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Lets stay classy!


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Throwing food at Bowman as he's carted off isn't classy.


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Apr 20, 2013
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Throwing food at Bowman as he's carted off isn't classy.

No way to defend that. A few morons proved to be morons. Every fan base has them and its unfortunate

Judge Fudge

One Pretty Kinky Bastard
Oct 22, 2013
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Sure bud, I'll stay with you. No, I wasn't there.

Now if this is going where I think it's going, I'll just say right now that I don't know for a fact that Sherman wasn't being genuine there. But when compared to the other antics, I would say that there is reason/evidence to believe that it was not genuine. But do I know for sure? Nope.

If that's not where you're going with this, then you can just disregard the above paragraph.

Where i was going was "how do you what excatly happened?" We only heard what came out of Shermans mouth at the end (which with the addlirean(sp) i take with the grain of salt) and what we saw on TV. We don't know everything. Basic 2 sides to every story......

but with that been said. We are humans and are known to run in guns blazing than asking questions

Judge Fudge

One Pretty Kinky Bastard
Oct 22, 2013
Victoria BC Canada
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Throwing food at Bowman as he's carted off isn't classy.

New law creation.

Canucks law refering back to 2011 Stanley cup riots

Canucks law basically states this if members(not all) of a fan base does stupid shit like riot or throw garbage at opposing injured players. Us as fans do not have the right to judge the whole fan base as such


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Where i was going was "how do you what excatly happened?" We only heard what came out of Shermans mouth at the end (which with the addlirean(sp) i take with the grain of salt) and what we saw on TV. We don't know everything. Basic 2 sides to every story......

but with that been said. We are humans and are known to run in guns blazing than asking questions

Yup, I gotcha. That's where I thought you were going with it. And you're right - we probably won't ever know all of the details.

However, I believe that Sherman's actions show that he was likely the instigator here, and a classless one at that.

Judge Fudge

One Pretty Kinky Bastard
Oct 22, 2013
Victoria BC Canada
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Yup, I gotcha. That's where I thought you were going with it. And you're right - we probably won't ever know all of the details.

However, I believe that Sherman's actions show that he was likely the instigator here, and a classless one at that.

Actully list to Sherman interview closely as i did. You will find this part.

RS: If you go talking shit about me.

EA: Who was talking shit about you

RS: Crabtree

Again grain of salt

Sounds like Crabtree started it


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Actully list to Sherman interview closely as i did. You will find this part.

Again grain of salt

Sounds like Crabtree started it

Believe what you want bud. That interview was classless on his part.


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Believe what you want bud. That interview was classless on his part.

Both were classless if all this is true. Regardless, it was an emotional game. Crabs or Boldin if they won would have talked shit too if they won. See I can do it too. It's football, not golf.


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Well, since he said that he said more than just good game, then you'd be delusional to think that's all he said. Paraphrase - "Good game, but I'm the best CB there is and you should've known better than to throw it my way."

If he would have said only that, then I would be ok, but attacking Crabs in the interview was unsportsmanlike and childish. On the field, fine, but after the game with a camera in your face, just silly. I am sure he regrets it. He is smarter than how he acted there.


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Both were classless if all this is true. Regardless, it was an emotional game. Crabs or Boldin if they won would have talked shit too if they won. See I can do it too. It's football, not golf.

I don't think I've ever seen a guy act like more of a jackass in a post-game interview than Sherman. So I find it hard to believe that Crabs or Boldin would have done the same had the outcome been different.

Sure bud, it's your right to act as classless as you want. And I'm seeing plenty of it with people supporting Sherman's actions.


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Apr 21, 2013
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FOX got what it was after with that interview. Now they can play up the "Sherman's a selfish hot-head" angle for two weeks and replay that interview over and over for context. Sherman was getting interviewed regardless of the outcome because all the media outlets were hoping for a quote or two that they could take and run with and he obliged. He was obviously still revved up after helping to clinch the win, so you knew that anything he said was sure to have more emotion in it than forethought, but I don't think anyone was prepared for exactly how this went down. The throat slashing gesture, which I don't condone at all, probably didn't help his perception either.

Let's get one thing straight, though... it's not like this is a weekly occurrence with him... not the anger in his voice part of it anyway. He only goes out of his way to rub it in when someone else decides it would be fun to get into a trash talking contest with him. I think the sad part to all this is that this is how some people are going to remember this game. It won't be for the huge play he made in the end, tipping the ball to Smith for the game-clinching INT, and that's a shame.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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Throwing food at Bowman as he's carted off isn't classy.

Are you going to tell us there aren't any asshats at SF games? Really?

There is no defending assholes of any team, including your own and they deserve to be arrested if that is true, but for SF fans to get all outraged and make it more than what it is really is astounding. Our fans don't stab opponent fans at nearly the rate yours does. You have a freaking jail built into your stadium for a reason.

It sucks, but for gods sake keep it in perspective and don't cast stones from your glass house.


Jul 4, 2013
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Are you going to tell us there aren't any asshats at SF games? Really?

There is no defending assholes of any team, including your own and they deserve to be arrested if that is true, but for SF fans to get all outraged and make it more than what it is really is astounding. Our fans don't stab opponent fans at nearly the rate yours does. You have a freaking jail built into your stadium for a reason.

It sucks, but for gods sake keep it in perspective and don't cast stones from your glass house.

Because they obviously think they are saints.

Oh.. wait.. nvm.

Football fan stabbed in Candlestick Park attack - CBS News


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Apr 23, 2013
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I don't think I've ever seen a guy act like more of a jackass in a post-game interview than Sherman. So I find it hard to believe that Crabs or Boldin would have done the same had the outcome been different.

Sure bud, it's your right to act as classless as you want. And I'm seeing plenty of it with people supporting Sherman's actions.

Sherm might have gone a little over the top, but what do you expect when your on an emotional high fighting against your biggest rival for a spot in the Super Bowl. Boldin being a vet probably wouldn't have acted like that, but I wouldn't put it past Crabs to trash talk after the game. I bet you would have a different view of the Crabs/Sherman rivalry if it was you battling on the field.


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Sherm might have gone a little over the top, but what do you expect when your on an emotional high fighting against your biggest rival for a spot in the Super Bowl. Boldin being a vet probably wouldn't have acted like that, but I wouldn't put it past Crabs to trash talk after the game. I bet you would have a different view of the Crabs/Sherman rivalry if it was you battling on the field.

Crabtree trash talking after the game...what exactly are you basing that assumption on?

There are high emotions in many, many games. It shouldn't be an excuse to justify that kind of behavior. And what do you mean if I was battling on the field? How would that change my perception of Sherman acting like a jackass?


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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From Article on Forbes

22 Brief Thoughts About That Richard Sherman Interview

1. So the Seahawks beat the 49ers to go to the Super Bowl, and Seattle cornerback Richard Sherman made the game-saving play, and Erin Andrews interviewed him on the field immediately after the game, and he hollered like a crazy person:

2. Within seconds people on social media were calling him a fool, a thug, a classless jerk and many worse things.

3. Sherman is black, and so of course there was an undercurrent of race to some — OK, a lot — of the discussion.

4. Sherman graduated second in his class in high school and also graduated from Stanford. So not only is he not a fool, odds are he’s smarter than you and me.

5. His degree from Stanford was in communications … which might explain why, while he seemed to be hollering like a crazy person, he didn’t curse and looked into the camera the whole time.

6. In other words, he might have just been auditioning for the WWE.

7. Maybe 15 minutes later, when Sherman sat down with the Fox NFL guys, he was calm and funny.

8. If you stick a microphone in a football player’s face seconds after he made a huge play to send his team to the Super Bowl, you shouldn’t be surprised if he’s a little amped up.

9. Ninety-nine percent of on-field interviews are boring and useless. The TV networks do them anyway for the 1 percent of the time they get a moment like Richard Sherman.

10. As a reporter and writer, that raw emotion — whatever form it takes — is exactly what I hope for. That’s why media people fight for access to locker rooms. After players and coaches cool off, most of them turn into Crash Davis, reading from the book of cliches.

11. But we — the media, and fans in general — don’t know what we want. We rip athletes for giving us boring quotes. But if they say what they actually feel, we rip them for spouting off or showing a lack of class.

12. It’s like we want them to be thinking, Well, that was a fine contest, and jolly good that we won. Which NO athlete is EVER thinking.

13. As a side note: Richard Sherman also called out Skip Bayless on Bayless’ own show, which trumps pretty much anything bad that Richard Sherman has done in his life.

14. So: Did you watch the game?

15. Did you see the two most physical teams in football beat each other half to death? Did you see all the brutal hits? Did you see all the players who couldn’t get up after the play? Did you see all those guys who had to be helped off the field?

16. Did you see NaVorro Bowman, the stud linebacker for the 49ers, wreck his knee when a Seattle player fell on it? I’m not sure how you could’ve missed it — Fox must have shown the replay 20 times.

17. (I understand that it was a big play — Bowman recovered a fumble at the goal line, although the refs called it the other way. It deserved another look. But still: Can’t you crop out Bowman’s crumpled knee, or put a black bar over it, or something? After one or two replays, isn’t it just injury ****?)

18. Anyway: That was the kind of game it was. Rough and angry and so violent that at times it was hard to watch.

19. This, of course, is part of the attraction of football. And part of the reason so many players leave the sport crippled and concussed.

20. Richard Sherman made the big play Sunday. His team is going to the Super Bowl.

21. More important, he survived the carnage.

22. It seems to me that the only proper response to surviving something like that is to holler like a crazy person.
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Apr 23, 2013
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Crabtree trash talking after the game...what exactly are you basing that assumption on?

There are high emotions in many, many games. It shouldn't be an excuse to justify that kind of behavior. And what do you mean if I was battling on the field? How would that change my perception of Sherman acting like a jackass?

Let me word this better...If the Niners won, I wouldn't put it past crabs to trash talk about Sherman. Sherman's behavior is from 60 minutes of grind it out football against his rival that disrespected him. Now, if you want to judge Sherman, you better also judge your own QB's behavior on his TD run last week.