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My "Vick" is bigger than yours thread...(from 2013 recruiting thread)


Dec 12, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
From Vt.edu 2010-2011 facts and figures. When you take out the 4k or so dudes that are in the corps, it's pretty close to 50:50

Since when do athletes worry about the guy/girl ratio? Or for that matter, anybody who has their act together?

There are plenty of gorgeous VT girls, and certainly enough of them for the top athletes who make it to Blacksburg.


Supporting Member Level 69
Aug 9, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Since when do athletes worry about the guy/girl ratio? Or for that matter, anybody who has their act together?

There are plenty of gorgeous VT girls, and certainly enough of them for the top athletes who make it to Blacksburg.

I could care less about the girl guy ratio at tech. It was really never a problem at all, especially in the greek community. I was merely pointing out it wasn't '3 guys for every 2 girls' or whatever the poster I was responding to said.


Dec 12, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
I will say my piece about this and then will I will be done. What I said, I intended to say. I don't regret saying it, and if you think I am not confident in the program winning a NC (or two) in the next 5-10 years then frankly..I'm not. I love VT football and want nothing more than to get to the NCG and win it. With that being said..I am realistic and feel that we do not have as good a chance year in and out to do it like some other schools do. If and when we do win one, I would not expect us to go on a tear and win 2-4 more in a 10 year period. The program is simply not set up to do that. Only 5-7 programs are. With the leaguewe are in and the recruiting philosophy we have..VT will not be a perennial top 5 program and will not be a serious NC contender year in and out...That's all. End of discussion.

While I would love for VT to be a perennial top 5 program, I don't think you need that to win a national championship. If you're a perennial to 20 program, and have a couple of good years, you can do it. I think that's where VT is. Don't forget, they played in a National Championship when they weren't even a perennial top 20 program.

It certainly wouldn't hurt to get another 5 star quarterback, but I think you could easily make the argument that VT as a whole is a significantly better program now than it was 10-15 years ago. Had VT not had a significant overall decline in defense when Tyrod was here, I believe they could have done it then.


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Apr 24, 2011
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I was more bringing that up because I'd bet that some schools negatively recruit us for it. I know if they came here and walked around they would realize that girls are not an issue, but like I said, I would bet that recruiters/player hosts of other schools mention it.


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Jan 31, 2012
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While I would love for VT to be a perennial top 5 program, I don't think you need that to win a national championship. If you're a perennial to 20 program, and have a couple of good years, you can do it. I think that's where VT is. Don't forget, they played in a National Championship when they weren't even a perennial top 20 program.

It certainly wouldn't hurt to get another 5 star quarterback, but I think you could easily make the argument that VT as a whole is a significantly better program now than it was 10-15 years ago. Had VT not had a significant overall decline in defense when Tyrod was here, I believe they could have done it then.

THIS. ^He loves VT. and is also a "realist".


May 21, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
While I would love for VT to be a perennial top 5 program, I don't think you need that to win a national championship. If you're a perennial to 20 program, and have a couple of good years, you can do it. I think that's where VT is. Don't forget, they played in a National Championship when they weren't even a perennial top 20 program.

It certainly wouldn't hurt to get another 5 star quarterback, but I think you could easily make the argument that VT as a whole is a significantly better program now than it was 10-15 years ago. Had VT not had a significant overall decline in defense when Tyrod was here, I believe they could have done it then.

VT is a better program, but the 99 team also had the best player to step foot through VT. They caught lightening in a bottle that year, which set up a great year (along with a favorable schedule). Unless VT has a player that can dominate a game like Vick, I don't see us winning a MNC anytime soon. We just don't recruit well enough and play too conservatively. I think we'll win a national championship, just not in football.


Dec 12, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Plus, where is the challenge in taking the #1 team all the way to ...

... #1? Alabama is a powerhouse, but at a certain point that gets a bit cliched and boring. Like when the SEC plays the SEC for the national championship. OK, it was a good game, but it would have been nice to see a non-SEC team in there.

The fun is taking a #20 team all the way to #1, against the odds and with pure grit.


Dec 12, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
VT is a better program, but the 99 team also had the best player to step foot through VT. They caught lightening in a bottle that year, which set up a great year (along with a favorable schedule). Unless VT has a player that can dominate a game like Vick, I don't see us winning a MNC anytime soon. We just don't recruit well enough and play too conservatively. I think we'll win a national championship, just not in football.

Beamer used that "lightening in a bottle" to put VT on the map. Oh, and a strong defense, without which, VT would not have been in that game. As an overall program, I'd argue that VT stands a much better chance of getting to the NC game now, and actually winning it, than they did then. It will take a bit of luck, and a few more recruiting classes like this year's wouldn't hurt their chances.

Sleepy T

Dec 9, 2010
Old Dominion
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While I would love for VT to be a perennial top 5 program, I don't think you need that to win a national championship. If you're a perennial to 20 program, and have a couple of good years, you can do it. I think that's where VT is. It certainly wouldn't hurt to get another 5 star quarterback, but I think you could easily make the argument that VT as a whole is a significantly better program now than it was 10-15 years ago. Had VT not had a significant overall decline in defense when Tyrod was here, I believe they could have done it then.

I agree with alot of what you are saying. VT is better and will always have a chance, but as you said below, I think it will take a little bit of luck to do it (other BCS conference teams losing), and just have everything overall go "our way". It is so hard to go undefeated when playing a 12-13 game season. With VT it is damed if you do (you schedule weak and go undefeated) and damned if you don't (you schedule harder and lose a game or two). I think once college football goes to a +1, that will open the doors for many VT and many others to have a really legitimate chance..every year.

As an overall program, I'd argue that VT stands a much better chance of getting to the NC game now, and actually winning it, than they did then. It will take a bit of luck, and a few more recruiting classes like this year's wouldn't hurt their chances.


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Jan 15, 2012
The Noke
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good points and I agree --- a +1 (or playoff of some sort) would help the VT's of college football have a shot. I think we can win a national championship .. Will we?? I think that everything needs to fall in place. Our recruiting classes are looking better and better each year .. but let's be realistic, we get nowhere close to the raw talent that other programs get (Bama, LSU, USC, tOSU) .. nowhere CLOSE . But our defensive recruiting may get us there. LSU makes NCG runs with fairly shitty offenses. We just need for ALL of the pieces to fall together at the SAME time. Next season, we should have the defense and QB. Receivers are iffy, OL is a ?, RB is a bit of a ? -- year after this, receivers will be a big ?? .. If we can get some good WR reps this next season -- the following season ('13-'14) could be a great shot (if LT stays)

It seems like every season -- it's SOMETHING that's missing and just one thing that's not QUITE good enough .. It's been frustrating over the years but we may get there at some point. I'm convinced that we'll need, at a minimum, a great defense and a great QB. If we have those two things, it's possible. This upcoming season -- I really think it's possible if we can figure out a way to beat Clemson. But those question marks (WR consistency and OL mainly) will have to trend upward. We'll be fine at RB I think. Just give them the ball and tell them to run. It's one of the easiest position to learn and play, if you have the raw skill.


May 21, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Beamer used that "lightening in a bottle" to put VT on the map. Oh, and a strong defense, without which, VT would not have been in that game. As an overall program, I'd argue that VT stands a much better chance of getting to the NC game now, and actually winning it, than they did then. It will take a bit of luck, and a few more recruiting classes like this year's wouldn't hurt their chances.

Going into the 99 season, there wasn't as much hype for the team as a championship caliber team, although many slated us as a darkhorse because of the schedule. But a r-FR QB is not going to loft expectations. Even though we are a better program and have a better shot at making a title game, I don't think we'll see a championship team unless we have players like Vick. Logan and Tyrod are stars, but they didn't or haven't had the production like Vick. We lack great play along the offensive line to overcome strong DL, but a player like Vick allowed our offense to overcome those hurdles by taking over the game.

Take Clemson for example. Morris is getting alot of credit for their success, but the fact is they haven't utilized a talent like Watkins. Spiller could have been that, but he was poorly managed. Clemson knows that they are unstoppable if they give the ball to Watkins as much as possible, as we saw in the ACCCG. Same can be said of Vick. We let him work his magic as much as possible without interfering and it worked. Unless we recruit tough notch OL to allow our players the ability to play within their ability, I don't think we'll be able to succeed as much as needed to win a championship game without a gamebreaker like Vick.


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Jan 15, 2012
The Noke
Hoopla Cash
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I think that having a really good passing, POWERFUL QB like Logan Thomas helps to offset the question marks at OL ... As great as Tyrod was, it took him several years to become that great. I saw greatness this past year from LT as a first year starter. He may not have the speed or elusiveness that Vick had but if the coaches build an offensive game plan around him, defenses have to respect that element. Whatever the case, I'm really glad that the program has veered away from recruiting pro-style QBs as a whole.


Active Member
Jan 15, 2012
The Noke
Hoopla Cash
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and LT is nowhere near the raw talent that MV will EVER be but he's already shown that he is much better in some aspects .. and has a lot of upside