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Mozgov just signed by the lakers for 64 million


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i understand some of the reasons the Lakers signed Mozgov....but i dont know how you couldve scouted the guy the last few months and thought he was worth that kind of money. He was absolutely unplayable late in the season.

Hopefully he gets his confidence back for the Lakers, gets and stays healthy- and gives the young players some confidence on the defensive end. I just cant believe the length of this contract.

If the Lakers do have a couple of their young guys work out and are able to attract FA's - Mozgov is gonna be sucking up nearly 20% of their cap....thats the main thing i dont like about this deal. 2 years okay...3 years is still a bummer and a little long- but whatever i guess---- 4 years- until this guy is 34...seems pretty crazy for a guy who's best stretch by far was the 45 game stretch with the Cavs when they got him at the trade deadline 2 years ago when he went 10 pts, 7 boards.

Guys just dont start having career years at year 30....I think he might be able to play some good ball....but DJ is fucking delusional if he thinks Mozgov is gonna average near a double double.

29 guys averaged at least 8 boards a game last year. I will bet my left testicle Mozgov does not do so this year.

if you count Gortat and Love at 9.9 rebounds (and round up .1)- there were 11 guys that averaged a double double alst year.....obviously 9 if you dont count those guys...once again....no fucking chance Mozgov is one of something like between 9 and 14 guys that averages a double double in any given year.

I dont think its a bad signing and i see some sense in it....but DJ's expectations are bat shit crazy.

Jim Buss Reportedly Told People the Lakers Would Sign Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook

True Lakers Fan

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Well it very well could be true, that the Lakers could sign both KD and Westbrook in "2017". Especially if the Thunder don't make it to the Finals in 2016-17.
Their might be better players next year - Kevin Durant isn't that young anymore and neither is Westbrook

True Lakers Fan

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Both KD and Westbrook will be 29 years old in 2017.
That's true, but the Lakers will not be ready for a title run in 2017. They need younger players that won't be declining in two or three years. Now on a short term for one or two years - they might work, but unless the Lakers can sign three big players like Durant - Westbrook - Conley or Cousins for example - it would be useless. I would prefer some younger players that with in a year or two would have time to develop strong chemistry with the new guys and be set up for the next eight or more years. Durant and Westbrook are good, but there could be some players that's a better fit


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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And that's kind of exactly my point, more talent falls off and he gets more minutes. Doesn't really do any better, actually probably worse with that starters load on his shoulders, but the minutes and usage cover up the sin and we go "oh wow, 18 points a game, he's progressing"

Actually, it's not more talent falling off. He is part of a young core of players and will have a coach who should actually bring an offense that is more suited to his and his teammates skills than they have previously had.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Hopefully he gets his confidence back for the Lakers, gets and stays healthy- and gives the young players some confidence on the defensive end. I just cant believe the length of this contract.

Length of the contract is no big deal. From what is being said, there's at least a team option in year 4 and possibly on year 3 as well. Worst case, even if there is no option, they can amnesty after a couple of seasons if he isn't working out.


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Length of the contract is no big deal. From what is being said, there's at least a team option in year 4 and possibly on year 3 as well. Worst case, even if there is no option, they can amnesty after a couple of seasons if he isn't working out.

Lakers used there amnesty on World Hate.

Does amnesty even exist anymore? ( I don't think so).
I never heard it mentioned once this season, or maybe even last.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Lakers used there amnesty on World Hate.

Does amnesty even exist anymore? ( I don't think so).
I never heard it mentioned once this season, or maybe even last.

I read that there is an amnesty clause due either in the new CBA or the next one.


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I read that there is an amnesty clause due either in the new CBA or the next one.

I would image.
Most teams need that ace in the hole to protect them from themselves.


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Chandler Parsons agrees to four-year, $94M deal with Memphis.
whats the attraction ? he's not winning anything there. All about the cash? ...and he can jack up as many shots as he wants.


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I wrote a church sermon in the Lakers forum about it but for all you heathens in the General forum, the TLDR version is:

It's a terrible deal. Mozgov is a career best bench player. He does not fit any of the attributes of the supposed style of play for Luke Walton. 4 years is terrible, should be 2 at most. Even with the new cash, its still an overpay. He should be in the Al Jefferson range if not lower. Totally stupid to rush into it the way they did. No one is bidding for fucking Mozgov at 12:01am. At least field a call to Biyombo, who is a better fit. See if you can pry Bogut for cheap if GS signs Durant. Guys like Mozgov would still be available days from now. Nene, Mahinmi, Humphries, etc can all be had over the next couple of days likely for cheaper prices and all are better options imo. Hell, Hibbert is a better option. Mitch saw his top free agents not even give him a meeting and decided to just go for a guy knew for a fact would say yes. That's what this move is and its dumb. Worst deal of any team so far (Turner to Portland) might be 1b


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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He does not fit any of the attributes of the supposed style of play for Luke Walton.

Apparently, Luke wanted him more than the FO, so I'd guess he has a plan for him. Been hearing folks say that he'll be the Lakers version of Bogut.

I agree that it's an overpay, but I don't think it's as bad as you are making it out to be. Of course, the proof will be on the court this coming season. If Luke truly has a plan for him, it may not look nearly as bad. If he isn't able to fulfill whatever role Luke has in mind, then it may end up looking even worse.


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They might have needed rim protection and they didnt wait for others to offer him but still a bad contract IMO. I could see if it was after his good season and didnt have the knee surgery but it wasnt. It was after he got benched for lack of production and lack of rim protection then you add in the injuries and he is 30, his best could be behind him but he has the athletism and size to be a solid center so I am hoping the best for him. Making the big bucks!


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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They might have needed rim protection and they didnt wait for others to offer him but still a bad contract IMO. I could see if it was after his good season and didnt have the knee surgery but it wasnt. It was after he got benched for lack of production and lack of rim protection then you add in the injuries and he is 30, his best could be behind him but he has the athletism and size to be a solid center so I am hoping the best for him. Making the big bucks!

From what I've read, the contract he got would have been the equivalent of $10 million under last years cap, so that gives it a little better perspective. If what Wiggy says about his confidence and coming back too soon from surgery are true (and I have no reason to doubt him on that) then going someplace where he is actually wanted, may help him.

Not sure I like the idea of a guy whose confidence is that fragile, but they needed a center and it's not like Whiteside, Horford or even Noah were coming to the Lakers. As long as there are team options and/or they can amnesty him in a couple of seasons...it's not too bad.

DJ Fieri

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His per 36 minute averages for his career are 13.6ppg, 10rpg and 1.8bpg.

He may not get 36mpg but he'll get 30-33 and come very close to those numbers.

DJ Fieri

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From what I've read, the contract he got would have been the equivalent of $10 million under last years cap, so that gives it a little better perspective. If what Wiggy says about his confidence and coming back too soon from surgery are true (and I have no reason to doubt him on that) then going someplace where he is actually wanted, may help him.

Not sure I like the idea of a guy whose confidence is that fragile, but they needed a center and it's not like Whiteside, Horford or even Noah were coming to the Lakers. As long as there are team options and/or they can amnesty him in a couple of seasons...it's not too bad.

Exactly. It's not a bad deal at all.....a solid C. Not great and not bad. Right in the middle imo.

DJ Fieri

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From what I've read, the contract he got would have been the equivalent of $10 million under last years cap, so that gives it a little better perspective. If what Wiggy says about his confidence and coming back too soon from surgery are true (and I have no reason to doubt him on that) then going someplace where he is actually wanted, may help him.

Not sure I like the idea of a guy whose confidence is that fragile, but they needed a center and it's not like Whiteside, Horford or even Noah were coming to the Lakers. As long as there are team options and/or they can amnesty him in a couple of seasons...it's not too bad.

Or trade him as an expiring contract.