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Lebron is a fraud

True Lakers Fan

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Apr 16, 2013
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Guess Flauge and bks proved you wrong there. Also, I'm no Heat apologist. I just know bullshit when I read it and hear it and what Lebron has been spewing is bullshit.

But hey, congrats on being a Lebron apologist.

How did my name get pulled into this argument anyway:noidea:

At any rate, I am kind of hanging around the middle. I don't think most people realize how emotional the players get after a loss. It takes a few weeks to think about it and evaluate what you want to do. I have always been a fast thinking and fast at making decisions, but I respect that some people wants to take time to think about a decision, hear different options and then decide. I don't see anything wrong with that. I think it's bs that they are claiming Lebron waited on purpose to keep the Heat from signing Carmello. New York had him as good as sealed when they hired Phil Jackson and gave Phil complete control. He wasn't going anywhere. There is only one difference between this decision and THE DECISION four years ago. The publicity, drum rolls and news conference. For those that was okay with THE DECISION, shouldn't be complaining because they knew what he was when he came to the Heat and as I said before. I thought how he handled it the first time was wrong, but he did nothing wrong when deciding to leave and I don't see how he could have handled it better this time. :noidea:

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Hey - not to change the subject(which we should do), The paramedics were called t Sterling's house because the wife thought he might be in danger. When they arrived, however Sterling was doing good and having a good time with Stiviano. LMAO


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Apr 18, 2013
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If LeBron knew he was going back to Cleveland a long time before he announced it, then why was he so excited about the Heat drafting Shabazz Napier?

“My favorite player in the draft!” James tweeted in reference to Napier.

James has opted out of the last two years of his Heat contract and will become a free agent next week, but he’s clearly a fan of Napier’s game. During Connecticut’s run to the NCAA title this spring, James tweeted, “No way u take another PG in the lottery before Napier.”

LeBron James Thrilled With Heat Drafting Shabazz Napier « CBS Miami

The draft was late June. If James already knew he was leaving, then why would he give a shit who the Heat drafted??


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Apr 18, 2013
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Chris Sheridan knew the Sunday before he signed that it was a stone cold lock but the Cavs did not? Please. Lebron wasted Pat's time by having that BS meeting just to keep Miami holding out that he signs back so they wouldn't be able to go after Melo.

He did not want Miami to still have a title contender and he knew if they replaced him with Melo and signed a few role players, they would be right up there with a great chance to win the East.
Maybe if Arison did that before last season, James might still be there. But he didn't want to spend the money.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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How did my name get pulled into this argument anyway:noidea:

At any rate, I am kind of hanging around the middle. I don't think most people realize how emotional the players get after a loss. It takes a few weeks to think about it and evaluate what you want to do. I have always been a fast thinking and fast at making decisions, but I respect that some people wants to take time to think about a decision, hear different options and then decide. I don't see anything wrong with that. I think it's bs that they are claiming Lebron waited on purpose to keep the Heat from signing Carmello. New York had him as good as sealed when they hired Phil Jackson and gave Phil complete control. He wasn't going anywhere. There is only one difference between this decision and THE DECISION four years ago. The publicity, drum rolls and news conference. For those that was okay with THE DECISION, shouldn't be complaining because they knew what he was when he came to the Heat and as I said before. I thought how he handled it the first time was wrong, but he did nothing wrong when deciding to leave and I don't see how he could have handled it better this time. :noidea:

I disagree with the bolded. Here's why: You can make a case that he actually handled it worse this time. While I believe that he had his decision made considerably earlier than he announced it last time. I think that he was more legitimately listening to other teams offers. The reason I think that is because at that time he didn't know for sure that "the big 3" could actually happen. It hadn't been done before. So, in that instance, I think he legitimately listened to other teams in case the Heat thing couldn't be done.

This time, he knew it could be done and Riley had shown him how. I believe that he knew very shortly after the finals ended that he was gone. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if at some point down the road we learn that he went into the playoffs thinking "If we don't win the title, I'm gone."

He had the secret spy vs. spy meeting with Dan Gilbert. He had Riley flying across the country to meet with him while the moving vans were at his house in Miami. He had Mitch Kupchak and a couple of other GM's fly in to Cleveland after he met with Riley. Pau Gasol and Mike Miller knew what his intentions were before Bosh and Wade did. "His letter" was apparently already written at least a few days before he met with Riley, etc. I believe that the meeting with Riley and other GM's were done simply to give the appearance that he was "struggling" with his decision.

It's his free agency and it's his right to handle it how he wants to. But that doesn't mean he handled it well and/or should be free from criticism.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Hey - not to change the subject(which we should do), The paramedics were called t Sterling's house because the wife thought he might be in danger. When they arrived, however Sterling was doing good and having a good time with Stiviano. LMAO

The gift that keeps on giving.:lol:


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Apr 16, 2013
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Who was out there to sign? Also most of Miami roster had contract expiring in 2014. Everyone knew that no matter the result of the finals that the roster would look drastically different for the 2014-15 season. Also as an owner why would you really want to change the roster much that just won 66 games? Doesn't make any sense. Miami surrounded LeBron with good role players believe it or not.

You had the defenders in cole, battier, bird, and udonis. You had the shooters in ray, battier, rio, and jones. You had the energy guys in bird & cole.

Miami roster was fine. Seriously how much help does one need? Does he want an all star at every position on the roster? If that's the case he is in the wrong sport and should go and find out if he can play for real madrid or Barcelona futbol team. This is the nba you can't expect to have an all star at every position. If the Miami front office was so bad in surrounding james with role players, why would Cleveland try to follow that exact formula by acquiring the same exact role players?


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Apr 16, 2013
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Arison had granger, mcbob, morrow, & gasol all coming to Miami this summer to help out the big 3 had LeBron resigned. Arison hands were tied the previous 4 seasons and all they did was win 2 of 4 titles and probably win 3 of 4 if LeBron doesn't fold like a cheap tent in the mavs series


Nov 11, 2013
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It's his free agency and it's his right to handle it how he wants to. But that doesn't mean he handled it well and/or should be free from criticism.

I agree with this. I have no problem with people calling it how they see it, and I'm just calling it how I see it.
And I think there's a lot of reaching and assuming going on.

The word "proven" has been used extremely liberally in this thread. The opinion that LeBron's decision was completely made weeks before the announcement is far from "proven".

If you were facing a big career change opportunity... you could be 95% sure that you're gonna take it. You could tell close friends and family that its likely. You would, or course, have face-to-face meetings with the prospective employer to talk about the possibility. But you aren't going to lock yourself into that avenue by telling your current employer or by letting your intentions become public knowledge... until you are 100% sure and committed.

LeBron is hardly the first person in the world, or the first athlete, or the first NBA player to take their time with a career changing decision at the expense of other prospective employers and/or employees.

What about all the other NBA free agents this season that took more than a few days to make up their mind? Were they not also sitting on their already-made decisions in order to garner more attention, soak up a little spotlight, and screw over whichever team they would ultimately disappoint? Just LeBron?


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Apr 18, 2013
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Who was out there to sign? Also most of Miami roster had contract expiring in 2014. Everyone knew that no matter the result of the finals that the roster would look drastically different for the 2014-15 season. Also as an owner why would you really want to change the roster much that just won 66 games? Doesn't make any sense. Miami surrounded LeBron with good role players believe it or not.

You had the defenders in cole, battier, bird, and udonis. You had the shooters in ray, battier, rio, and jones. You had the energy guys in bird & cole.

Miami roster was fine. Seriously how much help does one need? Does he want an all star at every position on the roster? If that's the case he is in the wrong sport and should go and find out if he can play for real madrid or Barcelona futbol team. This is the nba you can't expect to have an all star at every position. If the Miami front office was so bad in surrounding james with role players, why would Cleveland try to follow that exact formula by acquiring the same exact role players?
If Miami's roster was fine, then LeBron wouldn't have led the team in points, rebounds, assists and steals in each of the last 3 postseasons, would he?

James Jones didn't play enough to even make a difference. He avg. 8mpg and avg 3.5ppg during the playoffs. Battier.....35yr old, Battier started 56 of the 73 games he appeared in. Clearly not the defender he once was and avg 20mpg and 4ppg in the playoffs. They needed to get fresher / younger legs

They amnestied Mike Miller but didn't bring anyone else in except for Greg Oden who did nothing. Just because you win B2B titles doesn't mean you can't try to upgrade your aging role players.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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I agree with this. I have no problem with people calling it how they see it, and I'm just calling it how I see it.
And I think there's a lot of reaching and assuming going on.

The word "proven" has been used extremely liberally in this thread. The opinion that LeBron's decision was completely made weeks before the announcement is far from "proven".

If you were facing a big career change opportunity... you could be 95% sure that you're gonna take it. You could tell close friends and family that its likely. You would, or course, have face-to-face meetings with the prospective employer to talk about the possibility. But you aren't going to lock yourself into that avenue by telling your current employer or by letting your intentions become public knowledge... until you are 100% sure and committed.

LeBron is hardly the first person in the world, or the first athlete, or the first NBA player to take their time with a career changing decision at the expense of other prospective employers and/or employees.

What about all the other NBA free agents this season that took more than a few days to make up their mind? Were they not also sitting on their already-made decisions in order to garner more attention, soak up a little spotlight, and screw over whichever team they would ultimately disappoint? Just LeBron?

Who do you think those other FA's were waiting on? Who do you think several teams with cap space were waiting on? When a player like Lebron hits free agency, he sets the pace because teams can't/won't make moves until they know what he's going to do and what salary he's going to demand. This puts free agency for pretty much everyone else, in limbo.

The worst thing that could happen to those teams would have been for Lebron to say: "I really considered going there, but they used up their cap space".


Commerce Comet
Jun 27, 2014
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We talked you up!!!

Celtics Rule!

Yankees rule!

Colts Rule!

I miss you!

My break is over. So, I'll send you a email when I can!

Cool..........I don't post very much anymore..


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Apr 18, 2013
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Arison had granger, mcbob, morrow, & gasol all coming to Miami this summer to help out the big 3 had LeBron resigned. Arison hands were tied the previous 4 seasons and all they did was win 2 of 4 titles and probably win 3 of 4 if LeBron doesn't fold like a cheap tent in the mavs series
Granger had another knee surgery over the summer and has only played 46 games the last 2 seasons due to injury. He can't be counted on. There's a reason why Indiana got rid of him.

Mcbob is a journeyman who played in more games last season than the 2 previous seasons combined. He won;t even be ready to start he season due to toe surgery.

So just because Lebatard said Gasol was going to sign, that means it's fact? :rollseyes:

Besides.....no chance whatsoever that Miami brings those 4 players in if James had signed. Cap space wouldn't allow it.

James folded like a cheap tent because he let your boy Wade have one last hurrah in the Finals. Good thing he handed the team over to LeBron the following year or they would have went 0-4 in the Finals.

btw....it hasn't been the "Big 3" since 2012-13. Wade had to miss games on purpose because he was fat and out of shape all while watching LeBron carry the team to HCA for the playoffs...."big 2 and a half"


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Apr 16, 2013
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Thanks for showing how stupid you are if you honestly think that's the reason wade missed games. Proves you know nothing and is not worth mu energy to debate


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If Miami's roster was fine, then LeBron wouldn't have led the team in points, rebounds, assists and steals in each of the last 3 postseasons, would he?

James Jones didn't play enough to even make a difference. He avg. 8mpg and avg 3.5ppg during the playoffs. Battier.....35yr old, Battier started 56 of the 73 games he appeared in. Clearly not the defender he once was and avg 20mpg and 4ppg in the playoffs. They needed to get fresher / younger legs

They amnestied Mike Miller but didn't bring anyone else in except for Greg Oden who did nothing. Just because you win B2B titles doesn't mean you can't try to upgrade your aging role players.

LeBron is going to lead the cavs in points, assist, and steals....

You don't think miami knew they had to get younger? I don't get what is so hard to understand. Nobody was trading for those guys so we had to deal with it and wait until this year to improve in that aspect. You make it seem as if LeBron did not know this when he signed.

How was Miami upgrading? I'm really confident you know nothing about the nba. They had no money to sign any pieces worth a damn. Who were they trade pieces? Chalmers or cole? I would love to know how you can upgrade when you have no money, no trade pieces, or no 1st round picks. Stop talking garbage. As I said before LeBron expects an all star at all 15 roster spots.....he needs to play soccer. Our roster was it was. Really nothing they could have done except make low risk/high reward type moves which is what Beasley & oden were. They can't help it if players choose to opt in with their player option