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Los Angeles Angels at our Texas Rangers Series Thread


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Todd Wills @wtwills09
Wash on Leonys batting leadoff, where some scouts see his potential: “I don’t know what he’s ready for, but we’re going to find out.”.

Now he's going to be batting 9th tomorrow


Ranger Days Ranger Nights
Jul 3, 2013
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Todd Wills @wtwills09
Wash on Leonys batting leadoff, where some scouts see his potential: “I don’t know what he’s ready for, but we’re going to find out.”.

Now he's going to be batting 9th tomorrow
Great answer Wash. 100 games and you don't know what he's ready for. Kinda explains why fixing current problems may be a tall order for him.

ESPN Refugee

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Great answer Wash. 100 games and you don't know what he's ready for. Kinda explains why fixing current problems may be a tall order for him.

That's taking his words way to seriously and literally.


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Todd Wills @wtwills09
Wash on Leonys batting leadoff, where some scouts see his potential: “I don’t know what he’s ready for, but we’re going to find out.”.

Now he's going to be batting 9th tomorrow

For the first 9 games of 2010 Wash had rookie Julio Borbon batting leadoff ... so guess Wash was better able to make the leadoff decision in 2010 with nothing to base it on ... than he is now in 2013 with Martin who has been on the roster all season.

"I don't know what he's ready for, but we're going to find out" ... is a line which comes across like it was someone else's idea/direction and Wash is distancing himself from it ... and in the process sending a message to Martin that Wash doesn't know if he can do the job.

Wash sits one spot above Bobby Valentine on my list of inspirational leaders.

ESPN Refugee

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So we should not take Wash's comments seriously ... or literally? So if we are taking his words "way too seriously and literally" ... I guess you are saying Wash's statement was irrelevant and meaningless.

I think fans have taken all of his statements too literally and have run away with them as if there's some deep thought underlying meaning to them. Just my opinion tho. I think the overly analyzing and being nitpicky of what he or any coach says is usually silly.

I'm not saying it's always like that but more times than not it's much ado about nothing.


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For the first 9 games of 2010 Wash had rookie Julio Borbon batting leadoff ... so guess Wash was better able to make the leadoff decision in 2010 with nothing to base it on ... than he is now in 2013 with Martin who has been on the roster all season.

"I don't know what he's ready for, but we're going to find out" ... is a line which comes across like it was someone else's idea/direction and Wash is distancing himself from it ... and in the process sending a message to Martin that Wash doesn't know if he can do the job.

Wash sits one spot above Bobby Valentine on my list of inspirational leaders.

Your evaluation of his statement seems very right on the money to me.


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Not sure who came up with this lineup but it looks totally different than the approach that has been used the last two years. Hope they give this approach a shot for a few weeks before Wash gets the itch to go back to the one he has been using. If this change is one that Wash made on his own then I tip my hat. :rollseyes:

Changing the lineup around often is an indicator. Look at how well it worked for the Angels. The only constant in their order is that Pulhols and Trout are usually back to back.


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@wtwills09: Colby Lewis one more rehab start. 90 pitches on Saturday for Double-A Frisco. Then comes a potential start for the Rangers.

ESPN Refugee

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For the first 9 games of 2010 Wash had rookie Julio Borbon batting leadoff ... so guess Wash was better able to make the leadoff decision in 2010 with nothing to base it on ... than he is now in 2013 with Martin who has been on the roster all season.

"I don't know what he's ready for, but we're going to find out" ... is a line which comes across like it was someone else's idea/direction and Wash is distancing himself from it ... and in the process sending a message to Martin that Wash doesn't know if he can do the job.

Wash sits one spot above Bobby Valentine on my list of inspirational leaders.

They were really high on Borbon during that time who was supposed to be a true leadoff hitter with speed etc. It didn't need to based on anything and it doesn't always have to be calculated. Why does everything have to be pinpointed when people do things? Comparing 2010 to this season is a huge difference. Ian has had the leadoff spot solidified for a long time now even though I have personally never liked him in that spot. Again nobody is sending the message that Martin may not be able to do the job. Martin is a grown ass man. Like I said fans getting over analyzing and nit picky word for word is become common here and all over sports fans.


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I think fans have taken all of his statements too literally and have run away with them as if there's some deep thought underlying meaning to them. Just my opinion tho. I think the overly analyzing and being nitpicky of what he or any coach says is usually silly.

I'm not saying it's always like that but more times than not it's much ado about nothing.

Wash said: “I don’t know what he’s ready for, but we’re going to find out.”

How are fans supposed to take this statement? Doesn't sound very positive to me.

I suggest Wash should have said "Leonys has had a great rookie season and we think he's got the tools to be a great leadoff hitter. We know its a challenge but one we think Martin is equal to."

If you are going to throw out a meaningless statement ... might as well make it a positive meaningless statement.

ESPN Refugee

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Wash said: “I don’t know what he’s ready for, but we’re going to find out.”

How are fans supposed to take this statement? Doesn't sound very positive to me.

I suggest Wash should have said "Leonys has had a great rookie season and we think he's got the tools to be a great leadoff hitter. We know its a challenge but one we think Martin is equal to."

If you are going to throw out a meaningless statement ... might as well make it a positive meaningless statement.

So you take one line from a tweet that can't be longer than 140 characters and you're going to run with that? What if he said that in a playful way with a smile? We don't know the context in which how he said it. Like I said I think it's really much ado about nothing here.


Ranger Days Ranger Nights
Jul 3, 2013
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That's taking his words way to seriously and literally.
LOL you are a hoot. Wash opens his mouth and says something silly and you just want us to laugh and gush about how Wash is just being Wash. If he is too ignorant to make an actual comment of substance when the team is doing this poorly and the change is so radical then maybe he should just say no comment or we just needed to shake the team up a little. You know, think what the hell you want to say before saying something to the press. It must have been awful for poor Wash to be ambushed by that mean reporter with such a tricky question. How was poor Wash to know that this little bitty change might trigger a softball question like this one? He better get used to being on the hot seat. This team has underperformed for much too long and the tough questions are coming soon if they do not snap out of it soon. He is the manager he is paid to be responsible and interact intelligently with the press when situations are tricky. There is more to being a good manager than spitting seeds and giving high fives.


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@wtwills09: Colby Lewis one more rehab start. 90 pitches on Saturday for Double-A Frisco. Then comes a potential start for the Rangers.
Thanks Darryl. Good news and we surely need it.


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They were really high on Borbon during that time who was supposed to be a true leadoff hitter with speed etc. It didn't need to based on anything and it doesn't always have to be calculated. Why does everything have to be pinpointed when people do things? Comparing 2010 to this season is a huge difference. Ian has had the leadoff spot solidified for a long time now even though I have personally never liked him in that spot. Again nobody is sending the message that Martin may not be able to do the job. Martin is a grown ass man. Like I said fans getting over analyzing and nit picky word for word is become common here and all over sports fans.

Wash didn't say "Martin may not be able to do the job" ... he said "I don’t know what he’s ready for". If I am Martin I read that to mean Wash doesn't have any great confidence in me.

I stick to my opinion that the move is not a move Wash came up with on his own and wants to distance himself from it.

(Course this whole topic is all based on the assumption that Todd is quoting Wash correctly ... and that could be a stretch).

ESPN Refugee

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LOL you are a hoot. Wash opens his mouth and says something silly and you just want us to laugh and gush about how Wash is just being Wash. If he is too ignorant to make an actual comment of substance when the team is doing this poorly and the change is so radical then maybe he should just say no comment or we just needed to shake the team up a little. You know, think what the hell you want to say before saying something to the press. It must have been awful for poor Wash to be ambushed by that mean reporter with such a tricky question. How was poor Wash to know that this little bitty change might trigger a softball question like this one? He better get used to being on the hot seat. This team has underperformed for much too long and the tough questions are coming soon if they do not snap out of it soon. He is the manager he is paid to be responsible and interact intelligently with the press when situations are tricky. There is more to being a good manager than spitting seeds and giving high fives.

And you're assuming a whole hell of a lot here. No it's not a Wash being Wash statement but rather my thought on all coaches and players. Again you're taking it literal because you don't like him and it doesn't matter what, any chance to get on him and criticize him you will do it and that's fine. There is no issue of something being a softball question or not...the issue is here that whatever people in his position are going to say people are going to take it and run with it. It's not just in sports but happens all over especially in politics.

In the end tho I am glad the FO and Wash are leading things here and in charge of making the decisions because if we fans ran everything I don't even want to think how the franchise would be run.


Jul 22, 2013
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Wash didn't say "Martin may not be able to do the job" ... he said "I don’t know what he’s ready for". If I am Martin I read that to mean Wash doesn't have any great confidence in me.

I stick to my opinion that the move is not a move Wash came up with on his own and wants to distance himself from it.

(Course this whole topic is all based on the assumption that Todd is quoting Wash correctly ... and that could be a stretch).

Maybe Wash knows Martin is the kind of person to respond better to someone doubting him rather than gushing praise? Some people perform better just so they can prove people wrong. Or maybe, like Refugee said, we're all looking into it entirely too much. Seriously, who cares?

ESPN Refugee

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Wash didn't say "Martin may not be able to do the job" ... he said "I don’t know what he’s ready for". If I am Martin I read that to mean Wash doesn't have any great confidence in me.

I stick to my opinion that the move is not a move Wash came up with on his own and wants to distance himself from it.

(Course this whole topic is all based on the assumption that Todd is quoting Wash correctly ... and that could be a stretch).

Could be misquoted but even if it is not how about the context of the statement? It goes a long way. It's something text won't always and usually convey the more accurate meaning. But hey I am just stating my opinon. I still think this is all much ado about nothing.


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So you take one line from a tweet that can't be longer than 140 characters and you're going to run with that? What if he said that in a playful way with a smile? We don't know the context in which how he said it. Like I said I think it's really much ado about nothing here.

If that it the case ... then that is crappy journalism.