RIP to the real Bandit
Alright, well get a poll for decimal scoring going.
Couple questions- this will apply to yardage totals for QB/RB/WR/TE...kickers and D's, and all other scoring options for the previously mentioned positions will remain the same right?
And also, with rushing receiving yardage that'll be easy. .10 yards equals 1 pt. Becomes 1 yard equals 0.1 pts.
But, passing yards are currently set at 1 point per 25 yards. Obviously we can't do 0.1 pts. per 2.5 yards. .so do we do 0.1 per 2 yards, or 0.1 per 3 yards?
Yes, as the guys stated, you do .04 point for each passing yard which give you one full point for every 25 yards passing. If a guy had 10 yards passing it would be .4 points, if he had 22 yards passing is would be .88 points. And yes kickers and D's and all other scoring would stay the same in my opinion.
And to another point, you guys are all using a weekly tie against your head-to-head opponent as a difference maker for decimal scoring, but you all need to remember that the first tiebreaker in our standings is breakdown record and ties can make a huge difference there. Yes we didn't have any ties last year in the head-to-head weekly matchups, but there were 22 breakdown ties in the A league and 32 breakdown ties in the B league. That can make a huge difference in the breakdown standings. Not to mention there were 105 ties in the MBBRL wide breakdown, so you guys all just made my life a lot easier in doing the standings sheet.