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'No one wants to play with Kobe'


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Jul 22, 2013
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Like I said in the other thread, that 1st round pick was going to be a late round pick and wasn't getting any playing time with the Lakers. So why not trade that pick, for a proven PG in Sessions, which we needed. The Lakers always traded their picks we never used our rookies to play a big role, so we got players through trades and free agency, and it worked.

To your other point about letting Sessions walk for nothing, that's not how it went down. You see, Sessions was going to resign with the Lakers, but when Nash wanted to come to the Lakers, it was a big upgrade. So that's why we ley sessions walk. Any GM would've done that.

Just two years ago, they had a team that was favored to win the Championship, so obviously they been making good decisions. Now, they made a mistake for keeping Mike D as coach, which caused Dwight to leave.

And to your last point about the Lakers having no drafted players remain on the team. Once again, the Lakers won by trades and free agency. You can't have a problem with that because it WORK!!! Now that they are in rebuilding mode, you will see more of these draft picks remain on the team.

I thought the sessions deal was bad in general. From management perspective he was tearing it up off the bench in Cleveland. Don't think we saw near the same production once he put on laker uniform.

And yeah when Dwight asked for Phil Jackson and then was denied it should have been expected he would leave.


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So much wrong here, I'm not even sure where to start.

First of all, his contract is his contract. Even if he decided it was too much money and he wanted to tear it up and sign a new one for less, he can't. The NBAPA would shit themselves and it wouldn't be allowed. Harping on it over and over again is a pointless waste of time.

Second, who the hell are you to say how much he should be paid. It's what the Lakers felt he was worth, it's what they offered and it's what he accepted. As has been pointed out, he has made and continues to make, more money for the Lakers than they will ever pay him, so from a business perspective, it makes perfect sense.

Third, it has been shown and explained by both Mitch Kupchak and Jeanie Buss that Kobe's contract has not prevented the Lakers from having the money to add a top tier free agent or 2. Not sure why that is so hard for some people to grasp. They threw max money at both 'Melo and Lebron who chose to do what everyone knew they were going to do anyway. But as Mitch said, they "had to try" and as Kobe said, "they gave their best effort and that's all I can ask.

Fourth, even if Kobe's contract was somehow crippling the Lakers ability to add better players and/or top tier FA's, it's a 2 year contract that expires in the 2nd season of what the FO has said is a 3 year plan. So, it's not as if the Lakers would be looking at 5+ years of being hamstrung because of it.

But don't worry, I'm sure Logicman will be along any minute to tell you how much more "logical" you're being compared to the rest of us. So you have that going for you.

lol so the fans are the only ones saying kobes contract is hurting team?
there has been several articles since his contract discussing it from reporters all over the country. But because the buss family has a interview trying to defend their poor choice that makes it not possible? What were they going to say if they knew it was true? Oh yes Kobe contract took away from signing other players and he drove out Dwight Howard too? Not a chance.

Also Jeanie is trying to say 2 year plan starter this year and not 2 years ago when Jim took over. So 2 years of screw ups have been forgiven it seems


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I thought the sessions deal was bad in general. From management perspective he was tearing it up off the bench in Cleveland. Don't think we saw near the same production once he put on laker uniform.

And yeah when Dwight asked for Phil Jackson and then was denied it should have been expected he would leave.

They traded for Sessions only after the CP3 deal got vetoed. The fact that you are complaining about 2 years while other teams have been rebuilding for 10+ years proves that you are a spoiled Lakers fan. How many years did it take for the Lakers to get back on top after Shaq left? Want to wait at least that long before you start blowing up on the front office?


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As I said, Jordan Hill is at the highest value of his career, giving him up for just Rondo, a guy who was averaging 8 PPG with a bad Celtics team, would have been too much. Don't doubt Kupchak, the guy knows what he's doing, that's why he tried to get Green along with Rondo.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Trojan, I have to say, you surprised me today with your comment on Kelly O. Even if he does well, it will be you who does deserve credit for the KOE!

:lol: I like the kids game and I'm always a fan of "blue collar guys." Olynyk is a blue collar guy that actually has talent. What's not to like?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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lol so the fans are the only ones saying kobes contract is hurting team?
there has been several articles since his contract discussing it from reporters all over the country. But because the buss family has a interview trying to defend their poor choice that makes it not possible? What were they going to say if they knew it was true? Oh yes Kobe contract took away from signing other players and he drove out Dwight Howard too? Not a chance.

Also Jeanie is trying to say 2 year plan starter this year and not 2 years ago when Jim took over. So 2 years of screw ups have been forgiven it seems

Thanks, but I'll go with what Mitch and Jeanie say over what some writer and a few fans think. It's a pretty safe bet that they are more in tune with the Lakers cap situation than writers and fans are. You say Kobe's contract prevented them from getting a top FA, yet they had enough money to try and get both Lebron and 'Melo. In fact, they wanted to get them both and had the space. So exactly what free agent did Kobe's contract prevent them from getting?

Jeanie has never said anything about a 2 year plan. Jim has said he has a 3 year plan and will step down if it doesn't work. Jeanie has said that this is the first year of that plan and that she's holding him to it.

Yes, they've made some mistakes. So what? They were trying to run the organization, deal with the Dwight drama and grieving losing their father. Mistakes got made. They went all in on the Dwight/Nash deal and for once the blockbuster deal blew up in their face. Now they have to recover from that and re-build the team. I don't know about you, but I'm not going cry about what can't be changed. The Lakers have done enough winning over the years that they've earned some benefit of the doubt and deserve their 3 years before fans start hitting the panic button.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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Who the FULK are these 2 guys?

Bill Simmons: Kobe is one of 3 players to average 22 FGA while shooting less than 38%. The others: Joe Fulks & Max Zaslofsky. basketball-reference.com/play-index/psl


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Who the FULK are these 2 guys?

Bill Simmons: Kobe is one of 3 players to average 22 FGA while shooting less than 38%. The others: Joe Fulks & Max Zaslofsky. basketball-reference.com/play-index/psl


Black Adam

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Apr 17, 2013
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As I said, Jordan Hill is at the highest value of his career, giving him up for just Rondo, a guy who was averaging 8 PPG with a bad Celtics team, would have been too much. Don't doubt Kupchak, the guy knows what he's doing, that's why he tried to get Green along with Rondo.

:agree:this is the biggest reason i wasn't down with getting Rondo...

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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Okay, it's time for Byron to grow a pai and take the ball away from Kobe.

8 of 30 is just ridiculous and is counterproductive to the Lakers future goals.

Yes, we all agree that this is a lost Season. So, let Kobe chase personal accolades.

But, this will hurt the Lakers in Free Agency if he continues on this way all Season.

The point of having him out there is two-fold:

1. He puts asses in the seats, keeps viewership up with TWC which puts money in the Buss Kids pockets.

2. It shows that he is recovered and capable of being the Kobe of old, which will be attractive to FA this summer.

...only it doesn't.

He is getting 1/3 of the cap while trying to take 2/3 of the shots every night.

He looked really awful against the Kings.

I hate ya'll.

But, it was sad to see him stumbling around like an old Boxer who has taken two many shots to the head.

Time to put him on the Dwade/ Tim Duncan play one out of every 5 games plan.

Let those other guys get some burn or improve their trade value.

It's more important for him to be healthy next year and he won't be if he keeps playing 40mins a game.

DJ Fieri

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Who the FULK are these 2 guys?

Bill Simmons: Kobe is one of 3 players to average 22 FGA while shooting less than 38%. The others: Joe Fulks & Max Zaslofsky. basketball-reference.com/play-index/psl

You can say FUCK on here, it's not like it was on Fan Nation.

DJ Fieri

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Okay, it's time for Byron to grow a pai and take the ball away from Kobe.

8 of 30 is just ridiculous and is counterproductive to the Lakers future goals.

Yes, we all agree that this is a lost Season. So, let Kobe chase personal accolades.

But, this will hurt the Lakers in Free Agency if he continues on this way all Season.

The point of having him out there is two-fold:

1. He puts asses in the seats, keeps viewership up with TWC which puts money in the Buss Kids pockets.

2. It shows that he is recovered and capable of being the Kobe of old, which will be attractive to FA this summer.

...only it doesn't.

He is getting 1/3 of the cap while trying to take 2/3 of the shots every night.

He looked really awful against the Kings.

I hate ya'll.

But, it was sad to see him stumbling around like an old Boxer who has taken two many shots to the head.

Time to put him on the Dwade/ Tim Duncan play one out of every 5 games plan.

Let those other guys get some burn or improve their trade value.

It's more important for him to be healthy next year and he won't be if he keeps playing 40mins a game.


22.4 FGA's on the season out of 87=roughly 25% of the team's FGA's.


DJ Fieri

Generic line for rent here
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Jun 26, 2014
Still stuck here in Nashville
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