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Mack Brown picks Oklahoma to win the Big XII


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Not at all. Occupant is always talking about Dong on this board......

Only to you goochsniffers.

That's all they do at "the shag", draw pics of dongs near Bob Stoops.

Daddy issues?


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Chicken shit trolls answer a question with a question about a team that wasn't mentioned. There may be other types but trolls top the list.

Which is more embarrassing? Mack's record against OU or Case's record as a starter vs OU?

Yea..... Case beat OU, OU got beat by a retarded kid with a deformed face. It was a fluke ass game. However, I would not consider all of those 50+ point blow outs a fluke. OU has street cred right now because they toppled Bama last year. I think Strong will turn things around, but not until he gets a few recruiting classes and most of Mack's entitled " kids" are gone. Strong is still working with mainly Mack's kids, and these guys have had very little coaching up to this point. Texas goes 8-4 while OU goes 11-1.


Dad, World Traveler, Investor, college football
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I'm sure he picked OU without an ounce of bitterness in his heart towards his former bosses...

Well, those are Mack's recruits.

OK, so throw out Cunningham's picks. Figure Ed Cunningham out. He picks Nebraska? He picks South Carolina to win the SEC but Alabama gets the playoff bid?


Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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Yea..... Case beat OU, OU got beat by a retarded kid with a deformed face. It was a fluke ass game. However, I would not consider all of those 50+ point blow outs a fluke. OU has street cred right now because they toppled Bama last year. I think Strong will turn things around, but not until he gets a few recruiting classes and most of Mack's entitled " kids" are gone. Strong is still working with mainly Mack's kids, and these guys have had very little coaching up to this point. Texas goes 8-4 while OU goes 11-1.

Funny thing is, these butthurt longhorns like to call Oklahoma's sugar bowl win a fluke, but when you point out that their RRSO win last year was far more of a fluke they just choose not to acknowledge that you even said anything since they can't really defend it.

Lance Armstrong

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Funny thing is, these butthurt longhorns like to call Oklahoma's sugar bowl win a fluke, but when you point out that their RRSO win last year was far more of a fluke they just choose not to acknowledge that you even said anything since they can't really defend it.

Defend it, Texas knew OU had a weak defense up the middle so they shoved the ball up their a## the entire game. No fluke plays, no surprises, just straight up smash mouth football. I didn't watch the Sugar bowl, so I can't say if it was a fluke or not. But the RRSO was not a fluke, it was the last great coaching Mack brown had in him.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
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Defend it, Texas knew OU had a weak defense up the middle so they shoved the ball up their a## the entire game. No fluke plays, no surprises, just straight up smash mouth football. I didn't watch the Sugar bowl, so I can't say if it was a fluke or not. But the RRSO was not a fluke, it was the last great coaching Mack brown had in him.

Their weak defense up the middle had absolutely nothing to do with them recently losing the anchor of their D line and their senior defensive captain middle line backer the week before and having to replace him with a freshman. :rollseyes:

Look, I've always said Texas won fair and square, but lets not pretend Oklahoma was firing on all cylinders or anything.

Lance Armstrong

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Their weak defense up the middle had absolutely nothing to do with them recently losing the anchor of their D line and their senior defensive captain middle line backer the week before and having to replace him with a freshman. :rollseyes:

Look, I've always said Texas won fair and square, but lets not pretend Oklahoma was firing on all cylinders or anything.

Ok, but you realize you using that excuse is the same as UT fans laughing at back up QB Case Mccoy beating OU?


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Funny thing is, these butthurt longhorns like to call Oklahoma's sugar bowl win a fluke, but when you point out that their RRSO win last year was far more of a fluke they just choose not to acknowledge that you even said anything since they can't really defend it.

Why was the RRS a bigger fluke?

Total Tards: Texas 445 and OU 263

Turnovers: 2 a piece

Texas averaged ~1 yard per play more than OU

Bama v OU:
Total Yards: Bama : 516 OU: 429
Per Play: OU: 5.76 Bama 7.94...
Turnovers: 5-0.. That includes a total of 4 fumbles in the game, OU recovered ever single one of them

Based on the actual play in the games, there is definitely some basis for calling the OU/Bama result a fluke.
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Lance Armstrong

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Why was the RRS a bigger fluke?

Total Tards: Texas 445 and OU 263

Turnovers: 2 a piece

Texas averaged ~1 yard per play more than OU

Bama v OU:
Total Yards: Bama : 516 OU: 429
Per Play: OU: 5.76 Bama 7.94...
Turnovers: 5-0.. That includes a total of 4 fumbles in the game, OU recovered ever single one of them

Based on the actual play in the games, there is definitely some basis for calling the OU/Bama result a fluke.



Self-proclaimed Asshole
Aug 9, 2011
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Ok, but you realize you using that excuse is the same as UT fans laughing at back up QB Case Mccoy beating OU?

It's not an excuse. Like I said, Texas won fair and square. I'm not making excuses. Just pointing out that those two players could've made a big difference and had a lot to do with the weaknesses Mack was able to exploit. I just don't understand how a couple of assholes can go on and on about what a fluke win the sugar bowl was while pretending Texas beat a full strength team that was firing on all cylinders. Stoops exploited weaknesses in Saban's offensive line and defense as well. Why is that a fluke while Mack simply did a brilliant coaching job? :noidea:


Self-proclaimed Asshole
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Why was the RRS a bigger fluke?

Total Tards: Texas 445 and OU 263

Turnovers: 2 a piece

Texas averaged ~1 yard per play more than OU

Bama v OU:
Total Yards: Bama : 516 OU: 429
Per Play: OU: 5.76 Bama 7.94...
Turnovers: 5-0.. That includes a total of 4 fumbles in the game, OU recovered ever single one of them

Based on the actual play in the games, there is definitely some basis for calling the OU/Bama result a fluke.

Yes, and causing turnovers is part of the game. It's no coincidence that the teams that cause a lot of turnovers are usually very good teams and despite what done of you think, fumbles and interceptions don't just happen by chance. Oklahoma beat a full strength bama by attacking their weaknesses. Weaknesses several had hinted at multiple times. My point is, if you're going to call that win a fluke then you need to be honest about the RRSO.
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Yes, and causing turnovers is part of the game. It's no coincidence that the teams that cause a lot of turnovers are usually very good teams and despite what done of you think, fumbles and interceptions don't just happen by chance. Oklahoma beat a full strength bama by attacking their weaknesses. Weaknesses several had hinted at multiple times. My point is, if you're going to call that win a fluke then you need to be honest about the RRSO.

Nobody said causing fumbles is not a taught skill. REcovering fumbles involves luck. Anyone that has played the game can attest to the funny bounces. That and stat guys have seen that it tends to be a 50/50 endeavor over time. Reason I brought it up was because Bama dominated the stats. Texas dominated the stats. Yet, OU fan claimed Texas's win was a bigger fluke.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
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Yes, and causing turnovers is part of the game. It's no coincidence that the teams that cause a lot of turnovers are usually very good teams and despite what done of you think, fumbles and interceptions don't just happen by chance. Oklahoma beat a full strength bama by attacking their weaknesses. Weaknesses several had hinted at multiple times. My point is, if you're going to call that win a fluke then you need to be honest about the RRSO.

We only had 17 turnovers all year long and 5 of them came from that game. It was a bit of anomaly. OU capitalized on each and every one of them by scoring a TD 100% of the time, 5 of your 6 total TD's came off turnovers.

But I don't want to take anything away from OU, they didn't happen by themselves. Just think that was a big key to the game that isn't/wasn't usually an issue. The same thing happened with the A&M loss in 2012 - uncharacteristic turnovers. Can't turn the ball over that many times and expect to win. It's a damn wonder we were still in it for the 4th quarter against OU.


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Why was the RRS a bigger fluke?

Total Tards: Texas 445 and OU 263

Turnovers: 2 a piece

Texas averaged ~1 yard per play more than OU

Bama v OU:
Total Yards: Bama : 516 OU: 429
Per Play: OU: 5.76 Bama 7.94...
Turnovers: 5-0.. That includes a total of 4 fumbles in the game, OU recovered ever single one of them

Based on the actual play in the games, there is definitely some basis for calling the OU/Bama result a fluke.

Not to mention, the other team OU played that had a damn good running game, the Sooners were thrashed (Baylor), too. Not sure why Bama's OC stopped running the ball, b/c had they kept running the ball, Bama wins that game.


Self-proclaimed Asshole
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Not to mention, the other team OU played that had a damn good running game, the Sooners were thrashed (Baylor), too. Not sure why Bama's OC stopped running the ball, b/c had they kept running the ball, Bama wins that game.

That was largely because our OC and offense was going full retard and couldn't stay on the field. Oklahoma's defense hung tough in the first half but finally wore down because they couldn't catch a break.