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Marshawn plans to skip minicamp to hold out for new contract


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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I'm sure Michael can handle the rushing and do fine. The question is how far has he come on his blocking and how he fits in on the protection schemes.

Lynch will have a role to play on this team as long as he can both run and perform his duties in the passing game as well. His role will simply diminish and his play time wind down.

I see almost no chance he gets the full value of his contract next season. Sit out? He may be cut if he won't rework a deal the other way after this coming season.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I'm sure Michael can handle the rushing and do fine. The question is how far has he come on his blocking and how he fits in on the protection schemes.

Lynch will have a role to play on this team as long as he can both run and perform his duties in the passing game as well. His role will simply diminish and his play time wind down.

I see almost no chance he gets the full value of his contract next season. Sit out? He may be cut if he won't rework a deal the other way after this coming season.

Would you feel like that even if has a monster year and some good playoff production? If all signs are pointing to him being the same stud in 2015 that he has been since he got here you still think they twist his arm or cut him?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Would you feel like that even if has a monster year and some good playoff production? If all signs are pointing to him being the same stud in 2015 that he has been since he got here you still think they twist his arm or cut him?

Yes, I would feel the same way.

I don't think he gets as many carries this year as last even if he is healthy and firing on all cylinders. Michael and Turbin will be getting some more of the load. Even with a monster year I see it declining even more next year.

I'm not saying he drops 8 or 9 attempts a game, but I don't see him getting near 20 anymore either. He was down 1 attempt per game last year over the prior. He was also down in total yards, yard per carry, and yards per game as well.

I think all of those trends will continue. He needs to be fresh at the end of the season. We also need to keep developing Michael and keep pushing Turbin. And that trend will continue next year. As they carry more of the load, his endurance should stay higher. However his salary hit should also go down.


Aug 26, 2013
SF Bay Area
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I know i'll take shit for this but RB's like Marshawn don't just show up everyday. If you're backups aren't as good as you think and defenses are not worried about them, you better hope Wilson is as good as you think he is. Right now he benefits from defenses having to think about Lynch. In the Super Bowl, they loaded up the box which made it difficult on Marshawn but really opened up things for Wilson. If your RB is just OK, look out.


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Isn't there a movie that's going to be made about his life? If so, whoever his agent is, better realize that if he retires early instead of making stats and ESPN highlight reels, that this movie might not be such a hit because he's been out of the game for a season?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I know i'll take shit for this but RB's like Marshawn don't just show up everyday. If you're backups aren't as good as you think and defenses are not worried about them, you better hope Wilson is as good as you think he is. Right now he benefits from defenses having to think about Lynch. In the Super Bowl, they loaded up the box which made it difficult on Marshawn but really opened up things for Wilson. If your RB is just OK, look out.

Well that's what I've been saying. They need to find out just what Michael can do and preseason along with a few random plays won't tell them.

I would say a good running team is a combination of line/scheme and individual running. The jury is out on what we have without Lynch, but that's a far cry from saying they will get worse. We just don't know.

One thing's for sure, the coaches know what they have or at least have a solid idea. They aren't going to let Lynch go without a belief they can deal with it.


Aug 26, 2013
SF Bay Area
Hoopla Cash
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Well that's what I've been saying. They need to find out just what Michael can do and preseason along with a few random plays won't tell them.

I would say a good running team is a combination of line/scheme and individual running. The jury is out on what we have without Lynch, but that's a far cry from saying they will get worse. We just don't know.

One thing's for sure, the coaches know what they have or at least have a solid idea. They aren't going to let Lynch go without a belief they can deal with it.

You hope...


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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How is that a hope? If they don't think they have what they need to have a top flight running game without him there is no way in hell they won't throw money at him and keep him happy. That's not a hope.


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Apr 21, 2013
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I'm kinda torn on this one. On the one hand, you don't want anything to cause a distraction as the team tries for a repeat, and a contract dispute can be a pretty big distraction. On the other hand, it's hard to tell a player that he has to live up to the deal he signed and not ask for more money when the team can turn around and cut him for making too much, even if he's still playing well, or "ask" him to take a pay cut under threat of dismissal.

It's hard to blame a guy too much for trying to get as much as he can get under those circumstances, especially when he plays a position that probably has the shortest career expectancy of any position in the league due to a general sharp decline in productivity at a certain age.

That isn't to say that the decision to cut a player for making too much money is an easy one or one that a team's decision makers necessarily want to make when the player in question is still a productive one, but it's a decision that gets made nonetheless.

If the rumors are true and Lynch is unhappy with his contract, then I hope for the sake of the team that it gets resolved one way or the other as soon as possible. Schneider and Carroll have made their share of tough, sometimes unpopular, decisions before and this will be another one they'll have to make.


Aug 26, 2013
SF Bay Area
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How is that a hope? If they don't think they have what they need to have a top flight running game without him there is no way in hell they won't throw money at him and keep him happy. That's not a hope.

What I'm saying is you should just hope your coaching staff has a real good idea of what they have in backups. Players are ranked high, get drafted high, then are average. Lot's of hype then nothing. You know what you have in Lynch. Michaels played in the Johnny football offense, Turbin played baseball against my brother in high school and I didn't know who he was then but I think he is a good back. I'm not saying Michaels isn't good, you just never know. Look at my team, talk about can't get it right...:gaah:


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Jul 27, 2013
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I think Lynch will be here until he doesn't have anything to offer. There's still some fat that could be trimmed before the Hawks would need to be rash and walk away from an all-pro player. Michael looks great and all, but Lynch is a legend.
legit question here....looking around at lynch's stats I find only one year (2011) where his ypc was better than bottom third of the league...in fact in career stats, there are a TON of recent/current players that rank far far better than Lynch in every imaginable way. how is it that he is considered a legend ? and where would a moniker such as "beast mode" come from ? honestly, looking at his career, he isn't even average much less a legend or beast mode. I really am curious how it is that he gets such accolades.


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Jul 17, 2013
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legit question here....looking around at lynch's stats I find only one year (2011) where his ypc was better than bottom third of the league...in fact in career stats, there are a TON of recent/current players that rank far far better than Lynch in every imaginable way. how is it that he is considered a legend ? and where would a moniker such as "beast mode" come from ? honestly, looking at his career, he isn't even average much less a legend or beast mode. I really am curious how it is that he gets such accolades.

You are seriously going to rate a player by YPC alone? :L

He gets those accolades because he fights for every frick'n inch on the field.


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Jul 27, 2013
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You are seriously going to rate a player by YPC alone? :L

He gets those accolades because he fights for every frick'n inch on the field.
I would rate a player by how effective they are at their position..not what they have to do to get there..the bottom line is still the bottom line


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I would rate a player by how effective they are at their position..not what they have to do to get there..the bottom line is still the bottom line

Yes, the bottom line is winning. And the Seahawks have been winning in large part because of his ability to wear defenses down. I dont care about who has a higher YPC out there, not everyone can leave a defense bruised up like Lynch.

Let me ask you, how do you rate Elway? Didn't always look pretty or carry gaudy stats, but he got the job done.

That's like Lynch. I've seen games where he had 25 carries for 80-90 yards but was the reason for the win because by the end of the game the defense was exhausted from his physical style.

LOL @ Denver any Denver fans calling stats "the bottom line". Didn't you learn anything last year? The Denver DC was obviously terrified of Lynch in the SB, guess he didn't pay attention to stats huh?


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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legit question here....looking around at lynch's stats I find only one year (2011) where his ypc was better than bottom third of the league...in fact in career stats, there are a TON of recent/current players that rank far far better than Lynch in every imaginable way. how is it that he is considered a legend ? and where would a moniker such as "beast mode" come from ? honestly, looking at his career, he isn't even average much less a legend or beast mode. I really am curious how it is that he gets such accolades.

Well there's your problem bud, stop looking at the stats and start watching some games.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I would rate a player by how effective they are at their position..not what they have to do to get there..the bottom line is still the bottom line

If you had watched our game last year you would have noticed that your DC established stopping Marshawn as his #1 priorty. This opened up our passing game. It also opened up a couple of Percy sweeps around end.

Regarding the accolades ML receives, just ask any fans of the teams we play on a regular basis. He is the toughest RB in the NFCW.


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legit question here....looking around at lynch's stats I find only one year (2011) where his ypc was better than bottom third of the league...in fact in career stats, there are a TON of recent/current players that rank far far better than Lynch in every imaginable way. how is it that he is considered a legend ? and where would a moniker such as "beast mode" come from ? honestly, looking at his career, he isn't even average much less a legend or beast mode. I really am curious how it is that he gets such accolades.

I think if you look at the last three years combined, that Lynch has put up some good numbers, such as the most TDs rushing, most yardage ( expect for AD), and you can't look at stats in a vacuum anyways.

It's a team sport and for a RB lots of other factors play into, like health and quality of the OL, passing options to keep teams from stacking the box, etc.

Meh, I sure you know all this and just looking to rattle our cage a bit.


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Jul 3, 2013
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Well there's your problem bud, stop looking at the stats and start watching some games.

True... Because our O-line isn't exactly elite... Lynch fights through initial contact on a regular basis... If you watch the man ball you understand...


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Apr 17, 2013
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Going to laugh my ass off if a bunch of you start defending his greedy ass and play it off as him being smart and doing the right thing. I love Marshawn Lynch, but the Seahawks have other options at HB and shouldn't be held hostage by a player who wants a couple million more than what he currently is getting.

Other options? Maybe, but Marshawn is a game changer, especially with how you run your offense. Even if you replace the production you will not come close to replacing the impact he has on a game.

I think his money is already perfectly fair, but to pretend you won't feel it in a big way if he's not in a Seahawks jersey is just insane.

As a "hater", I'd love to see him somewhere else.