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My "Vick" is bigger than yours thread...(from 2013 recruiting thread)

Sleepy T

Dec 9, 2010
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I think Alabama is the team to watch out for in the next coming months regarding Fuller. Clemson is up there, but I believe will lose steam with him.

True, they (Bama') they certainly have plenty to offer and will be considered a legit contender for Fuller. As many of you have stated already though, I think until someone really steps up and blasts past us, we are the team to beat for him. If he wants playing time early, and an almost guaranteed one way ticket to the league, he will be with VT. If he wants to win a NC (or two)and sit for a couple years, he will go elsewhere. His parents have been here before (in the recruiting circle)..so it will be hard for Saban or any other bullshitter coach to have them drinking the Kool-aid. They will help guide their son along...

Personally, I think we have a great..great shot with Fuller. Not getting him in BBurg would be a recruiting failure IMO. If he came early, that may even help us bring the rest of the class (especially on the D side of the ball)


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some people on this board clearly dont get out enough to see the crop of women we have here in blacksburg. next, ^^^ saying that "if he wants to win a NC (or two) and sit for a couple years, he will go elsewhere" is bull sh*t. you don't think he can win one here at VT? some fan, you are.


May 11, 2010
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Hmm this could be another thread in itself. I think Sparks was implying that historically, Bama is known for getting to the NC and has a greater chance of doing so than other programs (like VT). With this I have to agree. It's not that we can't get there (I think we will and soon if we keep our recruiting up). But we also have to be realists and know that while the road to the ACCCG goes through the Burg, the road to the SECCG/MNC as of late goes through T-town.
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Jan 15, 2012
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I think that we'd all agree with that .. No need for bashing Matt .. I can attest first hand what kind of fan VTSparks is .. He's also pretty smart to assume that most recruits would think that Alabama has a better shot of getting there than VT does .. History would support that and any open-minded, intelligent person would agree. That doesn't mean we're not fans of VT. We are. We're just not delirious homers.

Alabama also has a great track record of getting players (especially defense as of late) into the NFL. Fortunately for us, Fuller is a DB and VT has a GREAT track record of getting DBs to the NFL and his brothers have built a legacy here. If it weren't for those things, I'd venture to guess we wouldn't be in the picture with Fuller AT ALL. Of course we all want and think that we can win a NC at VT .. We're FANS .. But if everyone thought that, we'd be backing up the trucks every season and loading up with 4 and 5 star recruits.

Hokie Swagger

Feb 7, 2011
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ive been to clemson as well. honestly i thought the campus and the stadium were outstanding, very beautiful and appealing. the fans were pretty damn lame though. that said, i could definitely see why clemson would be a draw for these guys.

Sleepy T

Dec 9, 2010
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some people on this board clearly dont get out enough to see the crop of women we have here in blacksburg. next, ^^^ saying that "if he wants to win a NC (or two) and sit for a couple years, he will go elsewhere" is bull sh*t. you don't think he can win one here at VT? some fan, you are.

I'm a big fan Matt, don't question that. I think we CAN win one here at VT, but until we take that next step I will be forced to enter the season as an optimistic fan, who thinks we can certainly win the ACC, but won't bet the house (or $50 for that matter)on us reaching (or much less winning) the elusive NC. I certainly think if we have another year or two of recruiting like we have..we will have as good a chance as we ever have.

There is a reason that 'Bama (despite losing probably 3 or 4 first rounders in April) is #3 with 6-1 odds to win it all next year, VT on the other hand is #9 at 20-1 odds...last I checked the bookies in Vegas are usually rightand don't tend to completely lose their ass... I would put my money on 1 (LSU), 2 (USC) or 3..
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Matt, I would definitely agree that VT has attractive women. I'm friends with plenty and I am fortunate enough to date one. The problem is, for every 2 girls at VT, there are 3 guys. And when you compare us to someplace warm in the south where the girls are always tan and always wearing next to nothing, it makes the ratio seem even worse. Don't question our fanhood, we're just being realists.


Valar Morghulis
Jan 16, 2012
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Be strong.
Jul 1, 2011
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I also am lucky enough to date a beautiful VT lady. The ratio of guys to girls is overblown. If you factor in all of the awkward engineer guys that have no chance at said girls, the odds are actually in our favor :happy:


Be strong.
Jul 1, 2011
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Man, I married one of those little SEC hotties. She was cute and nice arm candy but not much in the sack after we got engaged. Overrated....

Probably not much upstairs either. I've only met a few SEC girls but they were dumb as rocks. Definitely hot though.


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Matt, I would definitely agree that VT has attractive women. I'm friends with plenty and I am fortunate enough to date one. The problem is, for every 2 girls at VT, there are 3 guys. And when you compare us to someplace warm in the south where the girls are always tan and always wearing next to nothing, it makes the ratio seem even worse. Don't question our fanhood, we're just being realists.

I live in DC and still run through Tech chicks all the time.

28,687 on-campus; 82.3 percent undergraduate;
17.7 percent graduate; 57.6 percent male; 42.4 percent female. Total enrollment on and off campus is

From Vt.edu 2010-2011 facts and figures. When you take out the 4k or so dudes that are in the corps, it's pretty close to 50:50

edit: and also the nerds as VTFF pointed out


Be strong.
Jul 1, 2011
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From Vt.edu 2010-2011 facts and figures. When you take out the 4k or so dudes that are in the corps, it's pretty close to 50:50

And 8k of engineers and architects, thats 2 women for every 1 guy! :high5:


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She actually has a PhD in environmental toxicology and is on faculty at MUSC, :L. She is ALMOST as smart as me, ha ;)

She was also a mute.

And doesn't hold a candle to the current 46and2 wholesaler of tang.


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ok... im glad we straightened out the female situation. we do have a lot of hot girls, and the ratio isnt like what people think. we also dont have whores running around everywhere like some schools do. may hurt us in the overall guy:girl ratio, but in terms of the classiness to intelligence to hotness ratio... its pretty good with VT girls.


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now, in regards to the few who who had to write an essay to backup their loyalty to this great university.... i appreciate the effort. what was said by the party i quoted may not have been intended by said party. however, that does not change the fact that it was said. we can, and will win a national title. it is a matter of when. we have been in the game once, and were 6 seconds away from returning to it in 2007. (F you matt ryan) we would have played ohio state in that game, and probably won the damn thing. with that, we are certainly gaining steam with the process of talent acquisition. or "recruiting" as the kids call it these days, and if we can get kendall and the other pieces available in this class, ill bet that gives that extra boost we need to push us over the top going forward.

Sleepy T

Dec 9, 2010
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now, in regards to the few who who had to write an essay to backup their loyalty to this great university.... i appreciate the effort. what was said by the party i quoted may not have been intended by said party. however, that does not change the fact that it was said. we can, and will win a national title. it is a matter of when. we have been in the game once, and were 6 seconds away from returning to it in 2007. (F you matt ryan) we would have played ohio state in that game, and probably won the damn thing. with that, we are certainly gaining steam with the process of talent acquisition. or "recruiting" as the kids call it these days, and if we can get kendall and the other pieces available in this class, ill bet that gives that extra boost we need to push us over the top going forward.

OK, Honestly I really tried not comment about you poking fun at my (and maybe sparko's) opinion and maybe even how it was presented. But, if want to be a smart ass :lol: and call my post an essay, then at least do me the courtesy of making sure I spelled everything correctly, and have all of my commas and periods in the right place.
Seriously, The back and forth shots are for the troll boards like Disney. So please respect each other's opinions on this board. I am always open to criticism and am not always right (in many people's eyes). We are all open to good arguments. And we won't always agree. I will try to always extend the same courtesy. So please, don't treat me like I'm an imbecile and/or VT gloom and doomer.
I will say my piece about this and then will I will be done. What I said, I intended to say. I don't regret saying it, and if you think I am not confident in the program winning a NC (or two) in the next 5-10 years then frankly..I'm not. I love VT football and want nothing more than to get to the NCG and win it. With that being said..I am realistic and feel that we do not have as good a chance year in and out to do it like some other schools do. If and when we do win one, I would not expect us to go on a tear and win 2-4 more in a 10 year period. The program is simply not set up to do that. Only 5-7 programs are. With the leaguewe are in and the recruiting philosophy we have..VT will not be a perennial top 5 program and will not be a serious NC contender year in and out...That's all. End of discussion.
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May 11, 2010
The Dirty City, VA
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OK, Honestly I really tried not comment about you poking fun at my (and maybe sparko's) opinion and maybe even how it was presented. But, if want to be a smart ass :lol: and call my post an essay, then at least do me the courtesy of making sure I spelled everything correctly, and have all of my commas and periods in the right place.
Seriously, The back and forth shots are for the troll boards like Disney. So please respect each other's opinions on this board. I am always open to criticism and am not always right (in many people's eyes). We are all open to good arguments. And we won't always agree. I will try to always extend the same courtesy. So please, don't treat me like I'm an imbecile and/or VT gloom and doomer.
I will say my piece about this and then will I will be done. What I said, I intended to say. I don't regret saying it, and if you think I am not confident in the program winning a NC (or two) in the next 5-10 years then frankly..I'm not. I love VT football and want nothing more than to get to the NCG and win it. With that being said..I am realistic and feel that we do not have as good a chance year in and out to do it like some other schools do. If and when we do win one, I would not expect us to go on a tear and win 2-4 more in a 10 year period. The program is simply not set up to do that. Only 5-7 programs are. With the leaguewe are in and the recruiting philosophy we have..VT will not be a perennial top 5 program and will not be a serious NC contender year in and out...That's all. End of discussion.

Agreed. Not to mention you are one of the more veteran posters who helped 46 and crew get this board to where it is now.