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Lebron and Phil Jackson

Taddy Mason

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In the old west in the United States, the word posse was commonly used in reference to when a sheriff or a US Marshall would get a group of men in the town, deputize them and ask them to assist him in chasing down a criminal running from the law. In more modern times, It was posse that gathered information on Bonnie and Clyde, the notorious criminals in the 20's and waited for them to visit some relatives and shot them down. A posse in the old west was the only way they could handle law and order sometimes, in many cases the it could be a gang chasing down an innocent person and they had no qualms at hanging the man without a trial.

I haven't read the comments, but Phil Jackson has been known for using words and statements to garner attention from the referees for what he sees as an injustice and also to get into the minds of his opponents and mess them up mentally, so it is most likely intended as an insult intended to get everyone's attention on Lebron and his team and put a label on them that won't draw the ire of the NBA office and draw a fine, but point out that he believes the Cavaliers are getting special treatment and being allowed to be bullies

Moving past Bonnie and Clyde to more modern times, a posse is used to describe a group of people that don't understand how magnets work.

True Lakers Fan

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Moving past Bonnie and Clyde to more modern times, a posse is used to describe a group of people that don't understand how magnets work.
I doubt that's how Phil meant it - He usually has hidden meanings for his comments and it would a highly inaccurate statement for some one of his caliber to say. The Cavaliers just won a championship, so they know how how magnets work(I assume you're saying this figuratively speaking)

Taddy Mason

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I doubt that's how Phil meant it - He usually has hidden meanings for his comments and it would a highly inaccurate statement for some one of his caliber to say. The Cavaliers just won a championship, so they know how how magnets work(I assume you're saying this figuratively speaking)



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The word "posse" is in no way racial and Phil Jackson certainly didn't mean it that way. Here's what's going on here:

-Phil Jackson took a random and unnecessary shot a Lebron and his crew/posse/friends/business partners about how demanding they are, almost diva like in their demands. The example he used was stupid but its not like stories about this subject didn't exist. A prime reason Lebron is not with the Heat is because Riley would not let the "Corporation of Lebron" run the Heat (they run the Cavs now). Before that, lots of stories leaked out about how diva-ish his posse was in the 1st Cleveland run, likely from Dan Gilbert himself who spilt all the tea when Lebron stood him up.

-Lebron and Co see the comments and it cuts close to the bone. While they've built up a successful business that's to be commended, they've got a lingering bad reputation they are trying to suppress. So now they gotta change the narrative.

-How to change the narrative? Racism. Single out the word "posse" and make a big stink about it. A HUGE STINK. Now the story is all about Phil and directed away from the behavior Phil was talking about.

That's what this is. Phil's no saint in this. For one, he needs to STFU and worry about his own sorryass team. And he was absolutely taking a shot at Lebron and being condescending. But in no way is this racial. You're deluding yourself if you think it is.
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Phil probably meant to say pussies, Not posse.

Black Adam

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I wish. I'm too friggin exhausted. Mrs Redfoot had our third child last Thursday. I'm forty years old. I don't remember it being this difficult eight years ago.

congrats to you and the Mrs, Slinkdaddy...!

hehehe, guess the T.V. at your house stopped workin', huh...?:lol:


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I think Phil was just bored and wanted to deflect from the terrible job he has done with the Knicks. Probably more than a little jealousy there that his Knicks pretty much suck and LeBron leads such a great team in Cleveland.

That- and at least some of LeBron's "associates" have done some really great things. Maverick Carter has been huge in all his Nike dealings, his entertainment stuff (Trainwreck, Survivor's remorse- more shows that CBS is currently picking up)---- how they made a TON of money when Beats was bought (like 30 million). Decisions like instead of advertising for a pizza company like Dominos or Papa Johns and taking a paid rate- taking an equity stake in Pizza Fire and trying to build them up to make real real dollars. Rich Paul started the agency from very little and now has clients like Ben Simmons, Eric Bledsoe, etc......i think LeBron was just trying to make the point that this isnt like Stephon MArbury and a bunch of hangers-on that would only be qualified to be sanitation engineers if they werent friends with him.


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lol yeah, LeCrown and his crew(I CAN say crew, right?) got a li'l sand in their vags and look what happens...:heh:

Did you just apply a negative connotation that disparages actual crew members that are of a female gender? That women are more emotional than men?!?!?!?! What's up bro!?!?! I'm PC!


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The word "posse" is in no way racial and Phil Jackson certainly didn't mean it that way. Here's what's going on here:

-Phil Jackson took a random and unnecessary shot a Lebron and his crew/posse/friends/business partners about how demanding they are, almost diva like in their demands. The example he used was stupid but its not like stories about this subject didn't exist. A prime reason Lebron is not with the Heat is because Riley would not let the "Corporation of Lebron" run the Heat (they run the Cavs now). Before that, lots of stories leaked out about how diva-ish his posse was in the 1st Cleveland run, likely from Dan Gilbert himself who spilt all the tea when Lebron stood him up.

-Lebron and Co see the comments and it cuts close to the bone. While they've built up a successful business that's to be commended, they've got a lingering bad reputation they are trying to suppress. So now they gotta change the narrative.

-How to change the narrative? Racism. Single out the word "posse" and make a big stink about it. A HUGE STINK. Now the story is all about Phil and directed away from the behavior Phil was talking about.

That's what this is. Phil's no saint in this. For one, he needs to STFU and worry about his own sorryass team. And he was absolutely taking a shot at Lebron and being condescending. But in no way is this racial. You're deluding yourself if you think it is.

This right here. How in the hell does someone get offended by the term posse? In all of my days I've heard the word used, I've never seen it used in a negative or derogative manner. It's all bullshit.


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I think Phil was just bored and wanted to deflect from the terrible job he has done with the Knicks. Probably more than a little jealousy there that his Knicks pretty much suck and LeBron leads such a great team in Cleveland.

That- and at least some of LeBron's "associates" have done some really great things. Maverick Carter has been huge in all his Nike dealings, his entertainment stuff (Trainwreck, Survivor's remorse- more shows that CBS is currently picking up)---- how they made a TON of money when Beats was bought (like 30 million). Decisions like instead of advertising for a pizza company like Dominos or Papa Johns and taking a paid rate- taking an equity stake in Pizza Fire and trying to build them up to make real real dollars. Rich Paul started the agency from very little and now has clients like Ben Simmons, Eric Bledsoe, etc......i think LeBron was just trying to make the point that this isnt like Stephon MArbury and a bunch of hangers-on that would only be qualified to be sanitation engineers if they werent friends with him.

One of the definition of posse:

a group of people who have a common characteristic, occupation, or purpose.
"he pompously led around a posse of medical students"

Lebron chose to take it as a negative meaning here. That's his problem. Phil did nothing wrong, and he was interviewed which is how this came up. And yes, for all of the good that Carter and Paul are doing, they still have leeches in that cirlce such as others who hold bull shit positions in the Cavs organization - which when Lebron retires, they'll likely not hold those positions - although if Lebron buys a team than that can be different.


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congrats to you and the Mrs, Slinkdaddy...!

hehehe, guess the T.V. at your house stopped workin', huh...?:lol:

Ha! The TV line is the same bit my father-in-law uses...

I'm pretty sure we're done now, but I'm nervous to get snipped.

Thanks for the congrats, buddy.

Black Adam

Cowards WILL BE cowards..
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Ha! The TV line is the same bit my father-in-law uses...

I'm pretty sure we're done now, but I'm nervous to get snipped.

Thanks for the congrats, buddy.

lol that's funny, man. I tell ya, as soon mrs CL pushed our daughter out she opted to get her tubes tied and that was done an hour later...

way we figured it we had one boy, one girl, so what else could we have...?:heh:

but I AM with ya on the matter of sharp objects around my junk...:dhd:


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lol that's funny, man. I tell ya, as soon mrs CL pushed our daughter out she opted to get her tubes tied and that was done an hour later...

way we figured it we had one boy, one girl, so what else could we have...?:heh:

Makes sense. We were where you were, but we blew through the stop sign. My oldest is a boy, we had a girl, and just had a second girl.

Mrs Redfoot had a C-section and asked her surgeon if she should get her tubes tied while he was in there and he told her it's safer and more effective if I get snipped. I think the fucker just didn't want to do it.

He's also a Michigan fan, so maybe it was his way of fucking with me. Oh well, when I saw him Monday morning, I asked him, "so, how was your weekend?" with a bit shit eating grin on my face.

Fuck Michigan.


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Back on topic, I was listening to Mike and Mike this AM and I will say this; it seems to me that there might have been a negative connotation in the way Jackson used the word posse, and I don't blame LeBron for being defensive about it. However, I do not think it was, in any way, racially charged and I think LeBron looks like a dumb pussy for bringing that into it.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
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Back on topic, I was listening to Mike and Mike this AM and I will say this; it seems to me that there might have been a negative connotation in the way Jackson used the word posse, and I don't blame LeBron for being defensive about it. However, I do not think it was, in any way, racially charged and I think LeBron looks like a dumb pussy for bringing that into it.

Here's the thing with Phil. The man has an unbelievably enormous ego. I've seen where people have said his ego literally sucks the air out any room he's in. Part of his success with star players is because he can actually "out-ego" them. His ego also makes him incredibly condescending to literally everyone.

His ego and condescending attitude are why, despite all of the success and winning, things tend to end badly with him wherever he goes.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
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Is there no end to this crybaby nonsense? Yeah Lebron you need special treatment and wanted to hang around Cleveland 1 extra night with your posse.

Stop crying and playing the racist card
