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Lets stay classy!


Aug 8, 2013
Silverdale, WA
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He did Newton's "Superman" celebration against the Panthers last week.

I did see that. It's just that when you mentioned Cam, I automatically thought you were talking about our Cam Chancellor.

I remembered when he opened up like Superman, and then it looked like he zipped it shut. I thought that was ridiculous.


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Apr 25, 2013
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criticism of sherman has NOTHING To do with racism, anybody that throws that card out there is a fucking idiot.


True story
Aug 3, 2011
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He did Newton's "Superman" celebration against the Panthers last week.

First guys congrats on the win. Hard fought game for sure.

Second let's clear this superman thing up. When the panthers played at San Fran earlier in the year, they sacked Kap, and then mocked Kap's tattoo kiss. He returned the favor. Not saying it was right or tasteful, but I keep hearing about this and wanted to put some perspective in.


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Jul 2, 2013
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Throwing food at Bowman as he's carted off isn't classy.

There's an idiot population in every fan base. An isolated incident probably by some idiot drunk is no indication of what the entire seahawk fan base is. You should know better. There's been plenty of incidents involving San Fran fans. Doesn't mean that every San Fran fan is like that.


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Jul 2, 2013
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First guys congrats on the win. Hard fought game for sure.

Second let's clear this superman thing up. When the panthers played at San Fran earlier in the year, they sacked Kap, and then mocked Kap's tattoo kiss. He returned the favor. Not saying it was right or tasteful, but I keep hearing about this and wanted to put some perspective in.

I don't like Kaepernick but I loved it when he mocked the celebration. If players have signature celebrations they should know that it will get mocked by other players. Cam celebrates on every first down like he's just won the game. I don't have anything against that, but he has it coming and Kaepernick one upped him by mocking the superman.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
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criticism of sherman has NOTHING To do with racism, anybody that throws that card out there is a fucking idiot.

Sherman said that among the criticisms leveled against him on Twitter were racial slurs. That's where the whole racism thing comes in. I don't think people are saying that any criticism against Sherman is inherently racist, but using racial slurs certainly qualifies.


Beavers Suck
Apr 18, 2013
God's Country No Dakota
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Naw, my wife changed the channel to Alaska: The Last Frontier - since I got to see the game, I am letting her watch some tv for a while.

Great show blstoker!!! Watch it all the time!!!

Hey, Niner fan here! I was prepared for this. So many opinions on how the game coulda been or shoulda been. Niner fans now bickering how Kaep lost the game for us and blah, blah, blah.

Long and short of it, no excuses from this guy! Seahawks were the better team!! Best of luck in the Super Bowl!


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Apr 21, 2013
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Great show blstoker!!! Watch it all the time!!!

Hey, Niner fan here! I was prepared for this. So many opinions on how the game coulda been or shoulda been. Niner fans now bickering how Kaep lost the game for us and blah, blah, blah.

Long and short of it, no excuses from this guy! Seahawks were the better team!! Best of luck in the Super Bowl!

Kaepernick was having a great game for the first three quarters. The Hawks couldn't keep him from taking off and running for big chunks of yards and that one touchdown dart he threw on the run was ridiculous. I knew that the Hawks were gonna have to figure out a way to stop him in the 4th quarter if they were gonna win and they found a way. He scared the crap out of me early, though.


Beavers Suck
Apr 18, 2013
God's Country No Dakota
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Kaepernick was having a great game for the first three quarters. The Hawks couldn't keep him from taking off and running for big chunks of yards and that one touchdown dart he threw on the run was ridiculous. I knew that the Hawks were gonna have to figure out a way to stop him in the 4th quarter if they were gonna win and they found a way. He scared the crap out of me early, though.

Was hoping for a Packer type game from Kaep. The difference is, Seattle is MUCH better defensively!

Good Luck in 2 weeks!!


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Sep 1, 2011
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Was hoping for a Packer type game from Kaep. The difference is, Seattle is MUCH better defensively!

Good Luck in 2 weeks!!

Thanks. Amazing how 99% of the 49ers fans have class.


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Aug 19, 2013
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Let me word this better...If the Niners won, I wouldn't put it past crabs to trash talk about Sherman. Sherman's behavior is from 60 minutes of grind it out football against his rival that disrespected him. Now, if you want to judge Sherman, you better also judge your own QB's behavior on his TD run last week.

Oh I understood you the first time. What I'm asking is, why wouldn't you put it past Crabs to trash talk about Sherman? What are you basing that on?

Maybe it's just me, but I see a huge difference between a touchdown celebration, even a mocking one like what Kaep did and what Sherman did.

And what exactly did me being on the field have to do with anything?


I love Beer.
Jul 3, 2013
Vancouver, WA
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The one thing that pisses me off more than anything, is when people say you have to be classy in football.
Bullshit, football isn't a classy sport, it's a violent sport. The men who choose to play this sport go ahead and practically try to knock the shit out of each other each and every play, risking bodily harm and hell even brain function. Yet a few words being said is the tipping point for people. If you sit down and think about it what Sherman did, was what FOX wanted, they have said as much. That is why a microphone was shoved in his face seconds after he made a career defining play.

But fine keep on criticizing him for words said IMMEDIATELY after he made a career defining play, when adrenaline was pumping through his veins. You hate him because he isn't yours and that he doesn't play for your team.
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Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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meh, I still prefer to have these pro athletes respect the game. Crabtree doesn't like? Who cares, but be an adult and deal with it. No need to call him out and bring such negative light to the rest of your team and all of it's fans after you just won the NFCCG. We didn't deserve that negative press. Not at all.


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May 25, 2013
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The one thing that pisses me off more than anything, is when people say you have to be classy in football.
Bullshit, football isn't a classy sport, it's a violent sport. The men who choose to play this sport go ahead and practically try to knock the shit out of each other each and every play, risking bodily harm and hell even brain function. Yet a few words being said is the tipping point for people. If you sit down and think about it what Sherman did, was what FOX wanted, they have said as much. That is why a microphone was shoved in his face seconds after he made a career defining play.

But fine keep on criticizing him for words said IMMEDIATELY after he made a career defining play, when adrenaline was pumping through his veins. You hate him because he isn't yours and that he doesn't play for your team.

My problem came from afterwards where he was doing his post-game comments and talked about how crabs would not be a top 10 pick by the 49ners. Might be true but by than he had plenty of time to think about what he had said and was going to say and he chose to continue the fight. Than there was the whole twitter attacks. Those to me where going to far, not because what he said was right or wrong but that I felt it was only hurting him and more importantly the team.


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Apr 22, 2013
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I am sure now that everyone knows Crabs was at Fitz's black tie event and was talking shit about Sherman and the Hawks when he should have been more low key and higher class for the charities that was there that this will all come to a end shortly. What Crabtree did at Larry Fitzgerald's event was classless, tacky and not the time or place for such things.

We all know that Sherman and Fitz are friends and go to each others charity events all the time. They extended a olive branch to Crabtree ( lol that's kind of funny )and he returned the favor by mocking Sherman and the Hawks during the event. Wrong stage for Crabtree to act all big and bad.

Sherman was way over the top with emotion during his interview but that was expected as every Seahawk player AND FAN for that matter was fully charged with emotion from a victory in one of the best and most hard fought games of the year by ANY team. Crabtree Disrespected Sherman and the Hawks at a charity event when he should have been thinking about the charities. He proved he was to immature to handle it and this annoyed Sherman.

According to columnist Jerry Brewer of the Seattle Times: " Both attended Arizona star receiver Larry Fitzgerald’s charity event. While there, Sherman went to shake Crabtree’s hand, and Crabtree tried to start a fight, according to Sherman’s older brother, Branton. 'I’m going to make a play and embarrass him,' Richard Sherman vowed that day."

how does that saying go? Revenge is a dish best served cold?


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Aug 4, 2011
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I think Sherman is an asshole and have for a long time, I really don't expect much less from the guy. I understand why Hawks fan's love him, he is a great player. Now throwing food at Bowman as he's being carted off is ten times worse than Sherman in the heat of the moment, and wasn't classy at all, and makes me think the Beats commercial might have been more truthful that people in Seattle want to admit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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I think Sherman is an asshole and have for a long time, I really don't expect much less from the guy. I understand why Hawks fan's love him, he is a great player. Now throwing food at Bowman as he's being carted off is ten times worse than Sherman in the heat of the moment, and wasn't classy at all, and makes me think the Beats commercial might have been more truthful that people in Seattle want to admit.

You're mod over there on the Niner board put bans out for nothing recently Ray Dogg should maybe not be a mod,i mean i got a 3 day ban that was lifted across all of SportsHoopla for a Sherman gif,that's just silly.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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I think Sherman is an asshole and have for a long time, I really don't expect much less from the guy. I understand why Hawks fan's love him, he is a great player. Now throwing food at Bowman as he's being carted off is ten times worse than Sherman in the heat of the moment, and wasn't classy at all, and makes me think the Beats commercial might have been more truthful that people in Seattle want to admit.

The Bowman thing was one guy throwing some popcorn,that hit on the sideline was the worst thing in the game everyone should know that.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I think Sherman is an asshole and have for a long time, I really don't expect much less from the guy. I understand why Hawks fan's love him, he is a great player. Now throwing food at Bowman as he's being carted off is ten times worse than Sherman in the heat of the moment, and wasn't classy at all, and makes me think the Beats commercial might have been more truthful that people in Seattle want to admit.

We like him because he's a great player, true. But we also like him because unlike you and many fans of other teams, we dont judge 99% of his character on 1% of handpicked soundbites.


Warped Member
Jul 6, 2013
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Sherman is just Sherman. He has a big mouth and a brain that won't tell him to stop. I'm sure we all have known someone like that at sometime in our lives. This whole issue of him not really respecting other players is overblown. I feel that he was elated when he stopped that drive at the end of the game and just let his ego get away for the moment. As far as the comments about Crabs vs Sherman, between the both of them....cry me a river. They haven't faced one another long enough to even have an issue. JMO.