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Lets stay classy!


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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You're mod over there on the Niner board put bans out for nothing recently Ray Dogg should maybe not be a mod,i mean i got a 3 day ban that was lifted across all of SportsHoopla for a Sherman gif,that's just silly.

Wasn't just you man. All I did was prove to myself that what we have said before is actually true. If we want to have any type of conversation with 49'er fans it pretty much has to be here. It's one thing to be banned from their board, but to be banned out of nowhere to the entire site including PM's for nothing means I'd really stay off that board if I was any of you. I seriously won't make that mistake again. Really, if I had a seahawk logo under my name I'd highly advise you do not post over there EVER.


Well-Known Member
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We like him because he's a great player, true. But we also like him because unlike you and many fans of other teams, we dont judge 99% of his character on 1% of handpicked soundbites.

I don't judge 99% of his character I think he's an asshole that doesn't mean he does nice things for people off the field as well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Wasn't just you man. All I did was prove to myself that what we have said before is actually true. If we want to have any type of conversation with 49'er fans it pretty much has to be here. It's one thing to be banned from their board, but to be banned out of nowhere to the entire site including PM's for nothing means I'd really stay off that board if I was any of you. I seriously won't make that mistake again. Really, if I had a seahawk logo under my name I'd highly advise you do not post over there EVER.

I have posted there many times but after all the BS that we have had to put up with from Niner fans a few jab's are very very warranted imo.

I am beginning to think maybe Niner's should not be allowed to post here then,i mean they do not wish to be fair so,,,adios,keep the smack talk i guess but get rid of them.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Sherman is just Sherman. He has a big mouth and a brain that won't tell him to stop. I'm sure we all have known someone like that at sometime in our lives. This whole issue of him not really respecting other players is overblown. I feel that he was elated when he stopped that drive at the end of the game and just let his ego get away for the moment. As far as the comments about Crabs vs Sherman, between the both of them....cry me a river. They haven't faced one another long enough to even have an issue. JMO.

I'm right there with you, except I don't think it was ego that had him ranting like madman. It was just an adrenalin induced response to what he perceives as the disrespect he got from Crabtree. The guy uses that stuff for motivation and that's great. Use whatever helps you be your best, but he is too smart to not have some self valve to check down before he talks to reporters.

Most of the stuff you have heard from him is on purpose. The only other incident that comes to mind that is even close to this was his comments to Brady at the end of the game last year. He talks his smack for a reason and it has brought him a lot of commercial endorsements and attention in general. The Brady and Crabtree episodes were not and I hope we don't see a lot more of those in the coming years.


Warped Member
Jul 6, 2013
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Wasn't just you man. All I did was prove to myself that what we have said before is actually true. If we want to have any type of conversation with 49'er fans it pretty much has to be here. It's one thing to be banned from their board, but to be banned out of nowhere to the entire site including PM's for nothing means I'd really stay off that board if I was any of you. I seriously won't make that mistake again. Really, if I had a seahawk logo under my name I'd highly advise you do not post over there EVER.
Oh Crap!!!! I should stay away from there for a month then! :behindsofa:


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2011
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Sherman is just Sherman. He has a big mouth and a brain that won't tell him to stop. I'm sure we all have known someone like that at sometime in our lives. This whole issue of him not really respecting other players is overblown. I feel that he was elated when he stopped that drive at the end of the game and just let his ego get away for the moment. As far as the comments about Crabs vs Sherman, between the both of them....cry me a river. They haven't faced one another long enough to even have an issue. JMO.

I've known plenty of people like that and they were assholes too.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Why are Niner fans posting here? Hawk fan's get kicked asap for saying less,i bet if i said "I think Kaep is an asshole" i would last maybe five minutes.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2013
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I am sure now that everyone knows Crabs was at Fitz's black tie event and was talking shit about Sherman and the Hawks when he should have been more low key and higher class for the charities that was there that this will all come to a end shortly. What Crabtree did at Larry Fitzgerald's event was classless, tacky and not the time or place for such things.

We all know that Sherman and Fitz are friends and go to each others charity events all the time. They extended a olive branch to Crabtree ( lol that's kind of funny )and he returned the favor by mocking Sherman and the Hawks during the event. Wrong stage for Crabtree to act all big and bad.

Sherman was way over the top with emotion during his interview but that was expected as every Seahawk player AND FAN for that matter was fully charged with emotion from a victory in one of the best and most hard fought games of the year by ANY team. Crabtree Disrespected Sherman and the Hawks at a charity event when he should have been thinking about the charities. He proved he was to immature to handle it and this annoyed Sherman.

According to columnist Jerry Brewer of the Seattle Times: " Both attended Arizona star receiver Larry Fitzgerald’s charity event. While there, Sherman went to shake Crabtree’s hand, and Crabtree tried to start a fight, according to Sherman’s older brother, Branton. 'I’m going to make a play and embarrass him,' Richard Sherman vowed that day."

how does that saying go? Revenge is a dish best served cold?

This is all biased hearsay. There's another source out there saying it looked like Sherman started it up at the charity event. We'll probably never know the truth about that but it's a very fishy story.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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I have posted there many times but after all the BS that we have had to put up with from Niner fans a few jab's are very very warranted imo.

I am beginning to think maybe Niner's should not be allowed to post here then,i mean they do not wish to be fair so,,,adios,keep the smack talk i guess but get rid of them.

Why are Niner fans posting here? Hawk fan's get kicked asap for saying less,i bet if i said "I think Kaep is an asshole" i would last maybe five minutes.
Dude, why on earth would you ask for people to do to others that which we find inappropriate to be done to us? I realize you are upset and like I said, I'm right there with you, but notice you weren't actually banned for a full 3 days right? It means behind the scenes injustices were being dealt with and that's all I'm going to say about it.

The best way to deal with tyranny is to be that which you think they should be and not worry about whether or not they follow suit. Harold does a good job of keeping the asshats who try and troll this board cleaned up and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Dude, why on earth would you ask for people to do to others that which we find inappropriate to be done to us? I realize you are upset and like I said, I'm right there with you, but notice you weren't actually banned for a full 3 days right? It means behind the scenes injustices were being dealt with and that's all I'm going to say about it.

The best way to deal with tyranny is to be that which you think they should be and not worry about whether or not they follow suit. Harold does a good job of keeping the asshats who try and troll this board cleaned up and I wouldn't have it any other way.

So we are forced to take the high road? why? maybe if things go both ways some kind of even handedness would come about.

I have said many times i am against bans and do not mind some smack talk etc but this is a one way street as it stands now and that is not kool.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Fav. Team #3
So we are forced to take the high road? why? maybe if things go both ways some kind of even handedness would come about.

I have said many times i am against bans and do not mind some smack talk etc but this is a one way street as it stands now and that is not kool.

I really don't want to start a war and make this worse than it already is so I'm going to tread lightly. Yes, you and I both got 3 day bans from the entire site. How long did it actually last? I don't know really because I was working, but it wasn't more than 4 hours. Why? Because there are other mods on this site besides those you may be mad at that helped make things right. So in this case the system worked in the end.

I'll also point out that we have said many times that each team board is theirs to run as they see fit. That's the format on this site. If the rams fans decided tomorrow they want zero posts of any kind from anyone not a rams fan they probably could make that happen. It doesn't mean every other board should get all butt hurt and follow their example.

When I first came to this board Harold was made a mod right around the time we all came and from the message list you could tell this place had not seen much action. We kind of came in on the ground floor of building this fan base on this site. We all agreed we wanted it to be a place where everyone could be free to chat, but if others get out of line they should be shown the door. It has worked well for us and I don't give a damn what other fan boards do, I don't want to see that end.

End of topic for me. What's done is done and it's time to move on.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I really don't want to start a war and make this worse than it already is so I'm going to tread lightly. Yes, you and I both got 3 day bans from the entire site. How long did it actually last? I don't know really because I was working, but it wasn't more than 4 hours. Why? Because there are other mods on this site besides those you may be mad at that helped make things right. So in this case the system worked in the end.

I'll also point out that we have said many times that each team board is theirs to run as they see fit. That's the format on this site. If the rams fans decided tomorrow they want zero posts of any kind from anyone not a rams fan they probably could make that happen. It doesn't mean every other board should get all butt hurt and follow their example.

When I first came to this board Harold was made a mod right around the time we all came and from the message list you could tell this place had not seen much action. We kind of came in on the ground floor of building this fan base on this site. We all agreed we wanted it to be a place where everyone could be free to chat, but if others get out of line they should be shown the door. It has worked well for us and I don't give a damn what other fan boards do, I don't want to see that end.

End of topic for me. What's done is done and it's time to move on.

I agree and i think this is the best way to handle it i guess but i certainly hope there is some discussion on how extreme some have been.

I will leave it at that too.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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This is all biased hearsay. There's another source out there saying it looked like Sherman started it up at the charity event. We'll probably never know the truth about that but it's a very fishy story.

If Sherm started it, then I am sure Crabs would love to tell that side of the story right? He would love to say how he was goaded into saying something to Sherm, or how Sherm induced him to almost get in a fight, at a charity event. I would love to hear that story.

Crabs? you want to tell it?