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Mountain West seeking partnership with PAC12


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Dude. Mad? No. I love trash-talking about CFB. Retard? Troll? Look in the mirror.

Let me teach you something, here. It doesn't matter what your preferences are, and it doesn't matter what my preferences are. There is a system in place, and every school in the nation is obligated to work that system in a way that benefits their school to the max.

Ok, how is that teaching me anything since that's EXACTLY what I said? :lol:

Despite any of your arguments, or the Boise boys', SEC teams play just as tough of schedules as any other conference, and we don't need to play tough OOC opponents to do so.

Right, you call me a retard and then say ^^^. Please show me where I said the SEC doesn't play a tough schedule or where I said I agree with anything from the BSU clan. All I said is smiles was factually correct in saying the parts of the schedule where SEC can control, most of the teams (outside of LSU) choose to add nothing. That's it. That's all I said and yet your panties got all up in a wad lol.

Why in the world would any smart AD want to make his schedule harder, when it is already one of the toughest in the nation?

Again, go back and read what I said. I did say your school would have to be retarded not to play the schedule they do. You do know how to read right?

Come back with your argument when everyone else is playing that tough of a schedule.
Really? Because nothing you said refuted a SINGLE thing I said. :laugh3:

I said team SEC does indeed dumb down their schedule and you agreed when you said 'why in the world would and smart AD want to make his schedule harder'. So it would seem it was you with the failed argument. :clap:

You and your kind need to learn how to deal with Smiles or this board will be FULL of 1000 pages circular rants within weeks.

You MUST acknowledge the SEC teams schedule light and just stick to the part where their in conference schedule still gives them decent SoS. Top of the nation? Not always, but sometimes sure. Always depends on how the uneven schedule in conference is for each team that year. If you stick to trying to deny the crappy OOC of the SEC this board is doomed.

It always starts out the same. People point out how bad BSU's schedule is and smiles points out how bad the OOC of most SEC teams are and asks if you expect them to make deals worse than the SEC. Of course most reasonable people see that indeed, yes they should take 1 and done deals or whatever is available if they want the SoS to support a run at a title. He doesn't see that and will spend the next 6 months banging it into your heads why you are all wrong wrong wrong.

Under the now ending BCS system team SEC could get away with garbage OOC schedules, the Pac often needed at least one class A OOC game, the Big10/12 were hit and miss on whether or not they had to have one, but many took one. and indy/mid-majors must have as many high end games as they can schedule. Anyone with a reasonable understanding of football knows this. And yet the endless rants continue.

Under the new system coming up teams will need as many quality games as they can to earn a spot, however teams will still try and balance what they believe will give them credibility while not taking unnecessary risks.

And as for my desire, you mean to say you wouldn't rather have a college system where all games were interesting? Or at least most weren't snooze worthy? I know I'd rather watch a sport where undefeated seasons were rare, but the quality week in and week out was great vs the current 1/3 of a crap season and a few decent games with several undefeated teams. I really doubt I'm alone on that.

Kid Vicarious

Feb 2, 2012
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
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Anyone who says that SEC doesn't play a harder or equally tough schedule than the other major conferences is a homer and is just lying.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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I'm not sure he actually ever says anyone else plays a tougher schedule than SEC teams, but rather his school should be entitled to the same advantages the SEC has while also still playing in a shit conference.

Kid Vicarious

Feb 2, 2012
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
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I'm not sure he actually ever says anyone else plays a tougher schedule than SEC teams, but rather his school should be entitled to the same advantages the SEC has while also still playing in a shit conference.

Ah, Well until BSU takes the route of VT and joins a major conference ppl will always look down at Boise. Better start scheduling like ND if you don't...


10 inch Member
May 2, 2013
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How can you call the MWC a "shit" conference when comparing to the Pac 12? Regardless of how you want to personally perceive, the Pac playing the MWC is not even comparable to the SEC inviting Sunbelt teams in for routine 40 point beatdowns.

In the last 5 years the Pac 12 has a losing record (13 - 16) against the MWC. Heck, even since TCU, Utah and BYU left and the WAC teams took their place two seasons ago the Pac 12 is only one game above .500 at 7 - 6.

Not even hinting that top to bottom the MWC is better than the Pac 12 but, based on facts (actual results) is "shit" really an accurate adjective to use to articulate the gap between the two?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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How can you call the MWC a "shit" conference when comparing to the Pac 12? Regardless of how you want to personally perceive, the Pac playing the MWC is not even comparable to the SEC inviting Sunbelt teams in for routine 40 point beatdowns.

In the last 5 years the Pac 12 has a losing record (13 - 16) against the MWC. Heck, even since TCU, Utah and BYU left and the WAC teams took their place two seasons ago the Pac 12 is only one game above .500 at 7 - 6.

Not even hinting that top to bottom the MWC is better than the Pac 12 but, based on facts (actual results) is "shit" really an accurate adjective to use to articulate the gap between the two?
For the sportshoopla veterans. This is a taste of things to come. This is the type of posts you are in for. You have no idea what pandoras box that has been opened. No amount of reasonable response will stop what is coming.

BM, to poach small sample sets and use it to make blanket comparisons is by anyone's account a false use of math. I really don't care to look into it, but one would have to see which teams were involved and where they were in the pecking order of each conference. For example, are we talking the top 4 in the MWC beating up on the bottom 4 of the Pac? It really doesn't matter, because you hinted in your post that it didn't matter anyway. You bring up a small set of stats and then turn around to say you aren't trying to suggest they are better top to bottom.

Instead of poaching some subset of facts to support a claim, why not use direct facts about the overall point? What was BSU's overall SoS last season? What is BSU's overall SoS going into next season?
The sagarin adjusted SoS for BSU last year was 115th. ONE HUNDRED AND FUCKING FIFTEENTH. Despite your teams typical one horse opening act they STILL ended up among the easiest schedules in all of college football. Isn't that the point?

BSU opens against Georgia and wins that game. Kudos. The only other ranked team they played was TCU and they lost to them. So they end up .500 against teams with a pulse. They were rewarded with a top 10 finish and for what? Beating up on 7-8 garbage teams and a couple of so-so teams not in the top 25 and we are to all draw the conclusion that had they played a real schedule they still would have had a 12-1 season.



Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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And as for next season? Yes, you open against a rebuilding and expected better UW, but they still won't be ranked at game time and should BSU win that game it could prevent them from being ranked by seasons end. Later on the docket they play a Nevada team not likely to be ranked and a BYU team that could be ranked, but also could fall from the ranks with a loss.

That sets up a season where if they ran the table they could actually prevent the only good teams on their schedule from being ranked at seasons end. Does a team that goes undefeated that plays ZERO ranked teams deserve to be in the conversation about a NC game? We know what your answer is, but the rest of the country doesn't agree. Why not just leave it there?


Go Home Run Heels!
Apr 16, 2013
Marietta, GA
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The ACC has those team now but only FSU was actually part of the ACC when it won the BCS NCG. Miami and VT were not.

That is part of the point. Miami and VT think the ACC is worthy of their leaving the Big Least and joining the ACC instead, as does ND for all sports except football, and they play 5 of our teams each season starting in 2014.

Granted that Utah did also get a step up invite from the Pac and TCU to did get the same from the Big 12, that makes my point as well.

2 teams LEFT the MWC for greener pastures.
6 teams LEFT the Big East/AAC for the ACC. That makes my point when we are comparing the conferences, don't ya think?

Obviously the ACC is one of the Big 5 while the MWC and AAC are lagging behind, though I don't think they are very far behind. But they are obviously behind.


Go Home Run Heels!
Apr 16, 2013
Marietta, GA
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No one "sober that is" is going to compare the MWC to the ACC or PAC 12 top to bottom over the last 10 years. However, the top half of each is a different story. Isn't that where the top 10 or 15% of the elite teams in the country claim separation from the rest anyway? News Flash...the bottom half of the MWC sucks more than the bottom half of the ACC and PAC 12 sucks.

Regardless, shouldn't a top tier team in any conference clobber the weakling in thier conference?

Research before you claim dominance.

You are the one that needs to do the research, my friend.

IN the stronger conferences the weakling has a much better chance of toppling the top tier teams, not the other way around. That is because the "weaklings" are not nearly so weak as they are in the MWC.


Go Home Run Heels!
Apr 16, 2013
Marietta, GA
Hoopla Cash
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I note with great delight that since they cannot refute what I say (since it is correct), they resort to slapstick.

It's kind of cute, I like it.:lol::laugh3::peace2::deadhorse:

Smiles, your :lame:posts have been refuted over and over again but you choose to just ignore that fact, continuing to allow yourself to be blinded by your blue colored sunglasses. That's all of your posts in a nutshell.

You are indeed a legend - in your own mind. Only. Nobody else buys into your BS except only a few also-fooled Boise fans.

Your AD is doing better with your scheduling. We can only hope he can do well enough to get enough premier games to get the Broncos in serious consideration for one of those coveted 4 playoff slots.

No one, not even you, is foolish enough to believe your OOC SOS is going to get you one of them now.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Smiles, your posts have been refuted over and over again but you choose to just ignore that fact, continuing to allow yourself to be blinded by your blue colored sunglasses. That's all of your posts in a nutshell.

The one to feel sorry for in this debate is you, dear friend. You haven't even come close to refuting a single fact. Alabama is still playing two current FCS schools and a really bad FBS team in the only games they truly control, yet again this season. Most SEC schools still schedule one good team and three patty cakes. Florida still hasn't scheduled a non-conference game outside of their state in 22 years.

Nope, you haven't refuted those facts, and never will, because unlike your opinionated rants, they are facts.

As to my opinions, I make no apologies. I'm a fan of my team. Unlike you, I don't switch loyalties as the winds change direction. Never have, never will.

I am no fan of the MWC, I've criticized their leadership loudly. Thompson is the biggest tool of all the major conference chiefs. I hate Slive, but he is a genius and is in no small part responsible for the conference's enormous success. You? No one can tell, you shift opinions and teams with every changing year.

Everyone who reads my posts know exactly where I stand, no if's no and's no but's. You are a reed driven by the wind. I pity any band-wagoner who cheers for a conference, and a mediocre one at that. Oh well, do have a good day.


Death On Black Wings
Dec 20, 2009
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Seems to me that we beat a Big Ten team on the road for the '06 NC. And I think we might have beat a Big 12 team on the road for the '08 NC.

Nonetheless, that has nothing to do with the strength of the Gator schedule.

Just wondering if you know the Difference between Road games, Neutral Site Games, and Bowl Games?

Fact is Florida WILL play At Indiana and Northwestern but scared to Death of playing At Ohio State, Michigan, Texas, Nebraska, Oklahoma etc...

That is why Florida will always be a 2nd tier program At Best.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Just wondering if you know the Difference between Road games, Neutral Site Games, and Bowl Games?

Fact is Florida WILL play At Indiana and Northwestern but scared to Death of playing At Ohio State, Michigan, Texas, Nebraska, Oklahoma etc...

That is why Florida will always be a 2nd tier program At Best.

While I agree with you on the lack of Florida's willingness to nut up on leaving their state for OOC games...

But a 2nd tier program? That is a stretch and is bordering on trollish.....

Just sayin....


Death On Black Wings
Dec 20, 2009
Bleak Plains Of Limbo
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While I agree with you on the lack of Florida's willingness to nut up on leaving their state for OOC games...

But a 2nd tier program? That is a stretch and is bordering on trollish.....

Just sayin....

Do you consider Minnesota or California as 1st tier programs?


Death On Black Wings
Dec 20, 2009
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IMO, you can take a 20-30 year snapshot of any program and call it an Elite Program.

It is when you step back and look at the entire program through Historical Eyes that you can judge it all.

1st Tier Programs DO NOT
go 0-10-1 and 0-9.
go 85 years without a Conference Title. Started play in 1906, won first Conference title in 1991. Won one in 85 I think but had to forfeit.
play NO ONE of Merit on their schedule.

From 1906-1990 Florida did NOTHING.

Oh I am Sorry, they Won ONE Orange Bowl.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 61.19
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Do you consider Minnesota or California as 1st tier programs?

No absolutely not. I do consider Florida one of the top 5 programs in the country however. 2 NATTYs in the last few years. An SEC powerhouse year in n out. They have 1 or 2 down years, and they are back as a NATTY contender in 2012.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I have no love for Florida, but they are easily one of the best football programs in the nation. Mamba & I agree for once.