Rock Strongo
My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
I really don't have the patience to hold the hand of someone who has an account old enough to already be expected to know the difference between a team board and the general board. It's not about what YOU think people should be able to handle, it's about WHERE your shit is actually tolerated. This isn't the place.
Team boards are troll free. Don't like it? Don't give a fuck. You can say what you like on the general board or on the thread up here meant to give your BS voice, the smack talk thread.
Allowing full on trolling ALWAYS derails topics. Team pages are the one place where that is kept as low as possible so there is at least one place where people can go to have a real conversation that doesn't automatically get hijacked.
If you can't tell the difference between protecting that and people actually being hurt by your words then you probably don't belong on this site.
had a nice chat with hammer last night.
im also not asking you to hold my hand, that would be a lil gay...
incase you didnt notice, oh holier than thou mod...they kinda trolled me first.
pick your battles correctly.