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Mountain West seeking partnership with PAC12


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Apr 23, 2013
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I love the banter between Wazzu and U-Dub fans. I'm not being sarcastic either. It's so great.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
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Just wondering if you know the Difference between Road games, Neutral Site Games, and Bowl Games?

Fact is Florida WILL play At Indiana and Northwestern but scared to Death of playing At Ohio State, Michigan, Texas, Nebraska, Oklahoma etc...

That is why Florida will always be a 2nd tier program At Best.

Florida plays Florida St every year in addition to the SEC schedule. So they don't really need to travel out of state to have a good schedule.

Saying some team is scared to death because they haven't played is non sequitur.


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They did play six EOY ranked teams last year. My team played zero.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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A bad year? You guys sunk to a depths that no Pac school has ever sunk. Yes we suck, have a horrible coach but we still beat UNLV by more than 3 as that guy posted. That was my post, not that we are some juggernaut. Christ, Mike Leach is such a horrible coach, he lost the fucking Colorado game when we had a 3 touchdown lead.

Under Leach, I'd put Colorado 11th and us 12th though. We still have beaten UW with every statistical worst WSU team in history though. 84, 08, and 12. Guess that's why under Leach's contract he gets a bonus for beating the Fuskies more than any Coug coach has made in a season .

Naw, Colorado is not only the worst in the Pac, but probably the worst AQ team in the nation. The cougs always manage to get up for a few games every year. If you recall I said last season WSU would win at least one big game they were major underdogs in and I was right. Colorado can only beat other bad teams that go out of their way to lose it.

Funny thing is I actually agree with your AD. I still think it is a VERY bad idea to publicly say your team isn't going bowling before the year even starts, but his views of the program moving forward are probably correct. Leach is a sort of one trick pony and has to find 'his' QB to run it. He hasn't done so to date and that will create another disappointing season, but that doesn't mean WSU won't win at least 4-5 games.

As for apple cup upsets, do I need to list the ones that killed your runs too? I remember a couple that tore the hearts out of every coug. Shall we go down memory lane?


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Apr 23, 2013
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Take us there, Wiz. I love the Apple Cup rivalry. Let's hear it.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Take us there, Wiz. I love the Apple Cup rivalry. Let's hear it.

In the late 70's UW had an oregon weaton like moment in an apple cup where WSU was well ahead and made an ill advised pass that turned into a pick 6 and was followed up by Moon leading a game winning drive. That example of 'couging' it lead to their HC quitting the next week. Of course wazzy won't want to talk about one of their HC's quitting, but their history is full of such events. It was our pleasure to help lil brother clear out a HC.

Want one more recent? How about 2001 when WSU was ranked and looking for a BCS bid. I was at that game and remember it well. I came home with no voice and several of their fans who had blowing their mouths hard all through the first half left with their crimson coats over their heads. Good times.

Want to hear about more WSU misery? They won't want to remember one in the early 80's where the winner of the apple cup would take the conference and go off to the Rose Bowl. That is, if UW had help anyway. They needed another team to win as well that played that same day. UW got their help and also beat WSU to leave them for dead on the season. UW ended up blanking Iowa in the RB 24-0 while WSU ended up losing to BYU in the Holiday Bowl 36-34. I love it when the good guys come out on top.

None of that compares to 2002 when once again the cougs were ranked and looking for a BCS bid with nothing but a home apple cup victory in their way. The game ended in a tie and went to triple overtime before UW won because the cougs threw a backward pass that was knocked down and recovered. Of course every coug will tell you it wasn't a backward pass, but a lateral throw. The camera coverage says differently. In the moments after the game angry cougs threw bottles and everything else they could find at celebrating UW fans, team members, and anyone not wearing crimson. So much for a classy fan base huh? The cry babies had to act like common criminals. It was a real pleasure to take WSU out of the BCS for a second straight year. They didn't deserve it.

Number of games won in a row: UW 8 (twice) WSU 2 (that is TWO). Overall record 67-32-6. Number of times WSU has 'couged' it, too many too many to count, but I can recall at least 6 that I've been to. They love to give up leads to their big brothers.

And just in case wazzy hasn't had enough, I can add a couple more heart breaker games that ended WSU seasons in misery. There are FAR more coug killers than the other way around, even if it is true that both teams have had some quality upsets.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I love the banter between Wazzu and U-Dub fans. I'm not being sarcastic either. It's so great.


But it makes me jealous. No Beaver fans here. That SUCKS!!!!! Somebody in Nutria Nation needs to sack up and drag there carcass to the Hoop.. STAT\

WALLACE? Role call!!!!


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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But it makes me jealous. No Beaver fans here. That SUCKS!!!!! Somebody in Nutria Nation needs to sack up and drag there carcass to the Hoop.. STAT\

WALLACE? Role call!!!!

I'm a beaver fan...

Oh wait, you mean football.


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Not much of a prediction when after getting embarassed by an average BYU team we were major dogs in ever game except UNLV and Colorado.

In the late 70's UW had an oregon weaton like moment in an apple cup where WSU was well ahead and made an ill advised pass that turned into a pick 6 and was followed up by Moon leading a game winning drive. That example of 'couging' it lead to their HC quitting the next week. Of course wazzy won't want to talk about one of their HC's quitting, but their history is full of such events. It was our pleasure to help lil brother clear out a HC.

UW does know all about coach's quitting since the coach that led you to 1/2 a championship walked out on the program stopping like a 9 year old girl who didn't get a pony.

Want one more recent? How about 2001 when WSU was ranked and looking for a BCS bid. I was at that game and remember it well. I came home with no voice and several of their fans who had blowing their mouths hard all through the first half left with their crimson coats over their heads. Good times.

There was no BCS berth on the line in the 01 AC.

Want to hear about more WSU misery? They won't want to remember one in the early 80's where the winner of the apple cup would take the conference and go off to the Rose Bowl. That is, if UW had help anyway. They needed another team to win as well that played that same day. UW got their help and also beat WSU to leave them for dead on the season. UW ended up blanking Iowa in the RB 24-0 while WSU ended up losing to BYU in the Holiday Bowl 36-34. I love it when the good guys come out on top.

Or 84 when you guys were on the way to the Rose Bowl with a shot at the NC until you lost to a 2 win Coug team. Or 92 when again you had a shot at the NC but got humiliated because you boys on the west side can't handle what is called snow. 05 when we were down with 2 minutes and your pansy defense gave up a fricking 80 yard bubble screen.

Conviently left out that UW were pansies and refused to play the AC in Pullman in favor of Spokane much like you guys are scared to play Gonzaga.

It's all good, we have more Super Bowl MVP's, the father of television news, the guy who coined the GrandDaddy of them All. Your greatest football player was out of the league in 2 years with a steroid problem, ours had to retire because of being a dousche and a broken wrist.

None of that compares to 2002 when once again the cougs were ranked and looking for a BCS bid with nothing but a home apple cup victory in their way. The game ended in a tie and went to triple overtime before UW won because the cougs threw a backward pass that was knocked down and recovered. Of course every coug will tell you it wasn't a backward pass, but a lateral throw. The camera coverage says differently. In the moments after the game angry cougs threw bottles and everything else they could find at celebrating UW fans, team members, and anyone not wearing crimson. So much for a classy fan base huh? The cry babies had to act like common criminals. It was a real pleasure to take WSU out of the BCS for a second straight year. They didn't deserve it.

Number of games won in a row: UW 8 (twice) WSU 2 (that is TWO). Overall record 67-32-6. Number of times WSU has 'couged' it, too many too many to count, but I can recall at least 6 that I've been to. They love to give up leads to their big brothers.

And just in case wazzy hasn't had enough, I can add a couple more heart breaker games that ended WSU seasons in misery. There are FAR more coug killers than the other way around, even if it is true that both teams have had some quality upsets.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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UW does know all about coach's quitting since the coach that led you to 1/2 a championship walked out on the program stopping like a 9 year old girl who didn't get a pony.

lol. You can keep on trying to claim that, but we both know it isn't true. In fact I've proven you wrong on that many times, but like so many other things you believe if you keep saying it over and over it will magically become true. I guess you keep at it because you have nothing else real to work with. Sad, but coug-like.

There was no BCS berth on the line in the 01 AC.
Fact: WSU was ranked #9 going into the AC with a BCS bowl on the line. Sorry, but that is a fact.

Or 84 when you guys were on the way to the Rose Bowl with a shot at the NC until you lost to a 2 win Coug team. Or 92 when again you had a shot at the NC but got humiliated because you boys on the west side can't handle what is called snow. 05 when we were down with 2 minutes and your pansy defense gave up a fricking 80 yard bubble screen.

The snow bowl wasn't just a little snow. It was coming down so hard you couldn't see the other side of the field from the stands. Bledsoe played an incredible game. I love questioning the UW defense which in turn says your offense was terrible. Way to try to diss your own team to attempt to bring someone else down. That is a coug-like quality that seems to come up often lol. Love it.

Conviently left out that UW were pansies and refused to play the AC in Pullman in favor of Spokane much like you guys are scared to play Gonzaga.
lol, looks like I really got your panties up in a wad over this post. You are seriously mad bro lol. I have no idea what you are talking about, but you are clearly pissed. I guess I would be too if I had to be a fan of that program for as long as you have.

Scared to play Gonzaga? You do know UW has been pushing the zags for a series for YEARS and Few keeps rejecting it right? lol. Hate when the facts get in the way of a good story, but keep on making up your ammo. It's funny if nothing else.

It's all good, we have more Super Bowl MVP's, the father of television news, the guy who coined the GrandDaddy of them All. Your greatest football player was out of the league in 2 years with a steroid problem, ours had to retire because of being a dousche and a broken wrist.
That's some great anger there sport! Did you feel better after getting all of that off your chest? lol. You are soooo easy to get worked up I swear. :-)

Let's see, you like to jump all over the place, but once again you want to point out the 2-3 people anyone might know who ever went to the school in a post about football (and specifically just the AC) why? Because you can't argue with the facts that UW has PWNED the cougs for the entire history of the event. Even when WSU was on a roll they never won more than 2 in a row! lolz.

UW's 'best' player didn't last long? There have been a lot more former UW athletes in the league than cougs. Moon is a HOF, Brunell was a beast at QB for a very long time, and I could go on down the list.

How long did Leaf last? Wasn't he one of your best lolz. You can keep trying, but UW has WAAAAAY more ammo to work with against the lowly cougs and you know it. All you are going to get for going on is more and more mad. It just isn't good for your blood pressure bro.

Now count to 10 and take a deep breath before once again saying something silly. It will at least help keep your heart rate down if it doesn't stop you from saying something stupid.


Go Home Run Heels!
Apr 16, 2013
Marietta, GA
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Sounds more to me like the Pac guys would rather in-fight than worry about a MWC partnership!:suds::lol:


Apr 18, 2013
Lacey, Wa.
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Dude!...Lacy Wa.?.. You are less than an hour from me! I never woulda' guessed! Do you know where Orting is?
I was just there this past Thursday. Great little town in a gorgeous little valley. And with Mt. Rainier looming large in the early morning, it's breathtaking.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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I was just there this past Thursday. Great little town in a gorgeous little valley. And with Mt. Rainier looming large in the early morning, it's breathtaking.

I live just above Orting and see that mountain every day. Well every day it isn't raining anyway lol.


Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I live just above Orting and see that mountain every day. Well every day it isn't raining anyway lol.

Well damn Wiz, you must live a stones throw away.

But true or false, Don James quit? All the circumstances are completely irrelvent because he quit. Much like I can make excuses that Mike Price "didn't leave for a better job" he left because he asked to have a raise for his assistants and was told we don't have the money.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Well damn Wiz, you must live a stones throw away.

But true or false, Don James quit? All the circumstances are completely irrelvent because he quit. Much like I can make excuses that Mike Price "didn't leave for a better job" he left because he asked to have a raise for his assistants and was told we don't have the money.

Mike Price didn't leave for a better job, he left to get fired for a getting a job...


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Bama is pleased as can be that Price was a slime ball. If he had stayed what would the college football landscape look like today? Would LSU have been like an 8 time NT winner by now? Price did you all a solid for sure.

Wazzy, people retire all the time. They don't call it 'quitting' when they leave a job and do not go get another one. You can look up the definition of retirement and tell me how that isn't what happened. So yeah, the circumstances very much matter when someone leaves a job. The real point is nothing you say about him can remove the RB victories, the national title, or the great years we all enjoyed as fans. Be as jealous as you like, but nothing you could ever say would change the facts or remove those memories.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Report: MWC discussing partnership with Pac-12 | CollegeFootballTalk

apparently this is being discussed afterall. Would be pretty cool for the MWC, would pretty much set the league well ahead of the other 5

It wont bold well for the PAC12 for the SOS when it takes affect in 2014 for the playoffs. Boise is the only threat in the conference. And they can only play one PAC 12 team in that year so all the other MWC teams are irrelevant. It's almost like buying a shit load of lottery tickets and never getting the winning number. Boise's that number you want. But on the other hand maybe get two more bowl tie in's that would work. But I just dont see it working for OOC SOS games. Oh not striking a nerve or nothing, but what conference would be well ahead of the others?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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