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Marshawn plans to skip minicamp to hold out for new contract


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LOL really? Remember Jared Allen is in seattle and has signed his contract.

With Lynch there are Unnamed sources saying he's going to retire. There are Also unnamed sources that are saying he wants a contract extension. Can't have it both ways....which unnamed source is right

True Allen didn't sign, but he was in Seattle and I would guess he considered signing. As far as Lynch rumors, who knows, but it does sound like business as usual that goes on between teams and players.


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LOL really? Remember Jared Allen is in seattle and has signed his contract.

With Lynch there are Unnamed sources saying he's going to retire. There are Also unnamed sources that are saying he wants a contract extension. Can't have it both ways....which unnamed source is right

the whole jared allen situation they didnt make that up he had an agreement with us and he flew out to seattle to sign the papers. his agent made it clear that there was a deal done the bears just came out of nowhere and gave him the offer he was looking for.

the rumor is that lynch was thinking about retirement and there were rumors of that after we won the superbowl thats nothing new.


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Too early to start worrying about this. Even if the reports are true and Lynch does hold out for a new contract I trust the FO will make the best decision for the franchise, whether it's a new contract or a release/trade.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Question for you. Why do you guys give this stuff creadance.

We know for a FACT that noone has talked to Lynch.
None of the reports are quoting his agent, or his family, or even the seahawks.

They literally are making this shit up as they go.


Jordan Babineaux: Marshawn Lynch wants to be paid - NFL.com

NFL Media's Jordan Babineaux said on NFL AM that he spoke with Lynch on Thursday from Oakland, and he can't see Lynch hanging up his cleats.

"I don't see Marshawn walking away just yet," Babineux said Friday morning. "He's working on his training. He's doing the normal things that he always does. We actually went out last week when I was in Seattle and he and I had conversation and had a drink. The bottom line is, it is about the money. When a guy starts producing the way Marshawn has been producing, he wants to be paid."

I'd say that puts the question of whether or not there is something here to rest.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Big play babs says its true, it's true.


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also he doesn't want a big raise just enough to make him the 2nd or 3rd highest paid RB in the NFL.


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I think he's gonna end up showing up .... We all know Lynch is a different character so we just have to wait and see... But I think he's there come training camp...


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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I think he's gonna end up showing up .... We all know Lynch is a different character so we just have to wait and see... But I think he's there come training camp...

Given what Babs had to say I think it's highly unlikely he shows up to mini camp.

Rapoport said the signs of his discontent have been there since after the SB parade.

It appears he feels his play has risen since his last deal and wants to be paid accordingly. He has hinted he could retire if a deal isn't struck, but most are discounting that. It is said he is very frugal and has put away most of the money he has already made so if he did decide to retire he will be far from broke.

The larger question here is can the team afford to cave in to his demands? What's to stop Earl from coming back in two years and demanding another raise? Or any of the other stars we have under contract, or will have shortly. This isn't a question of whether or not Lynch deserves more money, nor how little it appears he is asking for (something between 2 to 3 million/yr), but rather the precedent it sets moving forward.

Because of that, I don't see this getting settled until at least the preseason.


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Given what Babs had to say I think it's highly unlikely he shows up to mini camp.

Rapoport said the signs of his discontent have been there since after the SB parade.

It appears he feels his play has risen since his last deal and wants to be paid accordingly. He has hinted he could retire if a deal isn't struck, but most are discounting that. It is said he is very frugal and has put away most of the money he has already made so if he did decide to retire he will be far from broke.

The larger question here is can the team afford to cave in to his demands? What's to stop Earl from coming back in two years and demanding another raise? Or any of the other stars we have under contract, or will have shortly. This isn't a question of whether or not Lynch deserves more money, nor how little it appears he is asking for (something between 2 to 3 million/yr), but rather the precedent it sets moving forward.

Because of that, I don't see this getting settled until at least the preseason.

Man I hope it doesn't go that far...


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I suppose I will chime in with my :2cents:, since that is what it is worth.

If Marshawn shows up without an attitude, I take all of this back but based upon what I read regarding Bab's comments I will give my opinion of this potential situation.
Who of us as Seahawk fans don't just love Marshawn as our RB and remain in awe of his power? I'm sure all Hawk fans are good with our players in the back field. I certainly am.

If ML thinks he is over playing his contract, his current contract was initiated after our 7-9 BeastQuake year. Lynch ran for over 1200 yards and had 12 TYD's in 2011. A perfect year to negotiate from his end especially after the BeastQuake run.
Compensated at the rate of $8.5M for the 2012 and 2013 seasons that is $17M the last 2 years. Very generous contract and Hooray for Marshawn. This year the contract he signed drops down to $7M including $1.5M in signing bonus and $500G in roster bonus. Next year it goes up to $9M including $1.5M from signing bonus and a whopping death knell $2M roster bonus. I bet Marshawn and his agent knew they were going to have to renegotiate that last year when they approved the contract.

The Seahawks are not cheap as they have gone above the norm for helping out players. I say they do not redo Marshawn's contract and Marshawn will not walk away from $7M.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I think the Hawks come to the table for Lynch, extend a year or two, guarantee the salary over the remaining 2 years of his current contract and give a 20% hike.

I think it will be relatively painless to keep him happy. Though I dont think he's nearly as unhappy as it's being portrayed. I wouldn't be even slightly surprised if he just asked for a raise but has no plans of holding out.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Again, this isn't about whether or not Lynch is actually worth more, nor how much (little) it would take to make him happy. It's about the precedent. If you cave into his demands you make every other contract you make with every other guy who considers himself indispensable meaningless.

You simply cannot renegotiate an iron clad contract more than a year early and not have it come back to bite you in the ass years later with other players.

If this was the last year on his contract then of course you renegotiate. That's a normal business practice in the league. Two years early? No way. He is under contract and can't do anything for two years. His only options if the team stands pat is retire or sit out for two years which is as good as retiring.


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As much as I like Lynch, you have to play hardball with him. Don't cave to his demands and move on without him if you have to. He has a good contract and this team literally saved his career. I think any demands he has for more bank are unreasonable.

I don't care if he misses camp. He is a vet who knows the system already and it could be preferable to save his body for the season.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Part of the reason you don't pay him more is it's likely he doesn't have nearly as many carries next year anyway. Unless he regresses hard I'd be surprised to not see Michael getting more carries and I don't see Turbin getting less than he already does. They have to get Michael more involved in the offense if he is to be a factor in their future and/or able to help carry the load if Lynch gets hurt.


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I just feel you honor your contract... He signed into and agreement and was happy to get the money he got at the time, so fulfill your contract ... We all know Lynch is important and contributed big time to the team but it is what it is... YOUR in the middle of a contract that YOU agreed too.... Fulfill it...


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
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I just feel you honor your contract... He signed into and agreement and was happy to get the money he got at the time, so fulfill your contract ... We all know Lynch is important and contributed big time to the team but it is what it is... YOUR in the middle of a contract that YOU agreed too.... Fulfill it...

That's my attitude as well. You see this all the time in sports. A player starts having a couple good years and then demands more money than what he agreed to because he feels he's worth more now. Funny how you never see a player get a huge contract and then start to a crummy season offer to give back some of the money because he's under performing.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I just feel you honor your contract... He signed into and agreement and was happy to get the money he got at the time, so fulfill your contract ... We all know Lynch is important and contributed big time to the team but it is what it is... YOUR in the middle of a contract that YOU agreed too.... Fulfill it...

There has been a lot of talk of asking him to restructure or end up cutting him in order to extend Wilson after this season.

And even though he's still performing at an all-pro level, most fans (myself included) had accepted it as just part of the business.

It works both ways.


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That's my attitude as well. You see this all the time in sports. A player starts having a couple good years and then demands more money than what he agreed to because he feels he's worth more now. Funny how you never see a player get a huge contract and then start to a crummy season offer to give back some of the money because he's under performing.

Tell, if he comes back and honors his contract, do you feel he'll remain on the Seahawks roster until the end of his contract? I have my doubts that he'll be playing for the Seahawks tell the end of his contract. It is a business and both the team and the player looks out for them selves IMO.
That being said I still think ML is making a mistake here, because if he holds out, then CM gets his chance to show what he can do. I guess if he falls on his face, that would help ML, but I find that unlikely.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Tell, if he comes back and honors his contract, do you feel he'll remain on the Seahawks roster until the end of his contract? I have my doubts that he'll be playing for the Seahawks tell the end of his contract. It is a business and both the team and the player looks out for them selves IMO.
That being said I still think ML is making a mistake here, because if he holds out, then CM gets his chance to show what he can do. I guess if he falls on his face, that would help ML, but I find that unlikely.

I think Lynch will be here until he doesn't have anything to offer. There's still some fat that could be trimmed before the Hawks would need to be rash and walk away from an all-pro player. Michael looks great and all, but Lynch is a legend.


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SonnyCID;5063224[B said:
]I think Lynch will be here until he doesn't have anything to offer[/B]. There's still some fat that could be trimmed before the Hawks would need to be rash and walk away from an all-pro player. Michael looks great and all, but Lynch is a legend.

Could be, but a 9 million cap hit in 2015, leaves me in some doubt. Would love it if he's still on the team, however.