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New Nugget Paul Millsap...Can't believe it


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Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Another 'tallest midget' conversation. One guy averaged 12ppg and the other 9ppg both in their rookie season while playing for terrible teams.

But yes seeing as 12 > 9, Saric had a better rookie season than Ingram. Well done!

I think it goes beyond that but I got the routine...

1. Ingram outplayed Saric
2. The Lakers wouldn't trade Ingram for Simmons
3. You wouldn't want Embiid on the Lakers
4. You wouldn't take Simmons for free
5. Fultz is going to be a bust
6. I'm mad we get your unprotected lottery pick next draft

I get it. I was wrong for taking exception with some of a few Lakers fans posts and I'm getting suspended for disagreeing.

I'm dropping it
Dec 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think it goes beyond that but I got the routine...

1. Ingram outplayed Saric
2. The Lakers wouldn't trade Ingram for Simmons
3. You wouldn't want Embiid on the Lakers
4. You wouldn't take Simmons for free
5. Fultz is going to be a bust
6. I'm mad we get your unprotected lottery pick next draft

I get it. I was wrong for taking exception with some of a few Lakers fans posts and I'm getting suspended for disagreeing.

I'm dropping it

Really? Name anyone who has said any of this.

The only point that has any validity to it is #3. No I wouldn't want Embiid for the simple fact that he's ridiculously injury prone.

Other than that you're basically full of shit....

You wouldn't get banned for disagreeing with others, you'd get the ban for lying your ass off and taking it too personal.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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Agreed, so do you retract your comment about Millsap and Carter for its silliness?

Isn't Carter on his last legs? Why doesn't he want to win like West? He hasn't won a ring...
Carter doesn't just want to be a bench player. He wants actual playing time and good for him.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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The theory that I'm mad because the Lakers kept their pick is ludicrous cause we get it next year. So freaking lame. I look at your posts and every single one is how every bodies teams suck.
Next, I haven't trolled once. You need to learn what a troll is.
Lastly you are so incredibly insecure. We have a fun argument where we go back and forth and you threaten to suspend me for saying, "you guys are so ridiculous and close minded". Then in the same conversation someone calls me a dick head yet you say absolutely nothing to him. Can't even reply to my PM. The old... if you disagree with me I'm going to suspend you routine.

In other words, you can't find any post where I said everybody sucks except the Lakers. You can't find a post where I said the Lakers wouldn't suck and you can't explain what the Lakers had to do with my post.

Instead you try to deflect and cry about Lakers fans being mean to you when you started the bullshit attacks.

Just as I thought.


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Carter doesn't just want to be a bench player. He wants actual playing time and good for him.

Sure the man can do what he wants, but I would think he would go David West and try to get one ring


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Sure the man can do what he wants, but I would think he would go David West and try to get one ring

I heard 2 different people ask him that question prior to his signing and he had the same answer both times. Playing time was most important for him at this stage. He thinks he still has multiple seasons left. He might consider being a towel waver for the Dubs in 1-2 years.

I am just surprised he chose Sacramento instead of a team like Washington for example. I don't even know if the Wizards spoke with him, but they need bench scoring and they are a playoff team. Sacto isn't.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Apr 17, 2013
The other side of the mirror
Hoopla Cash
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I could give a crap. This was fun for me and never personal. I get your game. 4 Lakers fans run around here saying every body sucks and if you disagree they threaten to suspend you. That would be terrible to lose the privileges to see that.

STILL making shit up, i see...:rolleyes2:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I fail to see what the quoted post has to do with the Lakers.

Really?!? That post directly quoted a post from you stating that the Lakers fucked up.

But the fact is, you know that what you said was bullshit and you were just emotionally lashing out like a teenage girl because no one agrees with you (as usual).


The Middle of Everywhere: NWI
Apr 18, 2013
Chesterton, IN
Hoopla Cash
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Really?!? That post directly quoted a post from you stating that the Lakers fucked up.

But the fact is, you know that what you said was bullshit and you were just emotionally lashing out like a teenage girl because no one agrees with you (as usual).

My bad, I saw a different quote being posted yesterday. If OKC becomes a contender as expected, the incentive for George to leave get smaller especially considering the Lakers won't have a lottery pick in 2018 regardless of where they finish. If Lonzo struggles, they are forced to go through two years of this without any real draft reinforcements.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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My bad, I saw a different quote being posted yesterday. If OKC becomes a contender as expected, the incentive for George to leave get smaller especially considering the Lakers won't have a lottery pick in 2018 regardless of where they finish. If Lonzo struggles, they are forced to go through two years of this without any real draft reinforcements.

That still isn't the Lakers fucking up. Considering how badly Short Buss fucked things up, I think the Lakers have done a pretty good job.

They have a young, talented roster that most think will develop into a good team. They should already be better this year because they got rid of D-Lo (addition by subtraction) and they got Lopez who is a huge upgrade over Mozgov.

They are also set to have enough cap space to sign 2 max FA's. They are sitting in a nice situation.

Who expects OKC to be a contender? I think the only way George considers staying in OKC is if they get to the WCF or beyond. A 1st or 2nd round exit isn't going to cut it. He could do that in Indiana. But, if the Lakers strike out in FA, they'll likely just preserve the cap space, let the kids develop another year and try again the following season.