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Jerry Jones Get's Called Out


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I am not asking if they can fire a player, we know that already, that is not the question that everyone wants to answer. They cut players lose all the time.

Can the NFL suppress a players constitutional rights? Yes or No.

Yes. The NFL is not the govt.


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I guess, it's been explained a few times and maybe I am arguing semantics just not sure I agree with what I've read. As I stated I get it they have a means to say hey F You you are gone, I'm just not sure there may not be a legal battle behind it.
Teams and owners deal with that dilemma all the time. You can have all the team rules you want, but when your top star challenges them that is when you find out if they are worth the paper they were written on.

the only legal battle would be if the player is cut and the team tries not to pay them, without having some sort of out clause in their contract. But if you cut the player and pay all due money, not much the player can do about it.


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Okay are you just babbling or is this a fact? Does a company have the rights to suppress one's constitutional rights?

As for firing guys, especially as it relates to the NFL. LMAO we all know that won't happen. The NFL has supported wife beaters, murderers, criminals, drug addicts, alcoholics etc, their moral compass does not work when it comes to the bottom line, money!

No Constitutional Freedom of Speech in the Private Sector

Employees in the public sector – who work for governmental entities – have First Amendment rights in the workplace, subject to certain restrictions. The case law that has developed over time regarding First Amendment rights in the workplace has come from the public sector, as the government is directly affecting employees in public sector cases. Private citizens do not enjoy the same protections.

Other Freedom of Speech Issues in the Private Sector

Employees who work in the private-sector do not, as a rule, have First Amendment protection for their speech in the workplace.

Freedom Of Speech In The Workplace: The First Amendment Revisited - FindLaw


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Teams and owners deal with that dilemma all the time. You can have all the team rules you want, but when your top star challenges them that is when you find out if they are worth the paper they were written on.

the only legal battle would be if the player is cut and the team tries not to pay them, without having some sort of out clause in their contract. But if you cut the player and pay all due money, not much the player can do about it.
True and that is a chance a team takes.
For all intent and purpose a team could fire a guy, pay the dude who could then sign with another team. What a nightmare this becomes.

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We seem to be experiencing some thread drift here:

let's refocus on what a doosh Jerry Jones is


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I don't see how the NFL can pick a stance less it be players are allowed to take a knee. It seems to me, and I am not a lawyer, but it seems to me Freedom Of Speech may be an issue here.
So you're not only a bigot, but you're a retard too. Well done.

The players are free to work at mcdonalds...

...where they also won't be allowed to just take a knee when on the job.


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Jones is Jones of course and a colorful figure, don't know if I'd call him a bigot though.


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The Derski

No Fat Chicks
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Jerry reminds me of the sith lord Palpatine.


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So you're not only a bigot, but you're a retard too. Well done.

The players are free to work at mcdonalds...

...where they also won't be allowed to just take a knee when on the job.

LMAO Really dud that's the only attack you could come up with, you went all the way back to the 4th grade for that one.


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No offense but how is this complicated? The NFL is an organization that writes guidelines. Franchises agree to those terms by contract. IF the NFL does not have any language baring franchises from dictating freedom of speech or expression then yes, the Dallas Cowboys have every right to set their own company rules. So if Jones says they have to stand for the Anthem, they have to. Doesn't mean they don't have rights by the NFL to sit out, because I'm sure they do BUT if they want to be in the uniform and represent the Dallas Cowboys, they will be obligated by contract, which they signed, to stand for the National Anthem every single Sunday, Monday or Thursday.


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No offense but how is this complicated? The NFL is an organization that writes guidelines. Franchises agree to those terms by contract. IF the NFL does not have any language baring franchises from dictating freedom of speech or expression then yes, the Dallas Cowboys have every right to set their own company rules. So if Jones says they have to stand for the Anthem, they have to. Doesn't mean they don't have rights by the NFL to sit out, because I'm sure they do BUT if they want to be in the uniform and represent the Dallas Cowboys, they will be obligated by contract, which they signed, to stand for the National Anthem every single Sunday, Monday or Thursday.

This makes sense and certainly lets the league off the hook. " Hey guys we want to stay clear of this balls in your court, good luck" I guess that's the leagues approach. And it would make sense the teams could write their own policy on this although I still feel it would be challenged. I guess in the end this is exactly why the league balked. Wasn't it about 4 months ago they were all about it, now they are sort of throwing teams under the bus?

This sure has turned into a mess.

Niner Outlaw

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Nov 5, 2014
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I am not asking if they can fire a player, we know that already, that is not the question that everyone wants to answer. They cut players lose all the time.

Can the NFL suppress a players constitutional rights? Yes or No.
As others have pointed out, the answser is yes. Your employer can't physically stop you from kneeling for the anthem or speaking out about the evils of affirmative action, straws, or eagles fans, but your employer can certainly discipline (warn, fine, suspend) or fire you for it.

No, what you said is the could fire them we know that, but that is when the legal battle would begin and there would be a legal battle, one I can't see the NFL winning.
The legal question in that lawsuit would be about whether the owner's discipline of the player violated the CBA--not whether it violated the player's free speech rights.

Well I guess most agree the owner have a means to prevent the kneeling of players, I wonder if they have the backbone to do it. A separate question I know, but I hope some high profile players, especially on the Cowboy's have to sack to challenge them. Again separate issue.
It would take some high-profile players to do it. Practically daring ownership to suspend them. It could get out of hand quickly after that.

This is what the NFL gets for trying to please everyone. They should've sacked up and picked a side. Either insist that all players stand, that all players stay in the tunnel or lockerroom during the anthem, or let them all kneel if they want to.


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This makes sense and certainly lets the league off the hook. " Hey guys we want to stay clear of this balls in your court, good luck" I guess that's the leagues approach. And it would make sense the teams could write their own policy on this although I still feel it would be challenged. I guess in the end this is exactly why the league balked. Wasn't it about 4 months ago they were all about it, now they are sort of throwing teams under the bus?

This sure has turned into a mess.

I think you're absolutely right. I would imagine with sports entertainment being pro athletes on this conversation, the NFL would much rather stay out of it and let the players and franchises duke it out rather than piss off certain owners and or players.


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Also, I wouldnt be surprised if in the near future, the next time they re-visit the bargaining agreement, the players will probably demand additional language allowing them to express themselves politically on the field.


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As others have pointed out, the answser is yes. Your employer can't physically stop you from kneeling for the anthem or speaking out about the evils of affirmative action, straws, or eagles fans, but your employer can certainly discipline (warn, fine, suspend) or fire you for it.

The legal question in that lawsuit would be about whether the owner's discipline of the player violated the CBA--not whether it violated the player's free speech rights.

It would take some high-profile players to do it. Practically daring ownership to suspend them. It could get out of hand quickly after that.

This is what the NFL gets for trying to please everyone. They should've sacked up and picked a side. Either insist that all players stand, that all players stay in the tunnel or lockerroom during the anthem, or let them all kneel if they want to.
Thank you.


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Also, I wouldnt be surprised if in the near future, the next time they re-visit the bargaining agreement, the players will probably demand additional language allowing them to express themselves politically on the field.
I agree this is going to be an issue. Hope Keeanu Reaves kept in shape.