indicative of style and playcalling, neither of which is a component of what the QB does. blame harbaugh, if you'd like for sitting on the ball for stretches of the game. alex smith ain't exactly willie beamon.


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Aug 9, 2011
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Yes there is a level in between the two... Is there an "average" or "above average" Tag that can be applied to a player???

Actually when i stated being "brutally honest", i was referring to the comments made by others in this discussion that shed a negative light on Alex. I dont feel the "opinions" i have stated had any substance of brutality?

I attend the Niners games and its a Fact Smith does not throw receivers open on a consistent basis. Its a fact that he does not make the anticipation throws, or hit receivers in stride on simple slant routes to give them the chance for yac. I have watched Alex at every game i have attended, wait for eye contact with the receiver before he was comfortable firing the rock, more times than not.
If a QB is at least Average, he should have the abilities to do the things mentioned. I guess this is just my "opinion"? The beauty of it all is the FACT that we can agree to disagree...

if its about your evaluation of Alex Smith, we don't disagree. its still not fact, but our opinions are the same. so we're not agreeing to disagree here.

again, i just commented on the part where being 'brutally honest' is still an opinion. anyways, i'll drop it here.


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Feb 24, 2012
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so let me ask you, would you take the G's weapons or ours?

as for the d, they certainly weren't 'content to let alex beat them.' they didn't overload the box, didn't focus on gore and that's why we ran and passed at a 50% clip. in fact smith was our 2nd best rusher that game.

0-1 from the red zone? true. but that makes 73 and 28 yd touchdown passes look like mistakes. i disagree.
2-4 for the g's. also, true. but one of those scores was on that back breaking ST fumble in the 4th. 6 plays for 29 yds. impressive.

and again, the passing numbers are indicative of style and playcalling, neither of which is a component of what the QB does. blame harbaugh, if you'd like for sitting on the ball for stretches of the game. alex smith ain't exactly willie beamon.

Would I take the Giants weapons over the Niners? Maybe...

Let me ask you, would the Niners have won that game if Eli was playing for San Francisco and Alex playing for NY? How effective would Cruz, Manningham and Nicks be with Alex throwing to them? How effective would Alex have been playing against the 49er ferocious D? lol

You might have the 50% stat to back your statement. But make no mistake, NY was attacking the line of scrimmage, especially the second half. Take a look at the second half and OT where the Niners ran 11 times including Smith's scrambles. And that Alex dropped back to pass 24 times...

Sorry, but the thought of Alex playing against the 49er defense still has me laughing...


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Aug 6, 2011
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I don't know what's up with some people on this board and their distorted view of Alex. I've never seen such blind and reckless loyalty towards a player that has been largely disappointing. No one has ever bothered with Alex in FA. Even guys like Chad Henne and David Garrard have gotten ear play before Alex, what the fuck does that tell you?

No ear play tells me that everyone knows he's going to sign with us. The fact that he wouldn't get a long deal or big bucks tells me that's he's not that great.

one thing thats disgusting about our american society, the individuals who rather be politically correct instead of brutally honest. guys like vvoland Probably thinks talking alex smith up to be better than he is says, im not a hater or im the biggest die hard fan. we all root for alex to have success while he wears the uni but doesnt mean we have to wear blinders when it comes to his short comings. He is a mediocre QB and limits what our offense can accomplish in the passing game and how coaches can game plan. You can blame different OC for his progression if you like but you cant say he shouldnt have improved mentally or the way he throws those wobbly ducks out of bounds

I think his problem is more him throwing it out of bounds because he doesn't trust his receivers or his arm. I've seen him pass the ball in a tight spiral and I think if he could stop over-thinking or being so risk adverse, he'd learn to trust his arm for better throws. Note I'm not saying he would all of a sudden be Peyton Manning, just we wouldn't notice the passes out of bounds as much. (I don't see them as wobbly, I see them as purposefully thrown out of bounds to avoid the risk, which again = problem.)