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Nnamdi a Niner


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Aug 4, 2011
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For that matter, Bingo, if the FO was truly trying "their absolute best" to upgrade CB, and they believed Asomugha represented that upgrade, why did they offer him a base salary that is approximately the same as we're paying Tramaine Brock?


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Aug 5, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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For that matter, Bingo, if the FO was truly trying "their absolute best" to upgrade CB, and they believed Asomugha represented that upgrade, why did they offer him a base salary that is approximately the same as we're paying Tramaine Brock?

I think this is too complicated for BINGO to process.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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$ 200.00
Not to sound like a hippie, but don't you think this is getting a little out of hand?

Oh wait, that didn't sound like a hippe at all. Hmmmm... I've got it. Whoa. Chill, bro. You know you can't raise your voice like that when the lion's here.


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nobody could've supported my post any better! thanks for more lunacy and misrepresentation! the numbers don't lie in supporting my belief that Cully has shown promise and has had his moments - I'm not giving up on him as you are (or wait, are you? i can't even tell anymore. haha). You can continue to say that I think he's the best, nobody is buying your garbage...in fact it's hilarious how delusional, discombobulated, and pathetic your argument has become.

This is exactly what I thought when I read his post. It's comical.


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Aug 18, 2011
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Not to sound like a hippie, but don't you think this is getting a little out of hand?

Oh wait, that didn't sound like a hippe at all. Hmmmm... I've got it. Whoa. Chill, bro. You know you can't raise your voice like that when the lion's here.

Dude this has been out of hand. I think its stupid to continue the conversation Bingo has an opinion and he is entitled to it. Is it my opinion no but he does have a right to his. With that said Crim, Rathman etc etc have the right to their opinions as well.

This should just get squashed we are all fans of the same team. You cut us we bleed crimson & gold. We were all disappointed in the play in the Super Bowl but that was last year all we can do now is root for the 49ers to get back and win it this year. All this fighting and bickering is just dumb and counter intuitive.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
Difference of opinion is fine, it's just that I think this discussion is getting unnecessarily personal.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2011
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Dude this has been out of hand. I think its stupid to continue the conversation Bingo has an opinion and he is entitled to it. Is it my opinion no but he does have a right to his. With that said Crim, Rathman etc etc have the right to their opinions as well.

This should just get squashed we are all fans of the same team. You cut us we bleed crimson & gold. We were all disappointed in the play in the Super Bowl but that was last year all we can do now is root for the 49ers to get back and win it this year. All this fighting and bickering is just dumb and counter intuitive.

well said.

but so as long as they continue to recognize its opinion, fine.


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Aug 5, 2011
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Difference of opinion is fine, it's just that I think this discussion is getting unnecessarily personal.

When someone like BINGO blatantly mischaracterizes your opinion time and time again it only seems sensible to question his intellect, comprehension, and grasp on reality. You're right though, I fell into his troll trap...I'll try to tone it down.

As for his opinion, I'm still not sure what BINGO wants to do with Culliver. He thinks it's stupid to ever rely on him, that he's the most overrated backup of all time, and that it's crazy to allow him to compete for playing time, but he wants him on the team still? It just doesn't add up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2011
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I was going to say this again, but I thought someone would just tell me that I see all threads as Alex Smith threads... Alternatively, I thought there was a chance that Culliver was going to turn into the Kyle Williams of the team - get blamed and then slowly get support as the loss got further away.

It was predictable and already underway, I suppose, but I did predict this going this long and far into the off-season and beyond... to this extent. Or rather I assumed it, if not actually making a prediction.


I hope Culliver doesn't have to wear the goat designation. That would be dumb IMO. It's not like he did something incredibly stupid; he just had a bad game. If the Niners lost to the Falcons, as they almost did, Tarrell Brown should have been the goat in that case. He made some inexcuseable plays (like breaking off coverage on Julio on the TD pass and playing like 14 yards off of Tony Gonzales on 3rd down).

I'm far more pissed at the ref's than Chris Culiver. In fact, I'm more pissed off at Michael friggn' Crabtree. Why? AN ILLEGAL PROCEDURE PENALTY ON THE FIRST PLAY OF THE GAME???!!! That erased a 20 yard gain & gave Baltimore all the momentum they needed to start the game off.

And Kaep not throwing the ball away (burning a timeout) was inexcuseable as well.

:agree: with you and Sick. That Crabtree play was more to blame than the way Culliver's play for that game. Stop being an idiot and follow the reason why I made that post!

My post wasn't even directed at you Bingo.

I know you didn't say this, but just to be clear, I wasn't saying that Culliver should be blamed for the loss, just that I thought some would blame him at first and eventually people would look at others, too. The officiating took a lot of it, but Culliver was next in line for many's complaints. Still, I know some didn't.


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Aug 3, 2011
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You're an idiot.

Yet, you're the one using stats only in an attempt to prove a point that Cully is a better corner than Nnamdi. Explain to us again why you brought up Aso' stats earlier in this thread...? He admits stats can be very misleading, but then goes to show proof that Cully is a better corner based on their stats alone.


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Aug 3, 2011
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Allow me to clarify my stance. Of course corners need to be able to help stop the run, it was never my intention to say that they don't. My stance was, and still is, that it is down on their list of priorities on ANY particular play.

My reasons: Corners are drafted and paid because they can cover, this is their MAIN job (if you disagree with this Bingo you can stop reading now, because we have a philosophical difference). Some of the best corners in the league were not very good in run support.

I would be curious to know what percentage of practice time the coaches spend on run support for corners vs. how much time is spent on playing the pass.

Here is a short list of things that would typically go through a corners head before and during a typical play: alignment of the WR (inside or outside the numbers, on the ball or off the ball), eyes (where am I supposed to look WR or QB), hand placement (am I pressing, what side am I attacking), footwork (backpedal or press).

Once the play starts and the corner is being blocked or sees the RB with the ball, I'd expect them to then worry about the run and go help out in support.

Honestly Bingo it is difficult to have a conversation with you because you use such extreme language and tend to throw a fit like a child when you can't convince someone of your point of view, but I guess that most everyone else is wrong on the subject.

I agree with you playing the run is not their job. It's an afterthought :rollseyes:

Why do you think that the CB position is the 2nd hardest position to play after QB?! They have the 2nd most responsiblities with regard to their job specification which includes being able to try to bring down a 225lbs RB. Playing the run is ALWAYS part of their job. On a 3rd 1 situation from now on we should remove the corners off the field and instead substitute them for extra LBs to play the run.


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Aug 9, 2011
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I agree with you playing the run is not their job. It's an afterthought :rollseyes:

Why do you think that the CB position is the 2nd hardest position to play after QB?! They have the 2nd most responsiblities with regard to their job specification which includes being able to try to bring down a 225lbs RB. Playing the run is ALWAYS part of their job. On a 3rd 1 situation from now on we should remove the corners off the field and instead substitute them for extra LBs to play the run.

I think you just made my point. Why don't they take CBs off the field for obvious running situations? Because they are there mainly to play the pass.

At any rate, consider this my last post on the subject as I don't see you being able to advance the conversation without the use of sarcasm or other such childish antics.


New Member
Aug 5, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Yet, you're the one using stats only in an attempt to prove a point that Cully is a better corner than Nnamdi. Explain to us again why you brought up Aso' stats earlier in this thread...? He admits stats can be very misleading, but then goes to show proof that Cully is a better corner based on their stats alone.

Couldn't be more wrong. My interpretation: he was saying that you shouldn't assume you know what Nnamdi's role is going to be. This was after you declared that it's "filth" for anyone to think that Nnamdi could end up being a backup and that Culliver wouldn't be competing with him for playing time. Crimson was using stats as only a part of his justification for why Culliver should be allowed to compete with Nnamdi for playing time. At least, that was my interpretation...don't want to put words in his mouth.

I can't seem to find the part where Crimson concludes that Cully is the better cornerback. Maybe that's the conclusion you came to on your own and your inner Culliver-obsessed demons are playing tricks on you. Maybe you really like Culliver after all! Maybe you're his biggest fan! Haha I think I've figured out this madness! You're just trying to get us all to defend your favorite player, even insisting that we have all declared him to be the best cornerback ever! Dude, you love Culliver don't you!?!! I got to hand it to you BINGO, pretty brilliant! haha


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Aug 5, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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I think you just made my point. Why don't they take CBs off the field for obvious running situations? Because they are there mainly to play the pass.

At any rate, consider this my last post on the subject as I don't see you being able to advance the conversation without the use of sarcasm or other such childish antics.

haha, eeexxxaaaccttttlllyyyy. He walked right into that one


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Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Out of curiosity, Bingo, if we thought Nnamdi was such a sure thing to start on what was, by all accounts, a very good D last year, why didn't we lock him up for multiple years? Why did we let him go to the Saints and wait...and wait...and wait...before signing a deal with NO guaranteed money?

You're apparently willing to guarantee right now that he will start for this team?

Apparently you have not been following the reports. Nnamdi was the person who made the request. He wants to prove a point that he wants to be here to compete. Washed up Randy Moss had a guaranteed contract, what makes you think like Nnamdi couldn't negotiated any sort of guaranteed in his contract. Again, it seems like you missed all the news on what transpired with the Nnamdi acquisation. Nnamdi was the one not wanting a long term deal.


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Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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haha, eeexxxaaaccttttlllyyyy. He walked right into that one

You guys are morons. If you know Tim Tebow is in the game in a 3rd and 1 and you know no way the coaches are going to pass the ball, why worry about "the pass". If corners are not responsible for the run, then why not put Larry Grant in for Rogers? I mean, if it's guaranteed they're not going to pass why not. The thing is, that's not their job at all whatsoever, the run to him is an "afterthought". Not my words, his!!


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Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Pot, meet kettle....

You with the constant side comments. The the little girl craving for attention in h.s. and can't seem to get anyone to ask her to the prom. Your such an attention whore - no one bothers to respond to you. I realy love when immature people tell you to grow up, when you're being the bigger person by blocking them or ignoring them.