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Jay Cutler


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Jul 13, 2013
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To be honest, I don't even remember how this conversation started. The point of this thread is that Cutler is maturing greatly in Chicago and having his best season under Fox/Gase. The past doesn't matter anymore. I'm very happy that we have Osweiler, but I will continue to root for Cutler to do well. UNLESS he's facing the Broncos.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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Yes, I know. I never said that Elway liked Cutler's personality. Just that he would have done everything he could to keep Cutler because of his talent.
You literally said "Elway liked Cutler." That implies that Elway knew him personally and liked him, and that's not true. It's disingenuous at best and flat out deceitful at worst.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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To be honest, I don't even remember how this conversation started. The point of this thread is that Cutler is maturing greatly in Chicago and having his best season under Fox/Gase. The past doesn't matter anymore. I'm very happy that we have Osweiler, but I will continue to root for Cutler to do well. UNLESS he's facing the Broncos.
I'll help you, you started it with this nonsense post.

That trade happened because Josh McDaniels had just become the coach and didn't want to work with Cutler. He berated Cutler in their very first meeting, according to Ted Sundquist. Shanahan loved Cutler, and John Elway said that Cutler never would have been traded had he been in charge back then. The big question is why was McDaniels so against the idea of working with Cutler. But of course McDaniels was a complete failure as a head coach, and now admits that not building relationships with people was the reason why he failed. He says he will go in with a whole new attitude if he gets the chance to become a head coach again.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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Cutler is a poor man's Brett Favre.


What Me Worry?
Jun 25, 2014
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To be honest, I don't even remember how this conversation started. The point of this thread is that Cutler is maturing greatly in Chicago and having his best season under Fox/Gase. The past doesn't matter anymore. I'm very happy that we have Osweiler, but I will continue to root for Cutler to do well. UNLESS he's facing the Broncos.
I agree that Cutler has matured but he still is an average QB.


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I'll help you, you started it with this nonsense post.
Uh, no. I was responding to someone else who brought up Cutler and Denver. I didn't start the Cutler/Denver conversation, but if someone brings it up then I'll respond.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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Uh, no. I was responding to someone else who ASKED about Cutler and Denver. I didn't start the Cutler/Denver conversation, but if someone asks then I'll respond.
No one asked, someone just posted that their was probably a reason that the Broncos traded him for Orton, and you interjected with your biased, defend Cutler at all costs posts.


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I honestly am not even slightly bothered anymore by the fact that Cutler is not in Denver. We have Osweiler and I believe he will have a better career than Cutler. I'm excited! And Cutler being on another team gives me a 2nd team to root for. It's all working out very well in my opinion! So there's no use going on and on. I'm not the same person that I was back on the ESPN boards. I do not engage in insults and fight with other posters anymore. It just isn't worth it. If certain people can't stand me because they think I go too far in defending Cutler, that's FINE. Since people still question why Cutler was traded and give him much of the blame, I just wanted to provide some comments from Sundquist and Elway that are evidence in Cutler's favor. That's all. It's not that big of a deal. We should move on to the purpose of this thread. We'll see if Cutler continues to blossom under Fox/Gase.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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I honestly am not even slightly bothered anymore by the fact that Cutler is not in Denver. We have Osweiler and I believe he will have a better career than Cutler. I'm excited! And Cutler being on another team gives me a 2nd team to root for. It's all working out very well in my opinion! So there's no use going on and on. I'm not the same person that I was back on the ESPN boards. I do not engage in insults and fight with other posters anymore. It just isn't worth it. If certain people can't stand me because they think I go too far in defending Cutler, that's FINE. Since people still question why Cutler was traded and give him much of the blame, I just wanted to provide some comments from Sundquist and Elway that are evidence in Cutler's favor. That's all. It's not that big of a deal. We should move on to the purpose of this thread. We'll see if Cutler continues to blossom under Fox/Gase.
You just want to paint your slanted, one sided picture absolving poor baby Jay of blame.

It's fine that you love Cutler. I mean, I think it's a little weird considering his actions, but hey, whatever man. But to me, anyone that would disrespect Pat Bowlen and Broncos fans the way he did will forever have my scorn.


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
Apr 17, 2013
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an 11 yr veteran is finally "maturing"

good to know


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You can worship Cutler all you want. To me he'll always be the clown that quit on the Broncos, disrespected Pat Bowlen, and trashed Broncos fans. I'll always root for him to fail.
That certainly is not what happened......just be thankful both McDaniels and Tebow are gone


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Jul 17, 2013
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That certainly is not what happened......just be thankful both McDaniels and Tebow are gone
It is exactly what happened. Pretty sure Bronco fans know a bit more about what happened in that situation.


Troll Boy Extraordinaire
May 1, 2013
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That certainly is not what happened......just be thankful both McDaniels and Tebow are gone
Actually that's exactly what happened, and I am thankful that McDaniels, Tebow, and Baby Jay are gone.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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How about this stat. Jay Cutler is the only starting QB in the NFL that hasn't had a multiple INT game all season! What a transformation. He's had a terrific season, and he's done it with a decimated receiving corps. With this very intelligent play, Cutler has cemented himself as John Fox's QB for the next few years. It's too bad Chicago's offense was hit so hard by injuries this season, but the Bears are making solid progress under Fox. I expect them to be a playoff team next season.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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How about this stat. Jay Cutler is the only starting QB in the NFL that hasn't had a multiple INT game all season! What a transformation. He's had a terrific season, and he's done it with a decimated receiving corps. With this very intelligent play, Cutler has cemented himself as John Fox's QB for the next few years. It's too bad Chicago's offense was hit so hard by injuries this season, but the Bears are making solid progress under Fox. I expect them to be a playoff team next season.

His best season as a pro (as you stated) isn't even that good compared to other QB's in the league this year... Just sayin... For example, he ranks 19th in TD passes...


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His best season as a pro (as you stated) isn't even that good compared to other QB's in the league this year... Just sayin... For example, he ranks 19th in TD passes...

Remember that Cutler has had to deal with a decimated receiver group this season. Jeffery/Royal/Bennett have missed significant time and have been limited when they have played due to nagging injuries. So it's tough for a QB to put up truly BIG numbers in a situation like that.

But Cutler's numbers are still very good. Most would agree that 92.8 is a VERY good passer rating. Most years 92.8 will easily get a QB into the top 10 in the passer ratings. However this year the level of QB play across the league has been very high. Much higher than normal. The average passer rating among starting QBs this season is 90.9. It's exceptional that the average is that high. Cutler's rating is 92.8. So even though the average passer rating is very high this season, Cutler's rating is still above the average. So unlike what you claim, Cutler's numbers do compare very well to other QBs in the league. A 92.8 rating is an excellent season.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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Remember that Cutler has had to deal with a decimated receiver group this season. Jeffery/Royal/Bennett have missed significant time and have been limited when they have played due to nagging injuries. So it's tough for a QB to put up truly BIG numbers in a situation like that.

But Cutler's numbers are still very good. Most would agree that 92.8 is a VERY good passer rating. Most years 92.8 will easily get a QB into the top 10 in the passer ratings. However this year the level of QB play across the league has been very high. Much higher than normal. The average passer rating among starting QBs this season is 90.9. It's exceptional that the average is that high. Cutler's rating is 92.8. So even though the average passer rating is very high this season, Cutler's rating is still above the average. So unlike what you claim, Cutler's numbers do compare very well to other QBs in the league. A 92.8 rating is an excellent season.

Problem is, I've remembered Cutler for 11 years now... 92.8 rating use to be excellent... In today's modern era, it isn't anything to write home about...