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'No one wants to play with Kobe'


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Okay, it's time for Byron to grow a pai and take the ball away from Kobe.

8 of 30 is just ridiculous and is counterproductive to the Lakers future goals.

Yes, we all agree that this is a lost Season. So, let Kobe chase personal accolades.

But, this will hurt the Lakers in Free Agency if he continues on this way all Season.

The point of having him out there is two-fold:

1. He puts asses in the seats, keeps viewership up with TWC which puts money in the Buss Kids pockets.

2. It shows that he is recovered and capable of being the Kobe of old, which will be attractive to FA this summer.

...only it doesn't.

He is getting 1/3 of the cap while trying to take 2/3 of the shots every night.

He looked really awful against the Kings.

I hate ya'll.

But, it was sad to see him stumbling around like an old Boxer who has taken two many shots to the head.

Time to put him on the Dwade/ Tim Duncan play one out of every 5 games plan.

Let those other guys get some burn or improve their trade value.

It's more important for him to be healthy next year and he won't be if he keeps playing 40mins a game.

He and Byron seem to be coming to the same conclusion that Kobe is being asked/trying to do too much and it's wearing him down quickly. Byron basically said after the game last night that he was going to consider more of a Spurs approach going forward and look to have Kobe sit out some games. He said he and Kobe will sit down today and make some decisions.

For his part, Kobe said that he obviously takes a lot of pride in trying to play all 82 and always tries to take in to consideration that people pay their hard earned money to watch the team play and are hoping he's out there. However, he acknowledged that "it might make sense" for him to miss a game or 2 here and there.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Kobe needs to take a week off. and shouldn't be playing more than 30 minutes a night
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Fuck CBS
Apr 17, 2013
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First of all, Mecca, you know you love us lol.

Anyway, I agree with you and Trojan. Its sad, because when Kobe shot used to be off, he always made up for it by going to the basket. Now, he seems like he don't have the energy sometimes to do that and that's why he tries to shoot his way out of slumps.

Once Byron go the Pop route, im pretty sure Kobe will start getting his shot back.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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He and Byron seem to be coming to the same conclusion that Kobe is being asked/trying to do too much and it's wearing him down quickly. Byron basically said after the game last night that he was going to consider more of a Spurs approach going forward and look to have Kobe sit out some games. He said he and Kobe will sit down today and make some decisions.

For his part, Kobe said that he obviously takes a lot of pride in trying to play all 82 and always tries to take in to consideration that people pay their hard earned money to watch the team play and are hoping he's out there. However, he acknowledged that "it might make sense" for him to miss a game or 2 here and there.

He's right too.

People do pay to see him.

So, I get it.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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He's right too.

People do pay to see him.

So, I get it.

This was also a reason why he pushed through many injuries to play. He felt that obligation to the paying fan. He's said that on numerous occasions.


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Jul 22, 2013
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Thanks, but I'll go with what Mitch and Jeanie say over what some writer and a few fans think. It's a pretty safe bet that they are more in tune with the Lakers cap situation than writers and fans are. You say Kobe's contract prevented them from getting a top FA, yet they had enough money to try and get both Lebron and 'Melo. In fact, they wanted to get them both and had the space. So exactly what free agent did Kobe's contract prevent them from getting?

Jeanie has never said anything about a 2 year plan. Jim has said he has a 3 year plan and will step down if it doesn't work. Jeanie has said that this is the first year of that plan and that she's holding him to it.

Yes, they've made some mistakes. So what? They were trying to run the organization, deal with the Dwight drama and grieving losing their father. Mistakes got made. They went all in on the Dwight/Nash deal and for once the blockbuster deal blew up in their face. Now they have to recover from that and re-build the team. I don't know about you, but I'm not going cry about what can't be changed. The Lakers have done enough winning over the years that they've earned some benefit of the doubt and deserve their 3 years before fans start hitting the panic button.

some writer? or several around the country..hell just google kobe contract hurting lakers and endless results will come up. again why would mitch and Jeanie admit in media they were wrong. might as well be asking Obama to admit any of his numerous changes under him were wrong. and again jim took over the lakers 2 years ago when he hired dantoni instead of phil. I remember the episode on 1st take being discussed why is it the 1st year of the plan when hes been in his role for 3 years. its not like hes just now taking over the team and those mistakes were someone elses. in essence if he fails he will have had 5-6 years and not 3 like your saying.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
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So, I read all this and all I can take away from it is: It's Kobe's fault!!


Jeremy Lin: "Since my last blog post, a lot has happened. If I were to be honest, this season has gone in the opposite direction that I anticipated. I went through one of the worst, if not the worst, slump I've had in my basketball life, as well as having some of my poorest performances ever as a basketball player. Also at times, it has felt like the barriers were insurmountable or that I was powerless to control things around me. From a basketball standpoint, I’m obviously disappointed, but God is always working -- even through life's struggles and disappointments." jlin7.com


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Apr 18, 2013
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When you get outplayed by Ronnie Price, you have no one to blame but yourself. :lol:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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some writer? or several around the country..hell just google kobe contract hurting lakers and endless results will come up. again why would mitch and Jeanie admit in media they were wrong. might as well be asking Obama to admit any of his numerous changes under him were wrong. and again jim took over the lakers 2 years ago when he hired dantoni instead of phil. I remember the episode on 1st take being discussed why is it the 1st year of the plan when hes been in his role for 3 years. its not like hes just now taking over the team and those mistakes were someone elses. in essence if he fails he will have had 5-6 years and not 3 like your saying.

When the Dwight trade and the D'Antoni hiring happened, Dr. Buss was still alive and signed off on both moves. They got a bit of a pass last year because it was the first season after Dr. Buss's death and Dwight deciding to bail. Not to mention they had Kobe for all of 6 games last year. Because of that, the 3 year plan began this year.

As for writers, not one writer has named an FA that the Lakers couldn't get because of Kobe's contract. Again, I'll go with what the FO says over writers looking for clicks.


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Jul 17, 2014
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When the Dwight trade and the D'Antoni hiring happened, Dr. Buss was still alive and signed off on both moves. They got a bit of a pass last year because it was the first season after Dr. Buss's death and Dwight deciding to bail. Not to mention they had Kobe for all of 6 games last year. Because of that, the 3 year plan began this year.

As for writers, not one writer has named an FA that the Lakers couldn't get because of Kobe's contract. Again, I'll go with what the FO says over writers looking for clicks.

I mean....you missed out on Lebron, Melo, Bosh, Dirk etc. Last summer was one of the biggest free agent classes in history- and you guys came up empty.

I felt if you traded for Rondo you would have had a shot to maybe sign a free agent.

But as I have stated before-when the cupboard is completely bare- its tough to get guys to go-

I mean- seriously THINK of the situations in the NBA over the last few years starting with Boston

Boston had Paul Pierce still in his prime- a great starting block- plus some trade assets like Al Jefferson and high picks

Miami had Dwade still in his prime when they made their moves

The Rockets had Harden in place when they got Dwight and then Parsons

The Cavs had Irving in place along with the #1 pick in a loaded draft

The Clippers had Blake Griffen (and Jordan) in place when they got CP3

you CAN go the draft route i suppose like Toronto and OKC and the Blazers have- but - especially with OKC and the Blazers- they got ELITE talent in Durant/Aldridge to start with.

Its one of the reasons why the Randall injury is so damaging. If he played- improved- and showed some promise as a possible #2 guy- then things MIGHT be a little different- but he is just another question mark at this point coming off a major injury.

but - correct me if i am wrong- there has not been a situation where a guy goes to a dumpster fire like the Lakers on his own- or even teams up and says- all right lets us two go and get it done. It just does not happen. Guys are not going to take less money to go play for a situation that is seemingly helpless- ESPECIALLY when you consider that across town their is a combo of Paul/Griffen/Rivers that even if the Lakers hit the lotto in free agency they could not match.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Boston does not get KG unless Pierce AND Allen are already there- he turned down the trade until Allen became part of the equation

James and Bosh dont even CONSIDER Miami if Dwade is not there along with Riley

Dwight Howard would NEVER have gone to the Rockets if Harden and a good base of players was not there

James would NEVER have come back to Cleveland if Kyrie was a bust and the Cavs had the 6th pick in the draft

Chris Paul would NEVER have accepted a trade to the Clippers if they were a talentless bottom feeder and did not have Blake Griffen.

The only clown who decided to go it alone was Melo- and that was because he STAYED in his hometown for the MOST money- something the Lakers will NOT be able to offer as they wont have bird rights and the ability to offer the most money.

I highly doubt RW/Durant resign in OKC unless the other guy is there.

What I am trying to say is- you cannot attract major free agents to a situation that is a dumpster fire like the Lakers. You need at least one big time talent already involved.

This is not my opinion. This is just how the league works. Does anyone think Rondo leaves money on the table to leave Dallas to go to a team that has a worse chance of winning AND he has to take less cash?

that simply does not happen. it is why despite the unrealized expectations of the Cavs that I confident Love will be back.

His options will be- go some where else for less money- or resign for the most money and play with LeBron James.

common sense wins out.


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Apr 18, 2013
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I mean....you missed out on Lebron, Melo, Bosh, Dirk etc. Last summer was one of the biggest free agent classes in history- and you guys came up empty.

I felt if you traded for Rondo you would have had a shot to maybe sign a free agent.

But as I have stated before-when the cupboard is completely bare- its tough to get guys to go-

I mean- seriously THINK of the situations in the NBA over the last few years starting with Boston

Boston had Paul Pierce still in his prime- a great starting block- plus some trade assets like Al Jefferson and high picks

Miami had Dwade still in his prime when they made their moves

The Rockets had Harden in place when they got Dwight and then Parsons

The Cavs had Irving in place along with the #1 pick in a loaded draft

The Clippers had Blake Griffen (and Jordan) in place when they got CP3

you CAN go the draft route i suppose like Toronto and OKC and the Blazers have- but - especially with OKC and the Blazers- they got ELITE talent in Durant/Aldridge to start with.

Its one of the reasons why the Randall injury is so damaging. If he played- improved- and showed some promise as a possible #2 guy- then things MIGHT be a little different- but he is just another question mark at this point coming off a major injury.

but - correct me if i am wrong- there has not been a situation where a guy goes to a dumpster fire like the Lakers on his own- or even teams up and says- all right lets us two go and get it done. It just does not happen. Guys are not going to take less money to go play for a situation that is seemingly helpless- ESPECIALLY when you consider that across town their is a combo of Paul/Griffen/Rivers that even if the Lakers hit the lotto in free agency they could not match.

I was not aware that Dirk was available :lol:

Have you forgotten that the Lakers acquired CP3 first. There have been a few setbacks, but I trust Mitch will do the right things. Can you say the same for the Cavs? An organization that has never won a championship and has LeBron at the helm hiring his buddies? Not likely.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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but - correct me if i am wrong- there has not been a situation where a guy goes to a dumpster fire like the Lakers on his own- or even teams up and says- all right lets us two go and get it done. It just does not happen. Guys are not going to take less money to go play for a situation that is seemingly helpless- ESPECIALLY when you consider that across town their is a combo of Paul/Griffen/Rivers that even if the Lakers hit the lotto in free agency they could not match.

Might as well disband the Lakers. No hope whatsoever for the future :bawling:


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Apr 19, 2013
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Might as well disband the Lakers. No hope whatsoever for the future :bawling:
Yup, may as well send them to Seattle (where they have lakes) since the Clippers are LAs team.